
Up-gradation of Grade Pay from 2800 to 4200 to Laboratory Technician working in O. F Hospitals

Up-gradation of Grade Pay from 2800 to 4200 to Laboratory Technician working in O. F Hospitals.  Text of Order received by email from Shri Vikas Garg is reproduced below:

Government of India
Ministry ofDefence
Ordnance Factory Board
10 A: S. K Bose Road
KOLKATA โ€“ 700 001.

Date: 17-10-2014

The Sr. General Manager/ General Manager
Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories

Sub: Up-gradation of Grade Pay Laboratory Technician working in O. F Hospitals.

Ref: (i) MOD ID No. 50(7)/2012-D (Estt./NG) dt.15-10-2014.

The Competent Authority in the Government of India has agreed to revise the Pay Scale of the post of Lab Technicians working in the Hospitals of DGOF Organisation as under:

Present Pay Scale : PB 1 5200-20200 with G.P. 2800/-Revised Pay Scale : PB 2 9300-34800 with G.P. Rs.4200/-

The new Pay Scale will take effect from 01-01-2006.

However, the units may ensure that all those Laboratory Technicians who are to be given the higher/ revised Pay Scale strictly posess the required qualification as per SRO 88 dated 3rd August, 2005 (Relevant portion is enclosed an annexure to this letter).

Copy of Factory Order Pt. II notifying grant of revised Pay Scale to the eligible Laboratory Technicians may be forwarded to OF B for information and record.

(Dr. Rotash Kanwar)
For Director General, Ordnance Factories
(Authority: MOD ID No. 50(7)/2012-D (Estt./NG) dt. l5-10-2014.)


Source: Email received from Vikas Garg

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