
Development of E-modules as training tool for CSS officers โ€“ invitation of applications

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
CS.I Division
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 21st May 2013

Subject: Development of E-modules as training tool for CSS officers โ€“ invitation of applications reg.

Department of Personnel & Training is the cadre controlling authority for Central Secretariat Service Officers. Officers of CSS are nominated for training at the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM) for various mandatory trainings under the cadre training plan. In addition to mandatory training, CSS Officers are also nominated by Ministries/Departments to other training programmes conducted by ISTM on specific topics.

2. As on date, no training module is available on line. It has been decided to develop e-training modules on subjects common to all Ministries / Departments with a view to enrich the existing training programmes conducted by ISTM. E-training modules will also help officers to access training material easily to acquire knowledge on such common subjects and prepare them in handling these subject matters. Further, these e-modules can also work as a primer to officers prior to attending class room sessions to make them understand the subject well and make the class room training more effective. It has, therefore been decided to invite applications from willing officers both serving and retired to prepare training material which will be converted into e-training modules.
3. The details of the proposal are given as under :
I. Purpose of the e-modules
(i) To give an overview of the subject matter.
(ii) Act as a primer or introductory course.
(iii) Gives the Govt. servant the basic knowledge of the subject matter and makes him capable of handling issues related tothe subject.
(iv) Makes him understand where to look for in case he requires in-depth knowledge of the matter.
II. What should it cover?
(i) Related constitutional/legal provisions
(ii) All major and important aspects
(iii) Important instructions on the subject
(iv) Important landmark cases decided by the apex court
(v) Illustrations and hands on tutorials to test understanding of the subject.
III. How should it be framed?
(i) In lucid and succinct language
(ii) At the end of each chapter questions to test the understanding of the subject
(iii) FAQs
(iv) Reference to important circulars issued by DoPT or other relevant Department
(v) At the end of the course, a detailed test covering the entire course.
IV. Size of the material  โ€“ The participant should be able to complete the module in seven days by devoting one hour daily.
V. Duration for developing the module โ€“ One month
VI. Fee and Consultation Fee โ€“ Rs.30,000/- per module will be paid to the officers (both serving/ retired) engaged for developing the module. The fee is payable only after acceptance of the module by DoPT.
VII. Subjects on which training modules are to be prepared
(i) Reservation in Service
(ii) Administrative Vigilance
(iii) Noting & Drafting
(iv) Pension & Other Retirement Benefits
(v) Purchase Management in Govt.
(vi) Records Management
(vii) Parliamentary Procedure
(viii) Conduct Rules
(ix) Handling of court cases โ€“ basic procedure, preparation of counter affidavit, WP. SLP, affidavit etc.
(x) Departmental Promotion Committees/ Promotion.
4. Applications are, therefore, invited from retired / serving Central Govt. officers not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Govt. of India and who have sufficient experience of handling the subject matter to design training material which will eventually be converted into e-training modules. Experience of developing training modules will be given due weightage in selecting the candidates.  In case of serving officers the application should be routed through proper channel.
5. The application is required to be submitted in the enclosed format latest by 15th June 2013.

(Utkaarsh R Tiwari)
Last Date: 15.6.2013
Application for development of training material for CSS Officers

1. Name

2. Date of birth

3. Serving/ retired

4. Date of superannuation

5. Designation
(in case of retired officers indicate the last designation)

6. Complete office address (in case of retired officers indicate the last Office address)

7. Indicate the topic on which you offer your services to develop training material

8. Indicate your experience of handling the subject

9. Do you have any experience as training faculty and if so indicate the details

10. Have you ever developed training modules and if so please indicate the details

Signature: ___________

(Note: in case of serving officers, the application should be routed through proper channel)

Source: www.persmin.nic.in

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