
Rates of existing Minimum Wages fixed for the Skilled, Semi –skilled and Un-skilled workers effective from 01.10.2014

Rates of existing Minimum Wages fixed for the Skilled, Semi –skilled and Un-skilled workers for the Central Sphere under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 effective from 01.10.2014:-

As on 01.10.2014
Name of Scheduled Employment
Category of Worker
Rates of wages including V.D.A per day (in Rs.)

Area A Area B Area C
1. Agriculture Unskilled 217 197 195
Semi-Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory 237 219 200
Skilled/Clerical 258 237 218
Highly Skilled 286 265 237
2. Workers engaged in Stone Mines for Stone Breaking and Stone Crushing 1. Excavation & removal of over burden with 50 meters lead/1.5 meters lift:
(a) Soft Soil 221.4
(b) Soft Soil with Rock 334.57
(c) Rock 443.86
2. Removal and Staking of rejected stones with 50 metres lead 1.5 metres lift 176.73
Stone breaking or Stone Crushing for the stone size
(a) 1.0 inch to 1.5 inches 1377.35
(b) Above 1.5 Inches to 3.0 Inches 1176.92
(c) Above 3.0 Inches to 5 Inches 688.13
(d) Above 5.0 Inches 565.08
3. Sweeping and Cleaning Unskilled 332 276 222
4. Watch and Ward Without Arms 367 312 259
With Arms 404 367 312
5. Loading and Unloading Unskilled 332 276 222
6. Construction Unskilled 332 276 222
Semi-Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory 367 312 259
Skilled/Clerical 404 367 312
Highly Skilled 439 404 367
7. Non-Coal Mines Above Ground Below Ground
Unskilled 222 276
Semi-Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory 276 332
Skilled/Clerical 332 386
Highly Skilled 386 439

Name of Schedulded Employment Nomenclature
1. Agriculture Agriculture
2. Workers engaged in Stone Mines for Stone Breaking and Stone Crushing Workers engaged in Stone Mines for Stone Breaking and Stone Crushing
3. Sweeping and Cleaning Employment of Sweeping and Cleaning excluding Activities prohibited under the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993
4. Watch and Ward Employment of Watch and Ward
5. Loading and Unloading Employment in Loading and Unloading in (i) Goods Sheds, Parcel Offices of Railways; (ii) Other Goodssheds, Godowns, Warehouses etc. and;  (iii) Docks and Ports
6. Construction Construction or maintenance of Roads or Runways or in Building Operations including laying down Underground Electric, Wireless, Radio, Television, Telephone, Telegraph and Overseas Communication Cables and similar other Underground Cabling Work, Electric Lines, Water Supply Lines and Sewerage Pipe Lines
7. Non-Coal Mines Employees engaged in the employment of  Gypsum, Barytes, Bauxite, Manganese, China Clay, Kyanite, Copper,Clay, Magnesite, White Clay, Stone, Steatite (including the mines producing Soap Stones and Talc), Orchre, Asbestos, Fire Clay, Chromite, Quartzite, Quartz, Silica, Graphite, Felspar, Laterite, Dolomite, Red Oxide, Wolfram, Iron Ore, Granite, Rock Phosphate, Hematite, Marble and Calcite, Uranium, Mica, Lignite, Grave, Slate and Magnetite Mines

AREA – “A”
Ahmedabad (UA) Hyderabad (UA) Faridabad complex
Bangaluru (UA) Kanpur (UA) Ghaziabad
Kolkata (UA) Lucknow (UA) Gurgaon
Delhi (UA) Chennai (UA) Noida
Greater Mumbai (UA) Nagpur (UA) Secunderabad
Navi Mumbai
AREA – “B”
Agra (UA) Jodhpur Jabalpur (UA)
Ajmer Kochi (UA) Jaipur (UA)
Aligarh Kolhapur (UA) Jalandhar (UA)
Allahabad (UA) Kozhikode (UA) Jamshedpur (UA)
Amravati Kota Puducherry (UA)
Aurangabad (UA) Ludhiana Jalandhar-cantt.
Bareilly (UA) Madurai (UA) Dhanbad (UA)
Bhavnagar Meerut (UA) Dehradun (UA)
Bikaner Moradabad (UA) Durg-Bhilai Nagar (UA)
Bhopal Mysore (UA) Jammu (UA)
Bhubaneshwar Nasik (UA) Jamnagar (UA)
Amritsar (UA) Pune (UA) Vijayawada (UA)
Chandigarh (UA) Patna (UA) Vishakhapatnam (UA)
Coimbatore (UA) Raipur (UA) Warangal
Cuttack (UA) Rajkot Mangalore (UA)
Durgapur Ranchi (UA) Salem (UA)
Gorakhpur Sholapur Tiruppur (UA)
Guwahati City Srinagar (UA) Tiruchirappalli (UA)
Guntur Surat (UA) Asansol (UA)
Gwalior (UA) Thiruvanantapuram (UA) Belgaum (UA)
Indore (UA) Vadodara (UA) Bhiwandi (UA)
Hubli-Dharwad Varanasi (UA)

Area ‘C’ will comprise all areas not mentioned in this list.
NB: U.A. stands for Urban Agglomeration.

The above statement was annexed with the answers of undermentioned Lok Sabha Question:-

ANSWERED ON 24.11.2014


158 . Naik Prof. Seetaram Ajmeera
Singh Shri Dushyant, Birla Shri Om
Will the Minister of LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT be pleased to state:-
(a)the details of minimum wages fixed for the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers in the country, State/UT-wise; 
(b)whether the Government proposes to introduce a uniform system by linking inflation index for fixing wage rates for the workers of unorganised sector throughout the country; 
(c)if so, the details thereof along with the status of families living on minimum wages and below poverty line in the country; and 
(d)the action taken by the Government in this regard so far?
(a): A statement showing the rates of existing Minimum Wages fixed for the Skilled, Semi –skilled and Un-skilled workers for the Central Sphere under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 effective from 01.10.2014 is at Annexure. 
(b) to (d): In order to protect the minimum wages against inflation, Central Government has already adopted the Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) as a component of minimum wage and which is revised twice a year taking into account the rise in the Consumer Price Indices. In the Central sphere, the minimum rates of wages are revised effective from 1st April and 1st October every year. 
The details of the status of families living on minimum wages and below poverty line are not maintained by the Ministry. 

Source: LokSabha.nic.in


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