โWhether Seventh Central Pay Commission (7th CPC) proposes to submit any interim report?โ A top rated question moving around the Central Government Employees and Pensioners. The associations/unions are also pressing hard for interim report from 7th CPC with recommendations of merger of DA or recommendations for Interim Relief. Govt has already mentioned the provision of Interim Report as per discretion of 7th CPC in terms of reference.
In the next session of Rajya Sabha, above mentioned question is included with other important questions regarding meeting details etc. of 7th Pay Commission, which is scheduled to be answered on 25th November, 2014. This unstarred question No. 230 is asked by Member of Parliament Shri Shantaram Naik and the Ministry of Finance will submit the written answers thereon. The details of Rajya Sabha Question regarding 7th Pay Commission is mentioned below:-
List of Questions for WRITTEN ANSWERS
to be asked at a sitting of the Rajya Sabha to be held on Tuesday, November 25, 2014/Agrahayana 4, 1936 (Saka)
7th Pay Commission
230. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:
(a) the details of meetings, the 7th Pay Commission has taken so far and the items/ issues discussed till date;
(b) the States, visited, by the Commission if any till date and the States which the Commission proposes to visit;
(c) whether the Commission proposes to take the views of the State Governments as regards their pay-scales since invariably, most of the States adopt the Central Pay Commission reports;
(d) whether Commission proposes to submit any interim report;
(e) whether the Commission proposes to make any recommendations to bring in financial transparency; and
(f) if so, the details thereof?
The written answers of above said questions will be available on or after 25th November 2014.
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What about the serious proposal of raising retirement age of cg emploees to 62/65?