HomeDoPT Order

Launching of Web Based software for CSSS/CSCS Cadre Management

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated 11th September, 2013

Subject : Launching of Web Based software for CSSS/CSCS โ€” reg.

Reference is invited to this Departmentโ€™s OM No. 21/11/2010-CS.I(U) dated 4th February, 2013 vide which Web Based Software /Data in respect of officers of CSS was uploaded. The software / database in respect of officers of CSSS and CSCS has also since been posted in the test server at URL The system is designed for the following users : 

(i) CS-II Division and AVD.I Division of DOPT -Being cadre controlling authority for CSSS and CSCS Officers, CS-II Division will function as the administrator of the software.
(ii) Ministries / Departments โ€“ Nodal officers can view the data in respect of officers under their administrative control and forward applications of officers for cadre clearance NRS. Further, all the cadre management activities such as monitoring of submission of immovable property returns and APAR of officers under their administrative control, relieving and joining orders of officers, training, encadrement proposals, seeking vigilance clearance from AVD.I Division of DOPT and from their own Vigilance Division can be undertaken through the system.
(iii) Individual CSSS / CSCS Officers โ€“  They can view their data and make requests for cadre clearance for deputation online. They can also file Annual Immovable Property Return, lodge grievances, view orders related to them and file applications for Voluntary Retirement. Officers can log in to the system with the user id which is a combination of six digit date of birth followed by first four letters of their name i.e. ddmmyyabcd . Officers may contact the nodal officers concerned for password for logging in to the system.
2. Incomplete Data Ministries / Departments may appreciate that the software can be fully operationalised for Cadre Management activities only if the complete and accurate data in respect of all the CSSS / CSCS Officers are available in the system. However, despite several reminders over the period, data only in respect of approx 3500 CSSS officers and 2290 CSCS officials have been received. Further, data received in respect of a few officers is not complete. It need not be emphasized that in the absence of complete and accurate data, it is not possible to fully utilize the software for all Cadre Management activities as envisaged while developing this Software.
3. Correctness of data  : Ministries/Departments and individuals CSSS /CSCS officers should immediately visit the website to check if their complete and updated data is available in the system. All CSSS /CSCS officers should take a print out of the data and certify that the same is complete and correct in all respects. A copy of the data sheet, duly certified for its correctness both by the individual officer and the Ministry/Department concerned, may be forwarded to CS.II Division for records.
4. Non-availability of data : In case the data in respect of any officer not being available in the system, the same should be immediately forwarded in the MS Access Sheet. Separately i.e. not by clubbing with the data already sent. Sufficient time has already been given to the cadre units for submission of the complete data. The delay in this regard, therefore, reflects poorly on the officer and the Ministry/Department concerned. Officers concerned are also informed that in case the complete, accurate and updated data is not available in the system, any request for Cadre clearance for deputation, training etc. will not be considered. Accordingly, all officers, in their own interest, are advised to ensure that their updated data, complete in all respects is available in the system. Once complete data is available in the system, this department will issue posting, transfer and promotion orders only through the system. Similarly, the Ministries/Departments will thereafter issue the orders for relieving, joining, appointment on promotion only through the system.
5. Nodal Officers : The details of Nodal Officers have already been circulated vide this departments O.M. No. 21/11/2010 โ€”CS.I(U) dated 4th February 2013. As advised by the said 0.M., Ministries/Departments may nominate 2-3 nodal officers viz, for administrative issues and vigilance related matters.
6. To start with, CS.II Division will entertain request for cadre clearance for deputation only through the system w.e.f. 1.1.2014. Once complete, accurate and updated data in respect of all CSSS /CSCS officers is available, it will be extended to other cadre management activities.
7. Improvements, if any, required in the software may please be brought to the notice of this Department urgently.
(Vandana Sharma) 
Director (CS.II)
Source: http://pensionersportal.gov.in/

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