Swachh Bharat Mission: DoPT’s instructions to Departmental Canteens:-
Subject: Swachh Bharat Mission.
2. Periodical inspections of the canteens are required to be undertaken to ensure the quality of eatables, sanitary conditions and personal hygiene of the canteen employees, particularly of those who are handling eatables. During inspections it has been noticed that there is lack of concern about cleanliness in canteens. There is also need to inculcate awareness of cleanliness amongst canteen employees.
3. For the purpose of maintaining cleanliness and sanitation in the Departmental Canteens. it is imperative to follow the guidelincs/suggestions as mentioned under Para 9.7 & 9.8 (Chapter-lX) of DoPT’s Green Book (Third Edition. 2008) on Administrative instructions on Departmental Canteens the same are reproduced for ready reference:-
(i) Drill for cleaning floor area of canteens:-
The floor of the canteen must be swept and mopped at regular intervals so as to ensure that flies and other household pest are kept at bay. The detailed sanitary rules are enclosed.
(ii) Drill for cleaning, crockery/cutlery etc:-
a) Collection of used crockery/cutlery from dining tables to a decided spot in the washing room.
b) Removal of left over food from the plates into a receptacle/container and passing them on to wash sink No. l. Read more
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