
Timely payment of all dues to pensioners: CPAOโ€™s instructions

CPAOโ€™s instructions to CPCC for timely payment of all dues to pensioners:-
Government of India .
Central Pension Accounting Office
Department of Expenditure
Ministry of Finance
Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi-110066 

Subject: โ€“ The issues raised by the Pensioners in the Awareness Programme on Pensioners Portal held in Science City, Kolkata under the Chairmanship of Secretary (DOPPW) on 7th December, 2013.

Attention is invited to para 4.5 of CPPC Guidelines which states that the CPPC will receive Government Orders and disseminate the same to all concerned agencies for necessary action. The CPPC should have direct access to the websites of the Department of Pension & Pensionersโ€™ Welfare, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Consumer Affairs so that these are regularly browsed and orders on dearness relief issued by various Departments are acted upon immediately. At the time of credit afforded at CPPC, a confirmation report must be generated and monitored at CPPC to ensure that the pension/family pension etc. in respect of all pensioners of the CPPC have been credited.

2. But during the Awareness Programme on the Pensioners Portal organized by the DPPW under the Chairmanship of Secretary (DOPPW) on 7th December, 2013 at Kolkata, some pensioners raised the issue of inordinate delay in the payment of DR/IDR by Banks, particularly by UCO Bank, Bank of India, Allahabad Bank. It indicates the slackness of the CPPC in providing the services to the satisfaction of the pensioners.
3. In view of the above, all CPPCs are hereby instructed once again to be more attentive towards the timely payment of all dues to pensioners and ensure that no such complaint is received in future.

(Dr.Dilip Kumar)
Controller of Accounts

Source: www.cpao.nic.in

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  • I am a retired person from Deptt. of Posts. Enhanced medical allowance of Rs.500 is yet to be received by me. Whom to approach for this?