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Probationers of Indian Defence Accounts Service call on President

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
President’s Secretariat 
Probationers of Indian Defence Accounts Service call on President 
A group of 23 probationers of Indian Defence Accounts Service 2012 batch and 2010 (RL) called on the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee today (October 14, 2013) at Rashtrapati Bhavan. 

Speaking on the occasion, the President stated that the officers of Indian Defence Accounts Service discharge a very important responsibility. Ensuring that wasteful expenditure does not take place is a great task. He said that he had no doubt that the training which the probationers were undergoing would not only make them responsible but also responsive. He urged them to remain true to their own conscience and apply their own judgment after an honest appraisal. He told the probationers that their responsibilities are tremendous and the complexity of their task is increasing in view of the increasing defence expenditure. 
These probationers are presently undergoing training at Headquarters Office of the Defence Account Department i.e. Controller General of Defence Accounts, Delhi Cantt. 
Source PIB

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  • Dr.ChandranPeechulli,Ph.D;MBA;FIE(INDIA) 11 years ago

    Chandran Krishnan Peechulli
    Re-Probationers of Indian Defence Accounts Service call on President: Central Government Employee News & Tools.
    These new probationers have to prove their worth/mettle, of professional competence, as against the old-timers who are not abreast with updates. When referred of the SUVIGYA software uploaded in Defence Accounts website, informs disability pension is not a right, have you not noticed, Disclaimer clause, as it applies to whom they say yes. Secondly, when questioned of a registered/ Speed Post letter Cover acknowledged by their office, after ten long days, was told not received, to harass a senior citizen ex-serviceman, and had to reproduce the whole set of xerox copies and the covering letter, even then taken in a lighter vein, by just forward-al letter after retaining with them for considerable period. Serves only whom they want/influenced. Basically no record of inward and outward mail register, a basic documentation not maintained, as in any Private or /Public set-up.
    There is absolutely no fair-play, on control of pensions to ex-servicemen. As an organisation, whether office of CGDA or the Department of Ex-service men's welfare, take matters easy even on projecting a grave mistake, non-committal, non-transparent, lacking basic responsibility, at the cost of the aggrieved ex-serviceman. There is really no control over the pensions disbursed, incompetent for calling themselves as "Controllers" at different levels, when the question of managing of the defence -accounts, is concerned, is so poor. Some draw, liberal dual-pensions, some suffer to get his legitimate right of disability pension only, for his displacement of his service from the Indian Army, through a medical board, and struggled to survive when he was thrown out to the civil world, like a fish out of water. Primitively, reject the disability pension, through wrong-coding committed by SIGNAL RECORDS, result of which consequently rejected by PCDA (Pensions),and thereafter all correspondences of the aggrieved ex-serviceman goes without reply,as they have to cover their own guilt, but said disability pension was 20% and not 50% as said during discharge, through the Zilla Sainik Board (DSS&A Board) over telephone, but never committed in writing. All efforts went all of vain, without any response * i.e. un-answered, heartlessly, mercilessly, only trying to conceal their wrong acts. Poor record-keeping is an evidence, to testify the poor performance of SIGNAL RECORDS. Are they competent to talk of delay and laches, which was created by them from start, besides many omissions in recording in many stages of events, apparent from the long-roll submitted by them, Group B, not mentioned, Hon.Hav.rank mentioned in the mailing list of Signalman magazine despatch, All those in the rolls of 1965,were awarded the "Raksha Medal" not recorded or given to me,Served during Chinese and Pakistan aggression and posted out-skirts of Kameria Gun Carriage Factory, on vigilance, and protection,Ex-serviceman's ID given only for pensioners, hence denied to me, deprived of CSD and ECHS facilities. Hence, deprived of all ex-serviceman's benefits and privileges. All to the whims and fancies of the officers concerned. Lodged complaint on knowing of AFT coming into existence through the Press/Media. Ref: OA7/2013 and followed by RA16/2013 with the Armed Forces Tribunal, Chennai Region. The need to look at at it fairly, in a broader perspective angle, for fair-play with unbiased out-look. Make more informed decisions. Public Services to be true to all.

    Dev Pradul Dev likes this.

    Chandran Krishnan Peechulli Make more informed decisions. With due regard, to the existing rules than harassing and humiliating the ex-servicemen, respecting the precious time.
    12 minutes ago · Like