HomeOne Rank One Pension

Can govt get away with 80% of OROP?

Can govt get away with 80% of OROP? โ€“ Hindustan Times

What is the current position on implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP)? The governmentโ€™s bland statement, โ€œThe demand has been accepted and the modalities of its implementation are being worked outโ€ gives nothing away. Indicative of the governmentโ€™s thinking, however, is the advice given by the then defence minister Mr Jaitely to veteransโ€™ representatives in an interaction on July 16 to โ€œlower their expectationsโ€. In the same vein, his successor, Mr Parrikar, has stated his intention to โ€œimplement only 80% of OROPโ€ since โ€œ100% satisfaction is not possible in lifeโ€.

One can only imagine the consternation and frustration caused by such an insensitive, unthinking remark. Both ministersโ€™ statements are at variance with the prime ministerโ€™s proud boast at the Siachen base camp on Diwali that โ€˜One Rank One Pension has been fulfilledโ€™.

Such divergent utterances by politicians increasingly give veterans an impression that fulfilling OROP is an election promise that this government intends to break. Hints have been thrown that the government is baulking at the estimated Rs. 9,300 crore that it would take to fully implement OROP. If we go by the defence ministerโ€™s intent, implementing 80% of OROP would mean saving just Rs. 1,860 crore. Does the government intend to decry the services and sacrifices of over two million ex-servicemen and four lakh widows for this measly sum? The implementation of this righteous demand in full brooks no delay.

In a situation like this, reeking of betrayal and disappointment, there is no other course left before the ESM but to articulate their grievances before the country. The premier veteransโ€™ organisation, the Indian Ex-Servicemens Movement (IESM) is therefore restarting its agitation to realise OROP with a rally at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on February 1.

This writer, for one, intends to be there to show his solidarity with the defenders of our freedom and their just demands. Veterans have already given more than their 100% to the nation. Why should they be forced to accept just 80% of whatโ€™s due to them?

Read at: Hindustan Times

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