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Memorandum to 7th CPC by All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts

Memorandum to 7th CPC by All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts:-


CHQ Qtr. No. 12, P &T Colony, Khurshid Square, Civil Lines, Delhi 110 054.

Amrendra Kumar


ASP (Inv) o/o CPMG

Bihar Circle,

Patna 800001

Mobile: 09934416779
Vilas Ingale

General Secretary


National Sorting Hub

Mumbai 400099

Mobile: 09869417961

Yadagiri G. Nayalapelli


ASP (T) o/o SSPOs,

Mumabi City East Div.

Mumbai 400014

Mobile 09869143819

Memorandum to 7th Central Pay Commission


The Department of Posts under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology is the only organization which has its presence in every nook and corner of India. The wide Postal network comprises of 1,552,000 Post Offices managed by 22 Circles, 37 Regional Offices, 46 Postal Store Depots, 15 Stamp Depots, 441 Postal Divisions, 69 RMS Divisions, 45 Mail Motor Units etc. The Inspector Posts (IPs) and Assistant Superintendent Posts (ASPs) in the Department of Posts play vital role as middle level managers, managing Postal Services through out the country in various capacities. The various duties and responsibilities of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent Posts are explained in detail in the succeeding pages for the kind information of Honโ€™ble 7th Central Pay Commission.

2. About the Association:

2.1 This Association has been in existence for more than 38 years and is functioning with the sole objective of protecting the legitimate interests of its members via. Inspectors, Assistant Superintendent Posts throughout the country. Itโ€™s aims and objects are:
(a) To safeguard and promote the common service interest, rights, and privileges of the members of Association and to get redressal of such grievances as may be brought to the notice of the Association by all constitutional means.
(b)To consider and suggest improvements in their conditions of service, pay and allowances etc.
(c) To co-operate with the Department in exploring ways and means to promote efficiency in the Department.
(d) To promote social, educational and economic uplift or the members.
(e) To do all such other things as are incidental and conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any one of them.
2.2 This is the only Association representing the entire cadre with 100% membership and it is duly recognised by the Department of Posts. The activities of the Association are guided by the โ€˜constitutionโ€™ duly adopted by the members and approved by the Department. A copy of the constitution and Departments communication recognising the elected body is also enclosed (Annexure 1 and 2). The activities of the Association are also subject to CCS (ASA) Rules, 1993.

3. Cadre Strength & Representation:

3.1 The sanctioned strength of the cadre is as under:
I. Inspector Posts : 2187
II. Assistant Superintendents Posts : 1824
III. HSG-I Postmasters (IP line) : 141
lV. Asst. / Dy. Managers (Mail Motor Service): 45
Total : 4197
3.2 It is a fact that not a single post of Inspector or Assistant Superintendent Posts has been sanctioned in the Department of Posts since 1980 despite full justification based on the existing Staff Inspection Units (SIU) norms. The work load and job description of Inspectors I Asst. Superintendents Posts have increased manifold clue to subsequent diversification of business activities by the Department in different spheres. The types of additions to the work are enumerated in the succeeding paragraphs.
3.3 It is a fact that the Inspector (Posts) and Asst. Supdt. Posts are instrumental in achieving the phenomenal growth of the Department of Posts in its savings bank services over the years. Currently DoP has 287431078(28.74 crore) accounts that hold deposits amounting to Rs 6056974.27 crore. The department performs these agency services on behalf of the Ministry of Finance and provides financial inclusion to the poorest of poor in remotest corners of the country through its postal network of 154,312 post offices.
3.4 Department of Posts provides Life Insurance Services to Government employees known as Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance services (RPLU to prospective clients across the country. It currently has a PLI Fund corpus of Rs 23010.55 crore from 5006060 live policies. The RPLI corpus is Rs 9141.44 crorc from 13547355 policies. The PLI corpus has shown a growth rate of 16.2% over the years 2010-2011 to 2011-2012. In the same period RPLI has registered a growth in fund by 38.3%. The Department has therefore been at the forefront of providing rural and quality life insurance services to Government staff and has registered an exponential growth in the sector over the last ten years.

4. Duties and Responsibilities:

4.1 The duties and responsibilities of the Inspector / Assistant Superintendents Posts are laid down in Chapter III Rule 260 to 302 and 320 to 335 of Postal Manual โ€˜volume VIII (Annexure-3)
4.2 However, this does not give a clear picture about the actual duties performed in particular by Sub Divisional Inspector / Assistant Superintendent Posts. The duties and responsibilities attached to Inspector / Assistant Superintendent Posts are ever increasing. Besides the duties mentioned in the above said rules, they perform many more functions, which are not specified in the rules. Broadly, they can be ciassified as follows:
  • Appointing and Disciplinary Authority for all Gramin Dak Sewaks (GDS) except GDS BPM
  • Disciplinary Authority for Postman and Multi-Tasking Skill (MTS) staff and writing of APAR
  • Investigation into all loss and fraud cases and filing of FIR
  • Mandatory inspections of Mukhya Dak Ghar (MDGs), Sub Post Offices, Branch Post Offices, Railway Mail Offices (RMS), Railway Mail Sections & submission of Inspection Reports within stipulated time
  • Assisting Senior Officers in carrying out Inspection of Head Post Offices, Divisional Offices, Regional Offices, Circle Offices, Postal Accounts Offices etc.
  • Surprise Visits to Post Offices, verification of cash and valuables and second inspections.
  • Role of ASPs, on conferring Gazetted status, expanded and redefined by DoP vide OM No 43-27/207- PE II dated 30-08-2007 (Annexure 4)
  • Verification of passbooks of all types of Savings Bank schemes in case of fraud in Head Post Office (HO)/ Sub Post Office (SO)/ Branch Post Office(BO).
  • Conveyance of Heavy Cash(in terms of lakhs) to sub Post Offices and Branch Post Offices especially in cases like payments of wages to MGNREGA workers, payment of Social Security Pension in remote viliages etc. with or without escorts.
  • Achievement of targets in procurement of new PLI/ RPLI Policies through vigorous marketing strategies of this cadre. Currently PLI Fund corpus has touched an all-time high of Rs 23010.55 crore from 5006050 live policies. The RPLI corpus is Rs 9141.44 crore from 13542355 policies.
  • The PLI corpus has shown a growth rate of 16.2% over the years 2010-2011 to 2011-2012.
  • Marketing of different premium products, supervision & after sale service.
  • Credit verification in r/o RPLI premium collected by BOs
  • Est-2 verification to ensure justification of existing Post Office (PO) & creation of new PO
  • Verification of statistics relating to work load of all grades of Supervisors in Post Offices, Postal Assistants, Sorting Assistants Postman, MTS GR-C, Branch Post Master and other GDS.
  • Invigilation, observer and Control room duties during departmental examinations.
  • Settlement of pending SBCO objections / minus balance cases.
  • Verification of cash withdrawal of Rs 10000 and above from Savings Bank Accounts
  • RPLI incentive bill verification
  • Postal Life Insurance (PLI) Rural Postal Life Insurance(RPLI) death claim verification & processing of cases.
  • Collection at verification of Pension papers of all cadre staff in the department.
  • Collection and verification of papers for compassionate appointment cases.
  • Functioning as Inquiry Officer(IO) and Presenting Officer(PO) in quasi-judicial inquiries relating to all cadre staff including GDS
  • Functioning as Ad-hoc disciplinary authority.
  • Preparation of special report for departmental selection committee. Checking of Franking machine used in the department and licensed to private users with regard to itโ€™s security seal, Meter reading etc.
  • Checking of passbooks of various Savings Bank schemes/ money order payments
  • Attending court cases to represent the Department in CDRF, State Commission, National Commission, CAT, Dist. Court, High Court, Supreme Court and meetings with AGP/PP/Govt. counsels.
  • Checking of punctual clearance of letter boxes by Posting โ€œTest lettersโ€
  • Conduct Live Mail Survey
  • Being the member of checking squads for detecting the leakage of revenue or any other specific purposes.
  • Imparting training to supervisory staff, PM/ SA/ GDS /Postman / MTS Gr-C
  • Monitoring of web related services and Project Arrow post offices daily.
  • Conveyance of State Govt. Public Service Commission,โ€™ SSC I UPSC examination materials in postal bags to respective head quarters under police protection/ escort.
  • Monitoring of IT Modernisation Project of the DoP with an outlay of Rs.4909 Crores, which envisages migration of 24 Crores POSB accounts into the Core Banking Solution, Networking of 29000 Post Offices into a Single WAN, supply of Rural ICT to 1,26,000 Branch Post Offices and conduct of training to more than 3 Lakhs employees.

4.3 These are not exhaustive and still there are very many functions the Sub Divisional Inspectors / Assistant Superintendent Posts are required to perform. Though many of the new additions are major in nature, the relevant rules have not been amplified to include the entire gamut of work performed by the Inspector I Assistant Superintendent Posts.
4.4 The Inspectors / Assistant Superintendents Posts also occupy other positions like Office Supervisors / Assistant Superintendents (Head Quarters) in Postal I RMS Division, Investigating Inspectors/ Assistant Superintendent (Investigation), Assistant Superintendent (Vigilance), Assistant Superintendents (Court), Inspector / Assistant Superintendent (Establishment), Inspector / Assistant Superintendent (Complaints), Inspector / Assistant Superintendents (Technology), Inspector / Assistant Superintendent (Financial Services), Inspector 1 Assistant Superintendent (Business Development), Inspector / Assistant Superintendent (Core Banking Solutions), Inspector / Assistant Superintendent (Savings Bank), Inspector / Assistant Superintendent (PLIIRPLI), Inspector / Assistant Superintendent (Marketing), Manager in National Sorting Hubs, Manager in Business Post Centres etc. In Circle / Regional Offices to assist the Chief Postmasters General I Postmasters General in the discharge of their duties. But the merit of their contribution appears to have been ignored.

5. Recruitment Process:

Like Inspectors of other Central Govt. Departments i.e. Income Tax Department, Central Excise and Customs, Assistant and Personal Assistants of Central Secretariat Services etc. an Inspector Posts is inducted up to the extent of 33.33% of vacancies through Staff Selection Commission and rest 66.6Tvโ€˜% through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination on all India basis conducted by Postal Directorate. A copy of recruitment rules is also attached (Annexure-5)

6. Examination and Syllabus:

5.1 This examination is common for Postal I Sorting Assistant having a minimum 5 years qualifying service with just 4 chances for any official and comes with age restrictions. The exam comprises of four papers, each of 3 hours duration for 300 marks. The detailed syllabus and Scheme of the said competitive examination is attached as ANNEXURE-6. This is one of the toughest competitive examinations conducted at All India Level and one can hope to get through the examination. How stiff and competitive this examination is, can be easily assessed based on the syllabus. Paper I and II demands in-depth knowledge of the rules and regulations relating to Postal and RMS functions laid down in Postal Manuals and what the officers in All India Services in Central Govt. And Central Secretariat services are required to possess. Paper III deals with accounting procedure of the department and he is supposed to be thorough with financing, budgeting and also auditing, financial powers of the officers in various levels.
6.2 The Inspector Posts is required to acquire a fair knowledge of legislature enactments like Constitution of India, Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.PC), Indian Evidence Act, COPRA Act 8: CAT Act, RTI Act 2005, Indian Post Office Act 1398, Indian Post Office Savings Bani: Act 1984, Indian Post Dffice Savings Banks Rules 1933, Indian Post Office Savings Certificate Act 1881, Indian Post Office Savings Certificate Rules, and this is tested in Paper-IV of the examination. Aspirant candidates have to grasp on general knowledge and Current Affairs etc.
6.3 An All India Seniority is drawn up based on the merit position of the candidates and this becomes the ultimate document for further promotion to Postal Services Group B Cadre.
6.4. This is a pure selection depending upon merit and the vacancies declared for the year. During the year 2013 out of 1900 candidates who appeared for the examination, only 176 have been selected i.e. only 9.26% have been declared successful. The cadre therefore comprises of the cream of the Department. The successful candidates are required to undergo theoretical training at Postal Training centres and practical training in the field.

7. Direct Recruitment:

As recommended by the fifth CPC the Government has introduced Direct Recruitment at the level of Inspectors through Staff Selection Commission for 33.33% of the posts. On the introduction of direct recruitment, the inspectors of post offices are brought on par with Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and Assistant in CSS without there being any perception functional difference, in the matter of duties and responsibilities or in the hierarchical status. First examination was notified on 18/10/2003 in Employment News as a common examination for recruitment to Inspectors Income Tax, Central Excise, Posts etc. However, before announcing the results of the examination, the pay scale of Inspectors Income Tax, Central Excise etc. were upgraded in 2004 and inspector Posts have been given the lower scale of pay. Due to this disparity in Pay Scale and liability to work anywhere in India, large number or newly joined direct recruit Inspectors of Posts are leaving the Department.

8. Job Evaluation:

8.1 The Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts are always hailed as a back bone of the Postal Department. As could be estimated from the varied nature of duties performed by the Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts, the Department expects everything from this cadre from just maintaining the service to intellectual support. Due to the recent thrust in โ€œBusiness Development โ€œactivities, the nature of job performed by the Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts is getting diversified day-by-day and the Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts contribute largely for the success of every new activity. There has been no systematic evaluation of the job performed by the Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts. The norms fixed decades back when the Department used to offer only conventional Postal services still prevail and they have become obscure and cannot be said to be right yardstick for objective evaluation of the job performed now-a- days by the Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts. The reports of successive Pay Commissions also vouchsafe that the duties performed by the Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts are more arduous in nature calling for due recognition. The fifth CPC has also observed that neglect of this cadre has been costly (para 30.16 of volume I of V CPC, Annexurerii). The Government has also accepted the recommendations of successive Pay Commissions to introduce an element of direct recruitment at the level of Inspectors Posts and accordingly the Department has implemented this by earmarking 33.33% for direct recruits selected through Staff Selection Commission.
8.2. Hitherto the Inspectors Posts were treated on par with Inspectors in other Central Govt. Departments and the fifth Pay Commission in their report recommended uniform pay scale for Inspectors in all the Central Govt. Departments viz. 5500-175-9000. But the Central Govt. Has revised the pay scales of Inspectors in Income Tax Department, Central Excise etc. from Rs. 5500-175-9000 to Rs. 6500-200-10500 with effect from 21/4/2004, deviating from its avowed policy that any pay revision for any cadre must also take into account the departmental relativities and revision of pay scales of all those on analogous pay scales.
The Sixth Pay Commission also in para 7.6.14 also upheld the views of 5th CPC and recommended:

โ€œPostal Inspectors in Department of Posts have demanded a higher Pay of Rs.6500 โ€“ 1.0500 on par with Inspectors and analogues posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) on the ground that they are recruited through the same examination. The Commission is recommending the merger of pre revised pay scales of Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 which will automatically bring Inspector (Posts) on par with Assistants in CSS/ Inspectors and analogues posts in CBDT and CBEC. With this upgradation Inspector (Posts) shall come to lie with an identical pay scale of as that of their promotion posts of Asst. Supdt. Posts (ASP). ASPOs shall accordingly be placed in the next higher pay scale of Rs. 7450-11500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs. 8700- 34800 along with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-.โ€

3.3 Even though the pay scales of identical cadre of the Inspectors in CBDT/ CBEC were upgraded with effect from 21-04-2004, the members in the Cadre of Inspector (Posts) have not been given the benefit despite the clear recommendations of the 5th CPC. The members were deprived of the benefit of enhanced Grade Pay and Pay fixation thereon.

9. Cadre structure

A. Inspector Posts = Pay Band PB-2 in Rs. 9300-34000 with GP Rs. 4200/- with All India Seniority List.
B. Promotion as Assistant Superintendents Posts/ HSG-I = Pay Band PB-2 in Rs.9300-34000 with GP Rs. 4600/- Circle level Gradation list.
C. Promotion to Postal Service Gr. B = Pay band-2 I Rs. 9300-34000 with GPO Rs. 4800/- Selection at All India Level.
75% by promotion from Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts /HSG-I.
Remaining 25% by way of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination on All India basis conducted centrally by Postal Directorate amongst as follows:
a) 19% quota reserved for Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent Posts with 5 years minimum qualifying service.
b) 6% quota amongst General Line Officials like Sub postmasters, Assistant Sub Postrnasters etc. having 5 years service in lower selection grade/time bound one promotion or in higher selection grade.
c) Junior Time Scale ( PB-3 in Rs. 15600-39100, GP Rs. 5400/-) Indian Postal Service Group A โ€“ Direct recruitment from UPSC up to the extent of 25% and remaining 75% by promotion from โ€˜aโ€™ on All India basis on fulfilling eligibility conditions on the recommendation of Departmental Promotion Committee.
d) Senior Time Scale Group A โ€“ (PB-3 in Rs. 15600-39100, GP Rs. 6600/-) โ€“ By promotion from โ€˜cโ€™ above through DPC chaired by UPSC on seniority cum fitness.

10. Present Span of Promotions:

A to B Inspector to Assistant Superintendents Posts -Average 10 to 12 years (Selection based on Circle seniority list in Inspector Posts cadre)
B to C Assistant Superintendents Posts to Postal Services Gr. B โ€“ Average 15 to 18 years โ€“ Selection based on All India seniority list in Inspector Posts cadre.
C to D Postal Service Gr. B to JTS Gr. A โ€“ 5-10 years i.e. at the verge of retirement
D to E JTS to STS Group A โ€“ Average 5-6 years hardly 2 to 5% get this promotion and remain either for a few months or one or two years

This clearly shows that there is acute stagnation at the level of Inspectors / Assistant Superintendents Posts. The Department also stands to loose due to the fact that the real managers do not find time to translate their experience to the advantage of the Department.

11. Promotional Avenue: 

The only possible ambition in the life of a person pursuing a career can be a reasonable career progression. Instead, there has been a steady career regression since the last three pay commissions. The Inspector Posts comes through a stiff competition and his legitimate expectation is to reach at least STS position (Rs. 15600-39100) PB-3, GP Rs.6600/- in the Department in normal course. This was happening to those selected as Inspector Posts in the year 1965, since then attaining JTS promotion (Rs.15600-39100) in normal course has become a rate phenomenon and we can not think of STS position altogether. In the recently many Assistant Superintendents Posts have retired on superannuation without even reaching PS Gr. B (Rs. 9300-34800) level after serving as Inspector / Assistant Superintendents Posts for more than 22-23 years. In the seventies Inspector Posts were promoted after 17 years of service as Inspector (Assistant Superintendents Posts to Superintendents Group โ€˜Bโ€™. But Inspector Posts promoted to Superintendent Gr. B during 2013 belongs to 1989 batch of Inspectors and have thus worked as Inspector / Assistant Superintendents Posts for 24 years and this speaks volumes about the deteriorating career prospects. In some Circles Inspectors are promoted as Assistant Superintendents Posts nearly after 13 years of service, but in some Circles this period varies from 10 to 13 years. This is due to the unequal distribution of ASP Posts in all Circles and due to the absence of any rationale between the post of Inspector and Assistant Superintendents Posts. It is worth mentioning that the duties and responsibilities of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts are complementary and are no different on many occasions.

12. Cadre Review

It has been acknowledged by fifth CPC in para 32 of Appendix 1 of volume 3 that cadre review has become part of cadre rules and they are to be mandatorily held once in 5 years. However, no cadre review took place in this cadre since 1979, as second cadre review orders issued under No. 28-29/88- PE I dated 20-08-1990 were not implemented.

13. Promotional aspects

13.1 There is a historical Pay parity among Inspector Posts, Inspectors & analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in Central Secretariat Services (CSS) established by the 4th 5th and 6th Central Pay Commissions. However, this pay parity has been arbitrarily changed by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure on various occasions after acceptance of the recommendations of Central Pay Commissions. The details are as below:
13.2 Fourth Central Pay Commission noticed that the pattern of Recruitment for posts of Inspector in other Central Government Organizations like Customs and Central Excise and Income Tax provides for direct recruitment through Staff Selection Commission at the level of Inspector. However, in the Postal Department, there was no direct recruitment above the level of Postal and Sorting Assistants, or at Group-B level. In the interest of efficiency of service, it was felt necessary to introduce an element of direct recruitment at the level of Inspectors through the Staff Selection Commission under the Department of Posts. The 4th Central Pay Commission recommended for introduction of direct recruitment to that level under the Department of Posts to rectify the anomaly and suggested that the two cadres of IPO/IRM and ASPO/ASRM cadres can be merged, and accordingly, the Government was advised to examine what scale of pay will then be suitable for these posts.
13.3 The 5th Central Pay Commission reiterated its recommendation that Inspectors of Post Offices and RMS should be merged and upgraded to Rs. 1540-2900 (Rs. 5500-9000 revised) and filled 33.1/3rd% by direct recruitment from the Inspectorsโ€™ Grade examination of Staff Selection Commission. The scale of pay of Inspector of Post Offices,โ€™ Inspector of RMS was revised to Rs.5500-9000 with effect from 01-01-1996 as recommended by the 5th Central Pay Commission as per Office Memorandum dated 05-04-1998. The scale of pay of Rs.5500-9000 granted to the Inspector of Posts which was equivalent to the scale of pay granted to the Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS.
13.4 The pay scales of the post of Income Tax Inspectors under Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and Posts of Inspector of Central Excise were revised from Rs.5500-9000 to Rs. 6500-10500 as per Office Memorandum dated 21-04-2004. The pay scale of the analogous posts of Assistant/PAโ€™s in Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS) was also upgraded from Rs.5500-9000 to the scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 w.e.f 15.09.2006 as per Office Memorandum dated 25-09-2005. However, the pay scale of the Inspector of Post/Inspector of RMS under the Department of Posts has not been upgraded to the scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 without any justifiable reasons.
13.5 Being aggrieved by the denial of the upgraded scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 to the Inspector of Posts,โ€™ Inspector of RMS made admissible to the analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC/CSS/CSSS some Inspectors of Posts working under Karnataka Circle filed CLA Nos. 42-M2006 and 211 of 2007 before the Honโ€™ble Central Administrative Tribunal Bangalore Bench seeking to direct the respondents to grant the upgraded scale of Rs 6500- 200-10500 granted to Inspectors of Income Tax,โ€™ Inspector of Central Excise and Customs etc. Since the 6th Central Pay Commission was constituted at that time, the above two O.Aโ€™s were disposed of by a Common Order dated 27-0?-2007 directing the respondents and the applicants to take up the issue before the Sixth pay commission with all necessary details for their consideration and appropriate decision. Accordingly, All India RMS Assistant Superintendents and Inspectors Association Filed a Memorandum before the Sixth Central Pay Commission requesting to recommend upgraded pay scale granted to Inspectors of Central Excise and Inspectors of Income Tax and other analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS.
13.6 Sixth Central Pay Commission in its Report recommended the Merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 which will automatically bring Inspector Posts on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC and Assistants in CSS and with that upgradation the Inspector Post shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their Promotion post of Assistant Superintendent of Posts and ASPOโ€™s shall accordingly be placed in the next higher pay scale of Rs. 7450-11500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs. 8700-34800 alongwith Grade Pay of Rs. 4600. This Recommendation has been accepted by the Central Government with modification as a package. It is submitted that the existing pay Scale of Inspector of Posts was upgraded to Rs. 6500- 10500 and to the corresponding scale in revised Pay Band of PB-2 of Rs. 8700-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200. PB-2 scale of Rs. 9300-34800 has been accepted enhancing the initial start to PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 as evidenced by Ministry of Finance Resolution dated 29-03-2008.
13.7 The revised pay scales have been brought into force with effect from 01- 01-2006. Thus the analogous posts of Inspector Posts and Inspector of CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS were brought in the same Pay Band/Scale of PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with the same corresponding Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- w.e.f 01.01.2006. Subsequently, Ministry of Finance issued O.M. dated 13-11-2009 ordering that the posts which were in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 6500-10500 as on 01-01-2006 and which were granted the normal replacement pay structure of Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- in the Pay Band PB-2, will be granted Grade Pay of Rs. 4600) in the Pay Band PB-2 corresponding the pre-revised scale of Rs. 7450-11500 with effect from 01-01-2006. It has been further ordered that in terms of the provisions of CCS (RP) Rules, 2003, in case a post already existed in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 7450-11500, the post being upgraded from the scale of Rs. 6500-10500 should be merged with the scale of Rs. 7450- 11500.
13.8 In implementation of MOF O.M. dated 13-11-2009 the Inspectors & Analogous Posts of CBDT/CBEC & Assistants CSS have been allowed the benefit of re-fixation of pay. But the Inspectors of Posts were conveniently omitted from the above upgradation and consequential benefits.
13.9 Thereafter, Department of Posts submitted proposal to the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance for extending the benefit of MDF UM dated 13.11.09 and 15.11.09 clearly stating that pay scale of Inspector Posts was Rs.6-500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 and that the parity agreed to in the pay scales of Inspector Posts with Assistants (CSS) and Inspectors CBDT/CBEC has been disturbed. It was categorically mentioned that Inspector Posts were holders of pay scale of Fts.9300-34800 (Pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500) in the light of recommendation of 6th CPC in para 7.6.14 placing Inspector Posts at par with Assistants and Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and as such they are entitled to the revised grade pay of Rs.4600/- on a par with Inspectors CBDT/CBEC and Assistants. In the combined proposal made by the Department of Posts for Grade pay of Inspector Posts, Assistant Superintendent of Posts and Superintendents of Posts demanding Grade pay of Rs.-4500, Rs.4Boo and Rs.5-400 respectively. However, the proposal was rejected by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance stating that either on the basis or functional justification offered by the Department of Post, or on account of any pre-revising relativities, it is not feasible for the Department of Expenditure to agree with the proposal of the Department of Posts to upgrade the pay scale of Inspectors (posts) and accordingly, Inspectors (Posts) may be placed in the revised pay structure of grade pay of Rs. 4200/- in the pay band of PB-2 as per UO No. 10/1/2010-IC dated 08-03-2010.
13.9 Aggrieved by the non-sanctioning of Grade Pay of Rs 4600/- to the post of Inspector (Posts), some Inspector Pests filed O.A No. 331 of 2010 before Honโ€˜ble Tribunal at Ernakulam seeking to declare that the Inspector Posts are legally eligible and entitled to the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- in the Pay Band PB-2 which has been granted by way of normal replacement pay structure of Grade Pay at Rs. 4200/- in the Pay Band PB-2 in terms of MDF Office Memorandum dated 13.11.2009 & 15.11.2009.
13.10 The OA No. 381 of 2010 was finally heard and allowed by order dated 18-10-2011 holding that rejection of grade pay of Rs.4600 to Inspector Posts by the Ministry of Finance does not appear to have taken into account the clear recommendations at the Sixth Pay Commission so far that matter the full justification given by the Department of posts. It has been further held in the judgment that

โ€œBy virtue of merger of pay scales of Rs. 5500-9000 to Rs. 6500- 10500, the same would automatically bring Inspector {Hosts} on a par with Assistants in CSS/Inspectors in analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC, what it meant was that From hence, inspector {Posts} would fall in the same boat as his conterparts in the Income Tax Department or Central Excise or Customs Department or for that matter the Assistants the CSS. The difference In grade pay is not one created by the Pay Commission but the same is due to the fact that as last as in 2009, it is the Government of India which had raised grade pay of the pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500 that existed as on 01-01-2006 vide Order dated 13-11-2009, whereby posts which were in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 5500-10500 as on 01-01-2006 and which were granted the normal replacement pay structure of grade pay of RS. 4200/- in the pay band PB-2 will be granted grade pay of Rs. 4600 in the pay band PB-2 corresponding to the pre- revised pay scale of Rs. 7450-11500 with effect from 01-01-2006. And, if a post already existed in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 7450- 11500, the post being upgraded from the scale of pay of Rs. 5500- 10500 should be merged with the post in the scale of pay of Rs. 7450-11500/-. In fact, had the above enhancement in the grade pay been recommended by the pay commission, it would not have been omitted to consider such an increase in the grade pay of Inspector (Post) as wellโ€.

The Honโ€™ble Tribunal further held that there is no justification in denying the Inspector (Posts) the higher Grade Pay of R5. 4600/- when the same is made admissible to Inspectors of other Departments with whom parity has been established by the Sixth Pay Commission as per its report at para 7.6.14. Accordingly, this Honโ€˜ble Tribunal directed the Ministry of Finance to reconsider the matter keeping In tune with the observations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission coupled with the strong recommendations of the Department of Posts and also in the light of the discussions in the above Order at the level of Secretary and to consider the case of the Inspector {Posts} for upgradation of their grade pay at par with that of the Inspector of Income Tax, CBDT and CBEC.

13.11 In implementation of Honโ€™ble CAT Ernakulam order dated 18.10.2011, Department of Post recommended the following proposal for grant of Grade Pay of Rs.4600 to Inspector Posts after concurrence of its Integrated Finance Wing:
(a) The hierarchical difference i.e. non-availability of intermediary cadre like Assistant Superintendent posts in CBDT/CBEC and CSSS can be resolved by allowing Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/โ€“ to Inspector Post in the Department of Post (a GCS Group B Non-gazetted post) and retaining its promotional cadre of Assistant Superintendent of Posts (a GCS Group B gazetted post) also in the identical grade pay of Rs. 4600. In the Accounts cadre, the cadre Accounts Officer is in grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-2. Its promotional post of Senior AO is in grade pay of Rs. 5400 in PB-3 and its further promotional post of ACAO also is in grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-3. This would not thereby involve upgradation of grade pay of Assistant Superintendent of Posts and PS Group B.
13.12 From the facts explained above and the table below, it is very much clear that Pay Parity established by the 5th & 6th CPC among Assistants in CSS, Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC & Inspector Posts have been changed by the Ministry of Finance without any justifiable reason.
Assistants in CSS, Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC & Inspector Posts Assistant Supdt. Of Posts Section Officer in CSS
1. Pay scale recommended by the 5th CPC and accepted by the Govt.

(w.e.f. 01.01.1996)
Rs.5500-9000 Rs.6500-10500 Rs.6500-10500
2. Pay Scale of Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC was upgraded to Rs.6500-10500 w.e.f 21.04.2004 by MOF vide OM dated 21.04.2004.

whereas the Pay Scale of Assistants of CSS was upgraded to Rs.6500-10500 w.e.f 15.09.2006 by MOF vide OM dated 25.09.2006.

However, no such upgradation In Grade Pay and Pay fixation was allowed to Inspector Posts

โ€”- โ€”-
3. Pay scale recommended by the 6th CPC and accepted by the Govt.

(w.e.f. 01.01.2006)
9300-34800 with GP Rs. 4200 9300-34800 with GP Rs. 4200 9300-34800 with GP Rs. 4200

(After 4 years GP 5400 IN PB-3)
4 Grade Pay of Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC was upgraded to Rs.4600 w.e.f 01.01.2006 by MOF OM dated 13.11.2009

whereas the Grade Pay of Assistants of CSS was upgraded to Rs. 4600 w.e.f 01.01.2006 by MOF UM dated 16.11.2009
โ€” โ€”
However, no such upgradation in Grade Pay or pay fixation benefit was allowed to Inspector Posts โ€”โ€“ โ€”โ€”

Request to 7th Central Pay Commission:

(A)The Pay Parity established by the 5th & 6th CPC among Assistants in CSS, Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC & Inspector Posts should be maintained with clear direction that if any changes in the pay scale; grade pay is made with respect to the Assistants in CSS, and / or Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC, the same benefit should be allowed to Inspector Posts also without any discrimination.
(B) Assistant Supdt. Of Posts should be granted pay scale/ grade pay higher to that of Assistants in โ€“ CSS, Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC & Inspector Posts
(C) The inspector {Posts} should be placed above HSG-I, as the HSG-I Post Offices are being inspected and administered by the Inspectors, on the analogy that supervisor should get more pay / status than the supervised.
(D) As the IPs/ASPs are actively involved in policy making and its implementation we may also be considered for deputation to other organization for better exposure like members of Indian Postal Service officers. At least 10% of the cadre strength may be reserved for deputation.
(E) The department is inducting the technology in extensive manner and IPs/ASPs are responsible for its implementation. Which warrants presence of IP/ASPs in different places in short notice. Hence, it is requested that the members of this Cadre may be made eligible to undertake travel by air on official tours.

14. Improvements in condition of Service:

a) The Inspectors Posts and Assistant Superintendents Posts are required to serve in urban and extensively in rural areas, traverse hilly tracts, hostile terrain, inhospitable areas where it is difficult to even get public transport. FR & SR permits use of conveyance other than public transport depending upon circumstances. But this is being denied to this cadre. Further there is no uniformity in the decision taken in this regard.
b) There is a need to re-organize the Sub Divisions to derive maximum advantage and operative efficiency. Last re-organisation was done during the year 19??. Now, in some parts of the country, Postal Sub Divisions are having area more than one revenue district. The Inspectors & Assistant Superintendent Posts are reeling under heavy pressure and work for more than 12 hours a day. Though there is justification for creation of 600 odd sub divisions, this is not being created. Though this Association has given concrete suggestion for re-organization, the Dept. is yet to consider this proposal (Annexure-8)
c) The Inspector/Assistant Superintendents have been the real contributors to the successful implementation of Rural PLI business and payment of wages under MGNREGS. This is a major addition to the duties of inspectors/Assistant Superintendent Posts. This has increased the work load of the Inspectors/Assistant Superintendent Posts in charge of Sub divisions enormously. Clerical assistance is very much essential for this work.
d) No Special facilities have been provided to inspectors Posts/Assistant Superintendents Post working in remote localities/islands like hill area, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshwadeep, as in case of other Indian Postal Services. The same should be extended to Inspector Posts/Assistant Superintendents Post Cadre also.
e) Delegation of Financial Powers to the tune of Rs.5000/- may be considered to incur contingent expenditures like, cash conveyance for payments under MGNREGA, conveyance of mail bags, purchase of computer accessories, its repairing in case of urgency etc.

15. The promotional avenues available and proposed

15.1 Present:
The promotional avenues available to the Inspector Posts as explained in pre paras are significantly inadequate. There is a greater need to re-orient promotional prospects at least on par with conterparts in other central govt. departments and the Association submits the following proposals for the consideration of the Honโ€™ble Seventh Pay Commission based on mertis.
15.2 Proposed:
i) Promotions to PS Gr. B level must he achieved within 10 years of service as Inspector. In case of delay, the Inspectors should be promoted to this level as non-functional elevation.
ii) Cash less Medical Insurance facility for officers working in rural and hilly areas
iii) Warm cloth allowances for officers working in hilly & remote areas
iv) CCL for all male employees
v) CL may be enhanced from 8 to 12 clays in a year
vi) Productivity Linked Bonus to all officers
vii) One LTC to Abroad allowed once in a 10 years
viii) Furniture and furnishing allowance of Rs 200,000 to every IPs/ASP once in the entire service career subject to provision of bills and documents
ix) Study leave should be given to Inspector (Posts) / Asst Supdt. Posts
x) Deputation to other Department.
xi) Non Functional Financial Upgradation on every Five years.

17. Desired Pay Scale:

Consistent with the job profile and contribution of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts to the growth of Department in the receipt past the Association justifiably puts forth that the cadre of Inspectors Posts be placed on part with Inspectors Income Tax, Central Excise etc and minimum basic of Rs. 70000/- + GP with an annual increment of 5%.
We demand the following scales of Pay and Grade Pay for consideration of the Seventh Pay Commission:

Sno Designation / Level Present Pay

6th CPC
Present Grade Pay 6th CPC Proposed Pay 7th CPC Proposed Grade Pay 7th CPC
1. Inspector (Posts) 9300-34800 4200 70000-150000 14400
2. Asst. Supdt. Posts/ Asst. Manager (MMS) 9300-34800 4600 70000-150000 16200

b) Conduct of periodical cadre review and time-bound implementation of the accepted recommendations.

c) Improvements in terms and conditions of services like
I) Sanction of justified posts or Inspectors & Assistant Superintendents.
II) Sanction of clerical staff for the Sub Divisional offices
III) Supply of Laptops to all IPs/ ASPs.
IV) Vehicle for organizing Inspections, Surprise visits and vigilance checks
On behalf of the 4197 dedicated Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent Posts serving in India Posts, the Associations has submitted to the Honโ€™ble Pay Commission the above suggestions for providing qualitative service to the user public and also For the proper evaluation of the contribution of this cadre to India Post. The entire cadre believes that justice would be done.
With profound regards,
Yours faithfully
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary

Forwarding Letter:-

No. CHQ/AIAIASP/7CPC-Memorandum/2014          

dated  : 1st July 2014

The Secretary,
7th Central Pay Commission,
PO Box No โ€“ 4599
Hauz Khas Post Office,
New Delhi-110016

Sub:  Memorandum of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts.

Ref:   Your letter No. 7 CPC/15/Questionnaire  dated 9.4.2014

Dear Mam,

        All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts is single recognized Association in the Department of Posts functioning for the cause of Inspectors, Posts and Assistant Superintendents, Posts & equally for the growth of the Nation. 
        It is submitted with due regards that on behalf of the All India Association of Inspectors Posts & Assistant Superintendents, Posts representing 4197  Group โ€˜Bโ€™ officers in the Department of Posts I am enclosing herewith a memorandum for kind consideration of the Honโ€™ble Commission.  These officers are middle level managers & responsible to implement all new schemes of the Department i.e Core Banking Solutions, Rural Information and Communication Tool Solutions, McCamish, Core System Integrator (handling all the Postal Operation), MGNREGA  & supervising over the entire staff working in the Department of Posts in the grade pay of Rs.1800/-, 1900/-, 2000/-, 2400/-, 2800/-, 4200/-, 4600/-.
        It is requested that CPC may kindly recommend to the Govt. to grant Interim relief to all Central Govt. Employees to the tune of 25 % of the basic Pay (PB + GP) and merger of 50 % DA with the basic pay with effect from 01.01.2011.  It is further requested that recommendations of the Honโ€™ble 7th Central Pay Commission may kindly be implemented w.e.f. 01.01.2014. 
        It is also requested that this Association may kindly be given the opportunity to appear before the Honโ€™ble  Commission in person to submit oral evidences on issues relating to the Inspectors, Posts and Assistant Superintendents, Posts and also other vital issues of common interests concerning the Postal Employees and Central Govt. Employees.
        All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts assures its co-operation to the Central Pay Commission by the way of providing facts and material and equally hopes that this Central Pay Commission would render justice to the Inspector, Posts and Assistant Superintendent, Posts cadre in the Department of Posts under Ministry of Communications and IT.

Yours faithfully,
Encl : As above     
(Vilas S. Ingale)
General Secretary


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