All India Railwaymen Federation
Dated: May 28, 2013
Respected Dr. Joshi Ji,
Sub: Settlement of long pending genuine demands of the Railwaymen
While congratulating you once again on your assuming the charge of Honโble Minister for Railways, I intend to take the privilege to invite your kind attention towards my earlier communication vide D.O. letter of even number dated 9th October, 2012, following reminder dated 6th January, 2013, addressed to the then Honโble Minister for Railways, Shri Pawan Bansal.
The Railwaymen of the Indian Railways, who are making their sincere all out efforts for running the Railways round the clock in all the seasons, weather conditions, despite all odds, have been feeling disgusted/disappointed on account of non-settlement of their undernoted long pending genuine demands, while substantially long period of time has elapsed since AIRF has been pursuing these issues regularly:-
1. Dispensation of Written Test from LARSGESS
It may be recalled that, initially the Safety Related Voluntary Retirement Scheme came into existence after
sustained persuasions by the All India Railwaymenโs Federation, covering only two categories of staff, i.e. Loco Pilot and Trackmen. Subsequently, this was further liberalized, bringing all the safety categories of staff working in GP Rs.1800 and 1900 under its purview, which too was done after concerted efforts made by the AIRF. The wards of the Railway employees who are to be given appointment under this scheme were being subjected to a very tough Physical Efficiency Test and Written Examination, for which we had demanded to dispense with the same. Though PET has been done away with from the LARSGESS, nevertheless, despite clear assurance given by the then Honโble Minister for Railways on 6th September, 2012 while inaugurating Late Com. J.P. Chaubey Memorial Library in AIRF Office Complex, New Delhi, Written Test is yet to be dispensed with. We are still of the firm opinion that appointment of the wards of the Railwaymen under this scheme should be at par with compassionate ground appointment and appointment of the children of the land looser, wherein no Physical Efficiency Test and Written Test is prescribed.
It would, therefore, be quite appropriate that orders to dispense with Written Test in LARSGESS are issued without further loss of time as per the commitment given by the then Honโble Minister for Railways.
2. Implementation of Cadre restructuring of various categories of the Railwaymen
Consequent upon implementation of recommendations of the VI CPC report, certain grades having been
merged and replaced by single grade pay, certain imbalances in the cadre have as well taken place on this account.
With a view to facilitate further advancement/promotion of the staff, cadre restructuring of a number of categories was the need of the hour, and in a number of departments under Government of India, this process has since been completed and implemented.
In the Ministry of Railways also, three meetings of the Cadre Restructuring Committee, constituted for this
purpose were held during the past after implementation of VI CPC report, wherein unanimous agreements have been arrived to restructure the cadre of various categories of staff in Railways with a view to provide advancement prospects to them. It is a matter of regret that despite regular chasing by the AIRF, unanimously agreed recommendations of the Cadre Restructuring Committee, in the meetings mentioned above, have not been implemented so far, causing deep sense of discontentment and serious resentment among the Railwaymen.
It would, therefore, be highly appreciated if these recommendations of the Cadre Restructuring Committee are implemented at the earliest to facilitate the staff awaiting promotion.
3. Implementation of unanimous recommendations of the Joint Committee on Package and Career Progression of Trackmen
A Joint Committee was constituted by the Railway Board to recommend Package and Career Progression
for the vulnerable category of Trackmen, Gatemen, Trolleymen of Civil Engineering Department, who are engaged in maintenance of tracks in very arduous working conditions and is a deprived category as well.
The unanimous recommendations of this Joint Committee were long back submitted to the Railway Board on 28.06.2011 and it took more than one year to implement the same. It is further disheartening that while implementing recommendations of the said committee, the Career Progression as envisaged therein was diluted and the percentage of higher grade was unilaterally reduced by the Railway Board. The Trackmen were seriously agitated on this account and there were countrywide protests against this arbitrary action of the Ministry of Railways.
AIRF is pursuing the Railway Board from the day one to implement these unanimous recommendations of this committee in letter and spirit.
I would again request your personal intervention in the matter for ensuring implementation of unanimous recommendations of the said committee without any deviation, facilitating advancement to this ever neglected
category of the staff.
4. Upgradation of 15% apex level Group `Cโ supervisory post to Group `Bโ and allotment of GP Rs.4800 in place of Rs.4600 to Sr. Supervisors
It may be recalled that there has been a negotiated settlement between the Ministry of Railways and AIRF
to upgrade 15% apex level Group `Cโ supervisory posts to Group `Bโ as also to provide Grade Pay Rs.4800 in place of Grade Pay Rs.4600 to Sr. Supervisors. Ironically enough, these issues are still hanging fire, with the result that, the supervisory staff, particularly those who are engaged in upkeep and maintenance of all kinds of rolling stock, modernized signalling system, upgraded tracks etc., are very much frustrated and there is serious resentment among them on this account.
It would, therefore, be in the fitness of the things that 15% Group `Cโ posts of Sr. Supervisors are upgraded to Group `Bโ and the other Sr. Supervisors are placed in Grade Pay of Rs.4800 in lieu of Grade Pay of Rs.4600, as already agreed, without any further delay so as to provide motivation and stimulation to this important category of staff.
5. Grievances of the Running Staff
There may be no difference of the opinion in the fact that the Running Staff, both Loco & Traffic, are
engaged in keeping the wheels of the Indian Railways moving round the clock in odd weather conditions throughout the year. It is a matter of serious concern that these important categories of the Railwaymen were not given a fair- deal by the VI CPC, consequent to this, their genuine grievances, viz. allotment of higher pay scale, payment of arrears of Running Allowance w.e.f. 1.1.2006, improvement in ALK, 25% enhancement in their mileage, allotment of GP Rs.4600, reduction in duty hours, provision of Additional Allowance to Running Staff working on goods trains, improvement in the conditions of the Running Rooms, etc. etc., are still pending for quite some time, which is causing serious resentment among this vulnerable category of staff.
Since this matter directly relates to safe, efficient and punctual train operations, I would again seek your
personal intervention in the matter so that aforementioned mentioned long pending genuine demands of the Running Staff are resolved without further delay.
6. Absorption of quasi-administrative offices staff in the Railways
The issue of absorption of the regular staff employed in quasi-administrative establishments, including
recognized Union and Federation offices is under consideration of the Railway Board for quite some time. Several rounds of discussions have been held with the AIRF in this regard, and the same has been discussed up to apex level in the Ministry of Railways, with the then Honโble Minister for Railways also at a number of occasions. This issue, however, still remains unresolved, as a result of which, these staff are totally disappointed and frustrated.
I would, therefore, request you to kindly look into this matter so that the above-mentioned staff are also
absorbed in the Railways as was done on previous occasion.
The above-mentioned important issues, I hope, shall receive proper attention and shall be paid due
attention for resolving the same within a fixed timeframe, else these are causing serious discontentment and
avoidable among the Railwaymen.
Source: AIRF
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