Bharat Pensioner Samaj has published undermentioned DoP&PWโs form for survey for gauging the quantum of increase in satisfaction level of Pensioners and BPS has requested to his affiliates to fill the form and send it directly to Ms Tripti Ghosh Director (P) DOP &PW 3rd floor; Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 with a copy to BPS.
Govt. of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensionersโ Welfare
Survey for gauging the quantum of increase in the satisfaction level of Pensioners
Are you a Central Govt. Pensioner/Family Pensioner | Yes/No |
Category of Pensioner (Please tick one) |
( ) Civil ( ) Railways ( ) Defence ( ) Others |
Office from which retired and year of retirement | |
Are you satisfied with the steps being taken by Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare in the matter of liberalization /simplification of Pension Rules, timely and smooth processing of Pension related matters including grant of additional pension connected with longevity, inclusion of more members such as unmarried daughters etc. for entitlement of family pension, timely payments of Pension to Pensioner/ family pensioners | |
If yes please mention the level of satisfaction on a scale 1-5 (Please tick one) | 1. Poor, 2. Average, 3. Good, 4. Very Good, and 5. Excellent |
Suggestions, if any |
Signature of Pensioner_________________________
Name & Phone No. __________________________
To download this form as Image click here
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