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Revision of pension/family pension in the matter of Hon’ble Supreme Court Order dt 4/9/12 on Rank Pay – Intimation to PCDA regarding changes in Pensioners’ Details

PCDA Notice: Revision of pension/family pension in the matter of Hon’ble Supreme Court Order dt 4/9/12 on Rank Pay – Intimation to PCDA regarding changes in Pensioners’ Details latest by 31/05/2013 :-

(In the matter of Hon’ble Supreme Court Order dated 4/9/12 on Rank Pay)
ACCORDING TO GOI, MOD letter No 34(6)/2012/D(Pen/Sers) dated 27.12.2012 issued in implementation of Supreme Court order on Rank Pay dated 4/9/12, Pensionary benefits due to refixation of pay, if any, will also be admissible. PPO revising pension will be issued to all concerned.
Since officers who were in service as on 31/12/85 and retired on or after 1/1/86 are affected, there is possibility of change of Pensioners detail like Pension Disbursing Agency, Change in Pension bank account, residential address etc. in this period. So it is requested that these information may be submitted by all officers whose last ten months pay before retirement has been effected by above Govt. order, on the format given below, by E- Mail rankpay.cdapension@gmail.com urgently so that payment of arrear of pensionary benefits can be paid to officer/ their family latest by 31/05/2013.

Office of the PCDA (P)
Draupadi Ghat
Allahabad -211014

Subject:- Revision of pension/family pension as per GOI, MOD letter No 34(6)/2012/D(Pen/Sers) dated 27.12.2012


1. Name of the commissioned officer

2. Rank & personnel No.

3. Type of pension admissible

4. Date of retirement/ Invalidment

5. Date of Death of the officer

6. Name of the family pensioner

7. Date of Birth of family pensioner

8. Date from which family pension commenced

9. PPO No. and year

10. Name and full address of Pension Disbursing Agency/ Bankers (From where pension
being drawn)

11. BSR Code of the Paying Branch

12. Bank Account No.

13. Name of applicant in case application is made on behalf of pensioner/family pensioner for
Life Time Arrears

14. Present Residential Address with PIN code of pensioner/ family pensioner



Source: http://pcdapension.nic.in/Misc/corder.pdf

In this connection also read informative article by Major Navdeep Singh “Two developments for urgent action of affected serving personnel and retirees”

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