Orthopaedically handicapped Central Government employees are in receipt of Double Transport Allowance as per Ministryโs Office Memorandum No. O.M. No. 19029/1/78-E-IV(B) dated 31.08.1978 and O.M.No. 19029/1/78-E.IV(B) dated 3rd December, 1979.
Now, Criteria for orthopaedically handicapped employees to draw Transport Allowance at double the normal rates has been reviewed and it has been decided by Department of Expenditure and Ministry of Finance that Transport Allowance at the Double Rates subject to a minimum of Rs.1000 along with applicable Dearness Allowance shall be allowed to an orthopedically Handicapped Government employee if he or she has a minimum of 40% permanent partial disability of either one or both upper limits or one or both lower limbs OR 50% permanent partial disability of one or both upper limbs and one or both lower limbs combines
Grant of Transport Allowance to Orthopaedically handicapped Central Government employeesโFinmin Orders
No. 21-1/2011-E.II(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 5th August, 2013.
Dated: 5th August, 2013.
Subject: Grant of Transport Allowance to Orthopaedically handicapped Central Government employees.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministryโs Office Memorandum No. 19029/1/78-E.IV(B) dated 3rd December, 1979, as amended from time to time and to say that the criteria for orttiopaedically handicapped employees to draw Transport Allowance at double the normal rates has been reviewed in consultation with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
It has been decided that in partial modification of para 1 of Office Memorandum dated 3rd December, 1979 referred above, Double Transport Allowance shall be allowed to an orthopaedically Handicapped Government employee if he or she has a minimum of 40% permanent partial disability of either one or both upper limbs or one or both lower limbs OR 50% permanent partial disability of one or both upper limbs and one or both lower limbs combined. The other conditions of O.M. dated 3rd December, 1979 for granting Double Transport Allowance to orthopaedically handicapped Central Government employees shall remain unchanged.
(K.R. Sharma)
Under Secretary to the Goverment of India
(K.R. Sharma)
Under Secretary to the Goverment of India
Source: www.finmin.nic.in
Transport Allowance as per 6CPC recommendations
sir, is a defence personnel (hearing impaired) is eligible for grant of double transport allowance as the other central govt employees are eligible..pls clarify