HomeDirectorate of Estates

Inter-pool exchange between General Pool Residential Accommodation and Departmental Pool

Directorate of Estates Order: Inter-pool exchange between General Pool Residential Accommodation and Departmental Pool and inter-pool transfer of accommodation within General Pool in Delhi.

Read the clarification dated 24-04-2015

No. 1203 5/ 9/ 89-Pol..II(Vol.II)
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhavan,
New Delhi-110 108.
Dated the 19th September, 2014

Sub: Inter-pool exchange between General Pool Residential Accommodation and Departmental Pool and inter-pool transfer of accommodation within General Pool in Delhi.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Directorateโ€™s O.M. No.12035/9/89-Pol.II dated 3.11.1993 and O.M.No.12035/22/96-Pol.II dated 1.5.1997 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the matter has been reviewed and it has been decided to discourage inter-pool exchanges of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) and Departmental Pool (DP) residential accommodation due to an acute shortage of residential accommodation and long pending waiting lists of Central Government employees in Delhi.
2. The Officers of All India Services and Central Government officers and employees who are on deputation/mandatory posting/transfer to other Departments of the Government of India, which have Departmental Pools, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Secretariats, Government of NCT of Delhi, DDA, various Municipal Corporations of Delhi and NDMC shall be eligible to apply for inter-pool exchange of accommodation.
3. Regularisation of general pool residential accommodation in lieu of Departmental Pool accommodation and vice versa shall be made to the officers mentioned in para 3 above.
4. Where an officer in occupation of General Pool residential accommodation has gone to offices mentioned above and in return another officer has come to serve the Government of India along with an accommodation, inter-pool exchange with Departmental Pool may be allowed on one to one basis subject to provision of accommodations are of the same type.
5. Retention of General Pool Residential Accommodation may be allowed on normal licence fee in case an officer having General Pool accommodation posted on deputation to Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha Secretariats under the Central Staffing Scheme provided the establishment office certifies that the said posting is mandatory and in exigency of public service.
6. Inter-pool exchange may be allowed in cases where a Department is offering a higher type of accommodation from its Pool in lieu of a lower type of accommodation of General Pool.
7. Inter-pool transfer between various pools controlled by the Directorate of Estates such as TP, TN, GP, LS, LM etc. on functional, security and medical grounds in respect of Type I to Type VI shall be approved by Director of Estates.
8. All proposals for inter-pool exchanges in respect of Type I to VI general pool residential accommodation shall be approved by Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development.
9. Inter-poo1 exchange between General Pool and other Departmental Pools such as Judges Pool, (JH&JS), Parliament Pool (Lok Sabha Secretariat and Rajya Sabha Secretariat) shall be approved by Honโ€™ble Minister of Urban Development in respect of Type of VII and VIII accommodation.
10. The requests for inter-pool exchange shall be processed by the concerned Allotment Sections. CDN-I Section shall continue to be the nodal section for inter-pool exchange and all Allotment Sections shall intimate CDN-I Section on such exchanges. All such inter-pool exchanges and retention are subject to conditions laid down in Annexure to this OM.
11. In order to monitor and to have a record of inter-pool exchanges in the Directorate, such exchanges will be sanctioned through Automated System of Allotment (ASA). In this regard NIC, Directorate of Estates is requested to create necessary programme in the ASA to issue sanctions and to have a record.
12. This issues in supersession of O.M.No.12035/9/89-Pol.II dated 3.11.1993 and O.M.No.12035/22/96-Pol.II dated 1.5.1997 with the approval of the competent authority.
(Roop Lal)
Deputy Director of Estates
Source: http://estates.nic.in/WriteReadData/dlcirculars/Circulars20355.pdf

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