Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Pension & Pensionersโ Welfare)
Sl. No.
Issue raised in
22nd SCOVA meeting as per minutes |
Decision taken in
the 22nd SCOVA meeting |
Follow up Action
Sl. No. 1 and 19 of
ATR or para 5:
Issue of revised PPO for Pre-2006 retirees and also to communicate the amount of pension as well as Family Pension to be revised consequent to the 6th Central Pay Commission to Pre 1.1.2006 pensioners,
a) CPAO, Ministry of Railways, Department of Posts were told to complete the work by 31st March, 2013.
d) Some Associations pointed out the long delay in the revision of PPOs after 6th CPC should be taken up urgently and requested MOS (PP) to intervene at his level to get the work completed without further delay. For this purpose they proposed that additional staff and honorarium may be considered.
(1) D/oP&PW & CPAO:-
> All the Ministries have been requested to issue revised authority for all pensioners, all the pensioners/family Pensioners afresh. Secondly, with a view to reconciling the pension payment records, it had been decided to monitor the Pre-2006 cases only on the basis of e-scrolls made available by the banks. The CPAO is in the process of reconciling the data with the banks and Ministries/Departments. The progress is being monitored in this Department. To strengthen the monitoring at the level of the Secretary of the administrative Min/Deptt, this item has been made a part of the Monthly d.o to the Cabinet Secretary.
> Several meetings were arranged CPAO at the level of Controller by the Accounts, Addl. CGA, CC(P), CPAO General of with the CCAs/CAs of Ministries/Departments to discuss the problems and to plan strategies to complete the targets within stipulated time. Letters were also written at the level of CGA to AGs and Administrators of Union Territories.
> Pension of all the live pensioners of pre- 2006 and pre-1990 have already been revised as reported by banks.
> As on 08.08.2013, 71,334 cases(34,733 pre-1990 and 36,601 pre-2006), of Civil Ministries/Deptts, are pending for revision. Approximately, 82% work of Civil Ministries/ Departments has been completed.
> The major reason for non-revision of remaining cases by Ministries/Departments are re-organisation of various Departments/PAOs and non-availability of records of the pensioners in CPAO, Ministries/Departments and Banks. The efforts were also made through advertisements to approach to the pensioners but poor response from pensioners/family pensioners has also become the reason of this slow progress as their pension has already been revised by the banks.
(ii) Ministry of Railways:-
Current Status
Action Plan:
โข Due to non-availability of complete information required for revisions (viz, updated address, date of birth of beneficiaries spouse new a/c no. etc) with the Pension Sanctioning Authority, Railways could not revise the PPOs suoยฌmoto. Accordingly, the Railways published advertisements in news papers/TV etc. to call for requisite details through application form.
โข Assistance of RBI was also availed to issue instructions to the Banks to place notices in Banks premises requesting Railway pensioners to fill up application forms and send the same to Railways.
โข Revised PPOs have been issued in respect of application forms received from the pensioners.
โข However, all these efforts did not help in getting applications from all the pensioners/family pensioners. Therefore, PPOs could not be revised in remaining cases.
โข The position was reviewed in May/2013, and it was decided that to issue the PPOs suo-moto by collecting the requisite gap information/details form Banks.
โข Railways had been given a target of 30.09.2013 for completion of this work.
(iii) Department of Posts :-
Out of the 2,12,995 identified cases of pre- 2006 pensioners/family pensioners, 1,55,957 PPOs have been revised and issued upto31.07.2013, thus 73.22% works stands completed. All the Heads of the Circles/ Postal Accounts Officers have been requested to complete the balance work at the earliest.
The work regarding revision of Pension and PPOs of Post-2006 Pensioners has been completed almost cent percent
b) Department of Telecommunication informed that they had not received the latest update on revision of PPOs from BSNL and therefore the data was not up to date. The Hontle MOS (PP) desired that the representative who attended the meeting should be able to give the requisite information. The representative of the Department of Telecom agreed to comply with the same.
(b) Department of Telecommunications
Status of pension, revision of pre-2006 as on
30.08.2013 is :-
c) Ministry of Defence informed that 6 Lakh PPOs had been revised. Efforts were on to adhere to the deadline of 30.09.2013. However, slippages could not be ruled out in view of the fresh revision of pension mandated by the Cabinet decision of 24.9.2012. Some of the Associations desired that outside agencies should be involved. They also desired that the Pension Regulation should be revised in tune with changes recommended by 6th CPC and accepted by Government. The revision of PPOs pre-1990 should also be completed by 30.09.2013. Secretary (Pension) also pointed out that there were number of grievances of PCDA Allahabad in this regard and asked organization of CGDA to specifically look into this,
(Action, : CPAO,
All Ministries,
(c) M/o Defence (D/O Ex-Servicemen Welfare):-
Corrigendum PPOs could not be issued by the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities(PSAs) for want of computerised data. There was some mismatch in data available with the PSAs and with the current pensions PDAs. Accordingly, a Task Force was created during one of the meetings held on 09.05.2013 comprising reps of SBI, PNB(large pension disbursing banks) and CGDA to sort out the matter. It has been reported that the records in respect of Post-2006 pensioners have since been computerised and database exists for 4.5 lac pensioners (approx.). Digital records of 5.88 lac pensioners have also been created in respect of pre-2006 pensioners under Project SANGAM so far. It has been proposed to create print file of approx. 1 lac cases every month for the next 4-5 months commencing August, 2013. It has been assured that digitisation of pensioners both pre-2006 and post- 2006 pensioners would be finalised for approx 15.5 lac pensioners by December,2013.
> No specific grievances have been pointed out. However, it is submitted that CGDA has prepared pension guide for the benefit of pensioners as well as the Pension Disbursing Agencies/ Head of Offices/ Record Offices apart from developing a computerised pension enquiry project (SUVIGYA). It is online pension enquiry system which enables the ex- service men to know their entitlements of pension at the click of a button after giving certain basic inputs. There is a Public Grievance Officers (PGO) in the 0/0 PCDA(P), Allahabad for redressal of pensioners grievances. A cell also exists there to attend to the grievances relating to pension. Another mechanism developed in the Office of PCDA(P), Allahabad is to lodge the pension related complaints online through the official website of through e-mail.
Defence (Civilians) :- Comments still awaited.
ii) Sl. No 6, 7
and 8 of ATR of Para 5:
(a) Revision of ex-gratia amount to CPFISRPF retirees. (b) Uniform rates of DR&
(d) Ex-gratia to those who voluntarily retired after 20 years of service in respect of pre-1986 CPF/ SRPF retirees.
(e) Ex-gratia should not be less than minimum pension and the same should be effective from 01.01.2006.
As regards (a), (b)
and (e) the status was explained in the meeting. As regards (d) it was informed that the opinion of Railway Board is under examination in consultation with Dio Expenditure. Medical invalidation cases were asked to be looked into again in view of court judgement.
Railways & D/OP&PW) |
D/o P&PW & Ministry of Railways :,
(a) & (d):- Necessary instructions have been
issued by D/oP&PW & Mb o Railways.
(e):- Further increase in ex-gratia has not been
acceded to while making a decision in (a) & (d). |
Sl. No. 13 and 16
of ATR of Para 5:
(13) โ The Orders of Ministry of Health reiterating that all the pensioners are at liberty to opt themselves with any of the nearest CGHS hospital/ dispensary may be widely circulated. Arbitrary orders dated 01/08/1996 and 01/09/1996 issued by Ministry of Health and Director of CGHS may be withdrawn and the benefit of CGHS facilities be allowed to the pensioners of Department of Post and Department of Telecom as specially provided in the order of the Department of Personnel and Pension.
Ministry of Health informed that the matter regarding withdrawal of OMs dated 1.8.1996 and 1.9.1996 (which provide that the P&T pensioners not participating in CGHS while in service may not be extended this facility) is subjudice. Regarding merger of 19 P&T dispensaries in 12 cities with CGHS, representatives of Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance informed that the matter is at advanced stage of consideration and a decision is expected shortly. Department of Posts need to pursue it vigorously.
M/o Health and Family Welfare:-
(13) The matter is sub-judice.
D/o Telecommunications:-
DOT is not providing any medical facility to Pensioners. Ministry of Health and FW issues CGHS Card directly to the pensioners on payment of requisite fees. CS(MA) Rules, medical facilities under CGHS is a subject matter of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. As per M/oH&FW OM No. S-11011/46/95-CGSD-II/CGHS(P) dated 01.08.96 P&T Pensioners who were not participating in CGHS while in service are not eligible for CGHS facility after retirement.
D/o Posts & M/o Health & FW:-
>- Regarding merger of P&T dispensaries
with CGHS :-
Recently, CGHS has taken over 19 P&T dispensaries in 12 cities w.e.f 01st August, 2013 vide M/oH&FWโs notification dated 09.07.2013 circulated by Department of Posts vide circular No.2-3/2009- Medical dated.18.07.2013. Accordingly, P&T pensioners residing in these cities may join CGHS to avail its facilities including inpatient medical treatment/ hospitalisation etc The issue stands settled.
(16)-(i) The existing Pensioners of Department of Posts and Telecom covered by P& T Dispensaries are neither considered for treatment of hospitalization facilities nor for Fixed Medical Allowance &
(ii) Pensioners falling within the limit of P& T Dispensaries/CGHS Hospitals may be allowed to opt for P&T Dispensaries or drawl ofFMA.
The Ministry of Health informed that the proposal for opening of new Dispensaries at Mohali / Panchkula / Chandigarh could not be agreed to due to severe resource crunch with CGHS. Ministry of Health was requested to agree to at least opening of a new dispensary at Panchkula as the Chandigarh dispensary is over burdened with 23,500 beneficiaries. MOS (PP) mentioned that he would take up the matter with Minister of Health and Family Welfare.
Issue regarding opening of new dispensary at Panchkula :-
D/o P&PW :-
Issue was taken up by the Honโble Minister of State (PP) level with the Minister of Health & FW vide D.O. letter dated 26.02.2013.
M/o Health and Family Welfare:-
Due to the financial and logistic constraints it is not possible to open a new dispensary at Panchkula. The Ministry has mooted a proposal for opening at least one dispensary each in the capital city of States which do not have the presence of CGHS as yet.
On the question of computerization of CGHS dispensary at Jammu, Ministry of Health informed that the same would be done.
(Action : M/o Health & FW, Department of Posts, Department of Telecom, Dlo P&PW)
The matter is under process regarding computerisation of CGHS dispensary at Jammu.
6.2 of Para 6 Dissemination of information in real time:
MOS(PP) reiterated that the DR orders of this department should be immediately implemented by all the Ministries. Department of Pension stated that most of the Ministries/depa rtment s were adhering to the DR orders issued by this Department and, therefore, the item may be treated as closed. One of the Associations, however, informed that in case of Karimnagar (AP) Post Office, the same is not being followed. Department of Posts was asked to find out the same.
(Action :
Department of
Department of Posts:-
D/o Posts vide dt. 11.10.2012 has issued instructions for payment of DR to pensioners on the basis of OM issued by Department of Pensions and Pensioners Welfare, and without waiting for the separate circular, the same instructions were again reiterated vide dt 25.06.2013.
6.5 of Para 6
Nomination facility for Family Pensioners drawing Life Time Arrears:
The Department of Legal Affairs has examined the provisions contained in this department OM dated 30.10.1995 and stated that the stand taken vide that OM appears to be in accordance with the intention of the makers of the extant rules and are legally in order. Hence the nomination facility for family pensioners drawing life time arrears has not been agreed to.
The matter has been again examined in consultation with the % Legal Affairs. It has been decided that since family pension is granted only for the sustenance of the family of the deceased Govt. servant/pensioner it is not legally correct to consider the same as property of the family pensioner and therefore to facilitate nomination for the same. At the same time, instructions have been issued to allow payment of lifetime arrears up to Rs. 2,50,00 without succession certificate when no member in the family is eligible for family pension.
In view of the foregoing, it is proposed that the item may be dropped.
6.8 of Para 6
c) Central Govt Health
Scheme: Issues at Wellness Centres Bangalore
d)CGHS Dispensary/ Wellness Centre at
e) Opening of three
more CGHS Dispensaries, one at Mohali, second at Panchkula and โone more at Chandigarh |
Ministry of Health & FW intimated that there is severe resource crunch and hence several places including areas in Delhi were not covered. However, the Honโble MOS(PP) assured that he will take up with Minister of Health the issue of opening of CGHS dispensary at Panchkula. Representative of Ministry of Health also intimated that computerisation of these dispensary will be done in a phased manner. (Action: Ministry of Health & FW, D/oP&PW)
D/o P&PW:-
Issue regarding opening of new dispensary at Panchkula was again taken up by the Honโble Minister of State (PP) level with Minister of Health & FWvide D.O. letter dated 26.02.2013.
MIo Health & Family Welfare:-
Due to the financial and logistic constraints it is not possible to open more dispensaries.
12. Nomination for reimbursement in CGHS:
The Ministry of Health informed that nomination for reimbursement in CGHS would not be advisable as it would create legal complications. Ministry of Health was asked to re-examine the issue in consultation with
Ministry of Law.
(Action: M/o Health & FW)
D/o P&PW :-
Ministry of Health & FW informed that it would be administratively difficult to monitor nomination on a regular basis as the facility for change of nomination at any time would also have to be provided.
However, in our letter dated 30.07.2013, Ministry of Health was informed that seeking affidavits/NOC etc. on stamp paper from the legal heirs/family members may cause avoidable inconvenience to them. The feasibility of reimbursing the hospitalization expenses in respect of the deceased employee/pensioner to the nominee for the purpose of GPF,gratuity, CGEGIS, etc. could, therefore, be examined. Ministry of is again requested to re-consider the matter and to inform the decision taken in this regard.
M/o Health &. Family Welfare :-
In the light of the observations of D/oP&PW, the issue is being re-examined.
13. Extension of duty
hours of CGHS Dispensaries: |
The working hours of CGHS has been extended in Delhi/NCR in order to ensure optimum utilization of scarce manpower resources of CGHS and also to improve the functioning of CGHS.
(Action: M/o Health & FW)
M/o Health &. Family Welfare:-
The working hours of CGHS dispensaries have since been revised to 8.00AM to 3.00 PM with a 30 minutes lunch break from 1.00 to 1.30. It has been made applicable across the country at all CGHS locations.
15. CGHS sites on the net
Ministry of Health informed that the website of CGHS is being updated from time to time. It was pointed out that the link of CGHS website available on pensioners portal is an older version. DOP&PWwas asked to give link with the updated version of CGHS site.
(Action: NIC)
Link of current website of CGHSis available.
S1. No. 26 of ATR
of Para 5:
Anomaly in fixation of pension to DoT employees absorbed in BSNL, who retired between 1.10.2000 and 31.7.2001
Department of Telecommunication informed that the order were issued on 27.9.2011 to the effect that the absorbees in BSNL are also entitled for minimum of pension at not less than 50% of the minimum of the pay in the scale of pay held by them at the time of retirement. However, the DOT is still getting representations from BSNL retirees on this subject. The matter is under examination with DoT. It was decided that DoT will take final decision in the matter by 31st March, 2013.
(Action : Department of Telecom)
D/o P&โPW :-
The decision in the matter is to be taken by DOT. DOT has been requested on 14.03.2013, 18.07.2013 & 13.08.2013 seeking information regarding the decision taken by them in the matter.
D/o Telecommunications:-
The proposal for rectification of anomaly in pension of BSNL employees retired within ten months of their absorption in BSNL w.e.f. 01.10.2000 was earlier considered and agreed by Department of Pension and Pensionersโ Welfare. But, Department of Expenditure did not agree to the same. However, a fresh proposal for calculation of pension to such absorbees on notional basis is under examination in the Department.
9. Merger of 78.2%
IDA with basic pension benefit to the absorbed BSNL Pensioners: |
DoT informed that the decision to merge 68.8% IDA with pension was in line with the decision taken for revision of pay in respect of serving employees of BSNL. They informed that if at any stage the benefit of merger of 78.2% IDA with pay of serving employees is given, this benefit would also be extended to absorbee pensioners of BSNL. DoT informed that the matter is under examination in that Department.
[Action: D/o Telecom, D/oP&PW]
D/o P&PW:โ
DOT has been requested on 14.03.2013; 18.07.2013 & 13.08.2013 seeking information regarding the decision taken by them in the matter.
D/o Telecommunications:-
DOT has issued the benefit of merger of 78.2% IDA with pay of serving employees w.e.f. 10.06.2013. For mooting the proposal in respect of pensioners, some inputs were required from BSNL. The inputs had been received from BSNL. The proposal for revision of pension/ family pension of pre-2007 and post-2007 BSNL IDA pensioners/family pensioners by allowing the benefit of merger of 50% of DA/DR effectively amounting to 78.2% as on 01.01.2007 w.e.f 10.06.2013 based on the pay revision of BSNL serving employees w.e.f. 10.06.2013 is under consideration
Forwarding letter from DoP&PW:
F. No. 42/6/2013-P&PW(G)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensionersโ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi โ 110003
Date: 12th September, 2013
Subject: Action Taken Report (ATR) on the minutes of the 22nd meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA).
Please find enclosed herewith a copy of Action Taken Report (ATR) on the decisions of the 22nd meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held on 19th February, 2013 in New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Honโble MOS(PP) for kind perusal.
( Sujasha Choudhury )
Deputy Secretary (P)
1. Director, NIC, 3rd floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi for placing this Office Memorandum on this Departmentโs website -)โข Circulars -> SCOVA.
2. Pensioners Associations under SCOVA :
Standing Group (5 Associations)
(i) Secretary, National Council (Staff Side) JCM, 13-0, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi โ 110001.
(ii) President, All India Retired Railwaymenโs Federation, Block 303, Railway Colony High School, Chilkallguda, Secunderabad โ 500025, Andhra Pradesh
(iii) President, All India Federation of Pensioners Association, G-2, Soundarya, New No. 51, Old No. 22, Kavarai Street, Saidapet West, Chennai โ 600015, Tamilnadu.
(iv) Secretary General,Bharat Pensionersโ Samaj, Post Box No. 3303, Jangpura P.O. New Delhi โ 110 014.
(v) Vice President & Honorary Secretary, Air Force Association, Air Force Station, Race Course Camp, New Delhi โ 110 003.
Rotating Groue ( 10 Associations)
(i) President,Disabled War Veterans (India), 86/6, DLF City, Phase I, Gurgaon, Haryana โ 122002.
(ii) President, Association of Retired Officers of IA&ID, H. No. 2154, Sector 38-C, Chandigarh.
(iii) Secretary Genera, lAll India Central Government Pensioners Association, EP-233, Naya Bazar, Jalandhar City, Punjab.
(iv) Secretary, Karnataka Posts and Telecommunications Pensioners Association (R), 1397, 23rd Main, Banashankari II Stage, Bengaluru.
(v) President, Co-ordination Committee of Central Government Pensionersโ Association, 68-B, K. G. Bhawan, Malanga Lane, Koikata-12, West Bengal.
(vi) General Secretary, All India Central Government Pensionersโ Association, 355, Ganga Mandir, Cuttack, Orissa.
(vii) General Secretary, Central Government Pensionersโ Association, Kerala, โPension Kendraโ, II Floor, Capital Towers, Patturaickal in., Thrissur โ 680022, Kerala.
(viii) General Secretary, Central Government Pensioners Welfare Association, Jammu Olympic Association Building, Parade, Jammu (J&K).
(ix) Secretary General,All India Organisation of Pensioners Kanpur, 120/469, Lajpat Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
(x) President, All India Central Government Pensionersโ Association, 1785, Sadashivpeth, Phadkeshankul, Near Pune, Vidyarthi Griha, Pune โ 411030 (Maharashtra)
3. Invited Ministries/Departments. As per list attached
1. Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure)
2. Ministry of Defence (Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare).
3. Ministry of Railways.
4. Department of Posts.
5. Department of Telecommunications.
6. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
7. Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T).
8. Department of Financial Services.
9. Controller General of Accounts (CGA).
10. Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO).
1. Chairman, Railway Board, Ministry of Railways, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
2. Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, North Block, New Delhi.
3. Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Jeevan Deep Building, Sansad Marg, New Delhi.
4. Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
5. Secretary, Department of Personnel &Training, North Block New Delhi.
6. Secretary, Department of Telecommunication, Sanchar Bhavan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi.
7. Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Ministry of Defence, South Block, New Delhi.
8. Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
9. Controller General of Accounts (CGA), Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi.
10. Chief Controller (Pension), Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO), Trikoot โ II, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi.
11. Shri A. N. Vohra, Member (Staff) Railway Board, Ministry of Railways, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
12. Shri S. K. Seth, Adviser, Railway Board, Ministry of Railways, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
13. Shri V. P. Singh, Dy. Secretary, Room No. 308-D, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
14. DDG (PPF & Accounts), Department of Telecom, Room No. 704, Sanchar Bhavan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi.
15. Smt. Shyama Kutty, Dy. Secretary(Admn./Estt) Department of Telecommunication, Sanchar Bhavan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi.
16. Shri Vijay Kumar Singh, Director (Administration), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, North Block, New Delhi.
17. Shri Alok Saxena, DDG(Estt) & Secretary (Postal Services Board), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
18. Shri P. Ahilan, ADG(Pension), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
19. Ms. Malathi Narayanan, Under Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Ministry of Defence, Sena Bhawan,B- Wing, New Delhi.
20. Shri. S.S.Singh, DDG(PG), Deptt. of Telecommunication, Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi.
21. Shri Ashok Kumar, Dy. Secretary(KA), Dept of Personnel & Taining, North Block, New Delhi.
22. Mb o Defence, Shri Surya Prajash,Director(CP), B-Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi.
23. Office of CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt., New Delhi.
Source: Pensioner Portal
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