
Rank Pay: For Special Attention of Retired Officer and NOKs/Legal heirs of deceased Officer โ€“ PCDA Advt.


For Special Attention of Retired Armed Forces Officers and NOKs/Legal Heirs of Deceased Officers

(In the mailer of Honโ€™ble Supreme Court Order of 04/09/2012 on Rank Pay)

According to MoD Letter No, 34(6)2012-D (Pay/Services) dated 27 December, 2012 in regard to implementation of Honโ€™ble Supreme Court Qrder dated 04th September, 2012, the pay of the officers of the Armed Forces holding the rank of Capt/Maj/Lt Col(TS)/Lt Col(Sel)/Col/Brig and equivalent ranks in Air Force and Navy serving as on 01/01/1986 is to be revised for payment of arrears of Pay.
2. Revision of pay of affected officers as per Honโ€™ble Supreme Court order is already in process. It has been noticed that in number of cases necessary Information/documents like IRLAs/Bank details/ required Undertakings of the affected officers are not available with their pay offices to enable them to release the payment of arrears of pay. List of such affected officers and requirement of information/documents therefrom are available on the following websites of concerned Pay Offices:

a) For Army Officers: PCDA (0), Golibar Maidan, Pune-411001 (https://pcdaopune.gov.in)
b) For Air Force Officers: Officer-in-Charge, Officer Pay Wing. Air Force Central Accounts Office, Subroto Park, Delhi Cantt-110010 (www.indianairforce.nic.in)
c) For Naval Officers: The Logistics Officer-in-Charge, Naval Pay Office, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Mumbai-400 023 (www.wnc-navpay@nic.in)
3. All the beneficiary officers or NOKs are requested to immediately send to respective Pay Offices required information/documents as mentioned on the above websites superscribing the envelope containing the documents as โ€œDocuments for Rank Pay Caseโ€. 
For any clarification contact Director MP 5 & 6 at 011-26106329 or AAG MP 5 & 6 at 011-26195669 or PCDA(O), Pune at 020-26401138/26401111/26401356 (For Army); 
011-256960334919650591865 (For Air Force) and at 
022-22751052/22751057/22751058 (For Navy),

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