Confederation โ Trade Union Education on Need Based Minimum Wage, Dearness Allowance & Bonus
1. As per the decision of the last National Conference of Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, a national level two days Trade Union Work Shop will be conducted at Bangalore. C-O-C Karnataka has agreed to host the two days camp. 200 delegates from all over India will attend. Date will be finalized by the National Secretariat Meeting to be held on 26.09.2014. Last year the two days Trade Union Camp was conducted at Mumbai. C-O-C Mumbai made best arrangements for the camps.
2. To enable the leaders and grass root level workers to have an indepth knowledge and understanding on the demands of the Central Government employees, Confederation CHQ has decided to publish in our website shortly an โEDUCATION SERIESโ on various topics. First article will be on โNEED BASED MINIMUM WAGEโ by Com. K. K. N. Kutty, National President, Confederation. Second article will be on โDEARNESS ALLOWANCEโ by Com. S. K. Vyas, Advisor, Confederation. Third will be on โBONUSโ by Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation. Other topics will also be covered in due course. All aspects of the Demands from its origin to the present day will be covered in the articles to be published in website. Leaders and workers may take maximum advantage of it for study and also for effective campaigning.
Source: Confederation
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