
Sanction of Pension Simplified and Streamlined

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 
24-February-2014 15:44 IST

Sanction of Pension Simplified and Streamlined 

As a part of a larger mandate of streamlining and simplifying the sanction of pension and payment process, the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare has taken steps towards minimizing delays in sanction and disbursement of pension, and making the process more transparent. 
The objective is to simplify the forms as well as to do away with the requirement of submission of affidavit and to accept all information and documents on the basis of Self certification. 26 forms under CCS Pension Rules (1972) have been reviewed and modified where necessary . The revised forms have been posted on the website of the Department www.persmin.nic.in. [click here for new forms]
The Department proposes to dispense with the requirement of a number of nomination forms for various benefits like GPF, CGEGIS, arrear of Pension and commutation of Pension by the employees. Instead, an employee will be required to fill up only one Nomination Form during the service and another nomination Form at the time of retirement. Amendment to the Forms and relevant rules in this respect would be notified by the Department very soon. [Click here to view proposed amendment]

Revision of Forms under General/Contributory Provident Fund Rules, Extraordinary Pension Rules and Commutation of Pension Rules is under process. The Department is also reviewing the Rules with a view to reducing the time prescribed for sanction of pension from the current 24-30 months to a more reasonable 12 months. 
An online pension sanction and payment tracking system ‘Bhavishya’ has been launched, initially in 15 Ministries. This will enable retiring government servants to themselves track progress of sanction of pension and other retirement dues against the time lines prescribed. 

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