
Scales of Pay and Grades of executives at below Board level in CPSEs.

No. 2(12)/2009-DPE(WC)
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan,
Block No. 14, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003
Dated: 24th December, 2012


Subject: Scales of Pay and Grades of executives at below Board level in CPSEs.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Annex-I of DPE O.M. dated 26.11.2008 which, inter-alia, provided different grades and corresponding pay scales in 2007 pay revision. It has come to the notice of this Department that in violation of DPE 0.Ms. dated 26.11.2008 and 02.04.2009 some CPSEs have adopted higher or different pay scales than those prescribed under 2007 pay revision, for their executives at below Board level.
2. It is clarified that below board level executives of CPSEs have necessarily to be in the specified grades of E0 to E9 in a CPSE depending upon the schedule of their CPSE. CPSEs are free to recruit executives for each grade as per their functional requirement, and as per the rules framed therefor. However, each CPSE can only adopt and recruit executives to the 10 grades (EO to E9) provided in the DPE guidelines. For example, in case if it is ‘EO Grade’, the corresponding pay scale must be Rs. 12,600-32,500 and in case it is ‘E6 Grade’, it has to be Rs. 36,600-62,000/-. The grade and corresponding scale of pay cannot be altered by the CPSEs. Appropriate nomenclature for these Grades as per the standard practice of the CPSEs may be followed.
3. Further, no intermediary scales have been permitted under DPE OMs. dated 26.11.2008 and 2.4.2009. Generally, promotion has to be from one ‘Grade’ to next higher ‘Grade’ with its corresponding scale as per the promotion policy of respective CPSEs. A CPSE cannot have more than one pay scale in a grade (say DGM & GM in E8 pay scale) to promote its executives within the same grade.
4. Administrative Ministries/Departments may suitably issue instructions to the CPSEs under their administrative control for their information and necessary action.

(Rajendra Kumar)
Source: http://www.dpe.nic.in

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