
Instructions regarding maintenance of workbook, registers, files etc: CGDA Circular

Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Centt-110010
No. AT-Coorc1/13002/Correspondance
dated:- 23rd Aug’2013

PCoA (Fys) Kolkata

Sub: Instructions regarding maintenance of workbook, registers, files etc

During the course of inspection by FIQrs office, it has come to notice that files and important documents like workbook, registers etc. are not being maintained properly in the office/sections. In this regard the following guidelines may strictly be adhered to:

i) File numbering system — Before opening a new file, the dealing hand will ascertain the standard head to which the paper under consideration relates. A  suitable title of the file will consist of precise subject with a brief content indicating the issue under consideration. The title should be as brief as possible.

ii) Instances where files need not be opened — No new files will be opened for dealing with receipts of a purely routine nature i.e the letters that can be disposed of straight-away by recording the reply on the source receipts and returning them to the originators or receipts which are unlikely to generate further correspondence may be placed in a misc. file.
iii) File Register — A record of files opened during a calendar year will be kept in a file register.
iv) Part File  – If the main file on the subject is not likely to be available for some time and it is necessary to process a fresh receipt or a note without waiting for its return, a part file may be opened to deal with it. A part file will normally consist of (a) receipt or note to be dealt with and (b) notes relating thereto. Initials on the notings may invariably be stamped by officers (MO and above). A specimen of the stamp is enclosed herewith. A part file will be merged with main file as soon as possible, after removing duplicate papers, if any.
v) Filing of Papers  —
  • Papers required to be filed will be punched neatly on their left hand top corner and tagged on the appropriate part of the file in chronological order.
  • Both ‘notes portion` and ‘correspondence portion’ will be placed in a single file cover.
  • Earlier communications referred to in the letters etc. received or proposed to be issued, will be indicated in pen by giving their position on the file
  • When ‘notes’ plus the ‘correspondence’ portion of a file become bulky (say exceed 200 pages), it will be stitched and marked ‘Vol-II. Further papers on the subject will be added to the new volume of the same file, which will be marked as ‘Vol-II’ and so on.

vi) Referencing
  • Every page in each file (Viz. notes, correspondence, appendix to notes and appendix to correspondence) will be consecutively page numbered on the right top corner.
  • The number of the file referred to will be quoted invariably in the body of the note and the relevant page numbers will be indicated on the margin.
  • Use of flags within the file should be completely avoided and only page numbers should be mentioned for referencing/ cross referencing.

It has also been noticed that the following items listed below are not being maintained in accordance with OM Part —I

a) Work Books – Para 497 of OM Part-I
b) Reminder Chart – Para 498 of OM Part-I
c) Registers – Para 505 of OM Part-I

Hence it is enjoined upon all to issue instructions for strict compliance.

(A.N Das)

Source: www.cgda.nic.in
