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PCDA Circular 537: Enhancement of Ordinary Family Pension in respect of pre-2006 JCO/OR family pensioners

PCDA Circular 537 dated 05.02.2015: Enhancement of Ordinary Family Pension in respect of pre-2006 JCO/OR family pensioners


Circular No. 537

Dated: 05.02.2015

Subject: Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries 2012 on the issues related to Defence Services Personnel and Ex Servicemen- Enhancement of Ordinary Family Pension in respect of pre-2006 JCO/OR family pensioners.

A copy of corrigendum of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.1 (14)/2012/D (Pen/Policy) dated 25th November 2014 [click here] on the above subject is fonrwarded herewith for information and necessary action, which is self explanatory.
2. The rates of Enhanced rate of Ordinary Family Pension have already been circulated vide this office circular no 502 dated 17th January 2013. However, the provision for Enhanced rate of Ordinary Family Pension could not be reflected in Para 3 of the MoD letter No.1 (14)/2012/D (Pen/Policy) dated 17th Jan 2013 [Click here]. Therefore the same has been amended vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence corrigendum referred to in Para 1.
3. Further, some columns of GoI, MoD letter No.1 (14)/2012/D (Pen/Policy) dated 17th Jan 2013 [Click here] which need correction, addition and deletion have also been amended vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence, corrigendum mentioned above.
4. In view of the above, all Pension Disbursing Agencies are hereby authorized to review all such cases and step up the pension of the affected Pre-2006 pensioners with effect from 24.09.2012, as per these orders.
5. All other subsidiary payment instructions will remain the same as already circulated vide this office circulars quoted under reference. All nodal agencies are requested to circulate this circular to all concerned under their jurisdiction. It is also requested that all PDAs may download the same from this office website for
immediate implementation of the government orders to revise the pension w.e.f 24.09.2012.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Dated: 05.02.2015

Source: http://pcdapension.nic.in/6cpc/Circular-537.pdf

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