All CPPCs are advised to instruct all their respective branches to accept the Life Certificates in the Performa prescribed in the Scheme Booklet only โ CPAO
No. CPAO/Tech/Life Certificate/2013-14/260
Central Pension Accounting Office
Department of Expenditure
Ministry of Finance
Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi-110066
Dated: 20/02/2014
Sub: Performa of Life Certificate to be submitted by the pensioners.
Keeping in view the complaints received from different Pensionerโs Association that Bank Authorities are not maintaining uniformity in the Performa of Life & other Certificates and asking the pensioners to submit the requisite Certificate in their own format.
1) in this context, the performas of every Certificate have been prescribed and incorporated in the booklet Scheme for payment of Pension to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Authorised banks to maintain the uniformity. As per Para 15.1 of the booklet all banks are to issue Life Certificate in Annexure XVII (copy enclosed) on appearance of the pensioner before the authorized officer of the bank.
2) Further as per para 15.2 of the Scheme- Booklet as corrected by correction slip No. 14 (copy enclosed) a pensioner can furnish his life certificate to the bank issued by any of the authority enumerated therein.
3) All CPPCs are advised to instruct all their respective branches to accept the Life Certificates in the Performa prescribed in the Scheme Booklet only.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(Vijay Singh)
Sr. Accounts Officer (Tech)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
Trikoot II, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi 110 066
CPAO/Tech/Grievance (LF)/10-11/
Dt . .2011
Amendment to the Scheme for Payment of Pension to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Authorized Banks (Fourth Edition, 3 December, 2004)
Correction Slip No. 14
Addition after para 15.2 (P-11 of Scheme Booklet 4th Edition, 3rd Dec. 2004).
(In continuation)
A pensioner who produces a life certificate in the prescribed form in Annexure -XVII signed by any person specified hereunder, however, is exempted from personal appearance
(i) A person exercising the powers of a Magistrate under the Criminal Procedure code;
(ii) A Registrar or Sub-Registrar appointed under Indian Registration Act;
(iii) A Gazettec; Government servant;
(iv) A Police Officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector in -charge of a Pcce Station;
(v) A Postmaster, a departmental Sub-Postmaster or an Inspector of Post Offices
(vi) A Class I officer of the Reserve Bank of .India, an officer (including Grade II officer) of the State Bank of India or of its subsidiary;
(vii) A pensioned Officer who, before retirement, exercised the powers of a magistrate;
(viii) A Justice of Peace;
(ix) A Block Development Officer, Munsif, Tehsildar or Naib Tehsildar; (x).- โA-Head of Village Panchayat, Gram Panchayat, Gaon Panchayat or an Executive Committee of a Village;
(xi) A Member of Parliament, of State legislatures or of legislatures of Union Territory Governments /Administrations.
(xii) Treasury Officer.
In the case of a pensioner drawing his pension through E Public Sector Bank the life certificate may be signed by an officer of a Public Sector Bank. In the case of a pensioner residing abroad and drawing his pension through any other bank included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, the life certificate may be signed by an officer of the Bank. A pensioner not resident in India in respect of whom his duly authorized agent produces a life certificate signed by a Magistrate, a Notary, a Banker or a Diplomatic Representative of India is exempted from special appearance.
Below Annexure XVII (P-44 of Scheme Booklet 4th Edition, 3rd Dec. 2004) For โPara 15.1โ read โParas 15.1 and 15.2โ
(0/o CGA U.O. No. โ 1(7)/CPAO/Scheme Book/2005/TA/254 dt. 28.06.2011).
Correction Slip No.15
Annexure XVIII-(P-46 of Scheme Booklet 4th Edition, 3rd Dec. 2004)
Non-Employment/Re-employment Certificate.
The existing Serial No. at (B) & (C) may be read as (A) & (B).
(CGAโs U.O. No.- 1(7)(1)2000/TA/377 dated 19.08.2003) &- U.O. No. 1(7)/CPAO/Scheme Book/2005/TA/254 dt. 28.06.2011.
(H Athell)
Dy. Controller of Accounts
Copy forwarded to:-
1. All Ministries/ Department of the Govt. of India.
2. The Finance Secretaries of all States and Union Territories Govt. and Administration.
3. The C & AG of India, Bahadur Shah Zafar Mara, New Delhi
4. The Controller General of Accounts, Mio Finance, D/c Expendfture,7th Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi.
5. The Chief Accountant, Reserve Bank.-of-India,โCentral Office;โD/o Govt. & Bank Accounts Opp. Central Railway Station, Byculla, Mumbai-400 008
6. The Joint Director Finance (Accounts), Railway Board, New Delhi.
7. The Controller General of Defence Accounts, -West Block -V, R.K.Purarn, New Delhiโข
8. The Dy. Director General (PAF) Room No. 405, Dak. Bhavh,an, New Delhi. .9. The Dy. -Director (Accounts),Department of Telecommunications, Room No.705, .Sanchar 13hawan, 20, Ashoka ROad,-New Delhi
10. The Dy. Secretary (Pension), Mb o Defence, South Block, New Delhi.
11.The Dy. Director (P), Deptt. of Pension & P.W., 31-6 Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi.
12.The Dy. Director of Audit, Central Revenue, AGCR Building, New Delhi 13. National Institute of Management & Accounts, Ayudhpath, Meerut.
14.The Director of Accounts, Cabinet Secretariatโ East Block IX, R.K.Puram, New Delhi
15. CCAs/CAs/Dy.CAs of all Ministries/ Department of Govt. of India.
16. All Officers/Sections in the Office (CPAO, New Delhi)
17.All C.G.Ms/ G.M. of all authorized Banks.
14.2 The Paying branch /Reimbursing Bank shall ensure that no excess re-imbursement is claimed/ obtained-. However, if excess re-imbursernent is claimed due to any reason and the amount involved is less than Rs.1000/- the same may be adjusted through the pension payment scroll of the succeeding month, by the paying branch putting in a short claim to the extent, of the excess amount involved, with suitable remarks. thereof. Where, however, the amount excess reimbursed is Rs.1000/- or more, the paying branch may prepare immediately an error scroll for the amount for crediting the excess to Government account.โ
*1 CS No-18 Authority CGAโs UO No. 1(7) (1)2001/TA/155 dated 10111-3-2054
14.3 In respect of payments of commuted value of pension, and arrears of pension exceeding Rs 5000/- each, the paying branch may submit special scrolls relating to such payments and obtain reimbursements through the prescribed channel as and when these payments take place_ These scrolls etc. will, however, be forwarded by the Nodal Branches.โ to the CPAO along with the regular pension .payment scrolls in a month.
*2 CS No-18 Authority CGAโs U0 No. 1(7) (1)2001/TA/155 dated 10/11-3-2004
14.4 8: 14.5 (existed) Deleted
*3 CS No-18 Authority CGAโs U0 N. 1(7) (1)20017A/155 dated 10/11-3-2004
14.4 The CPAO will be responsible for accounting of dross pensions and deductions towards income-tax and will adjust the transactions in the usual manner.4
โ4 CS No-18 Authority CGAโs UO No. 1(7) (1)2001/TA/155 dated 10/11-3-2004
15.1 Life Certificate: The pensioner would be required to furnish a life certificate in November each year in the -form prescribed in Annexiire (Page.,-44). Officers of the Reserve Bank of India and of the Authorised banks listed in Annexure XVIII authorised to Dive life certificates for this purpose
15.2 In case a pensioner is unable to obtain a life certificate from an authorised Bank officer on account of serious illness/incapacitation etc., an intimation to this effect supported by a medical -certificate -from a registered medical practitioner about his inability to appear in person may be sent to the officer-in-charge of the paying branch so that the latter may nominate an officer to visit the pensioner at his/her residence/hospital for the purpose of recording -the life certificate.
15.3 Non-employment Certificate : The pensioner would be required to furnish a certificate of non-employment or employment/re- employment in a Department/Office of Central or State Govt. or Union territory or in a company, corporation, undertaking or autonomous body or a registered society of Central or State Govt. or Union Territory, or in a Nationalised Bank including Reserve Bank of India and the State Bank of India, in a local fund, yearly. Le. in the month of November each year in the form prescribed in Annexure XVIII (Page 45). In the case of a pensioner who declares about his employment/re-employment with emoluments which .include D.A., A.D.A. etc., provisions of pare 19.2 below should be enforced.
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