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Revision of provisions regulating Causality Pensionary awards for Post -2006 JCOs/ORs: Instructions by Pr CDA


Circular No. 507

Dated: 18th January 2013

The OI/C
Records/ PAOs (ORs)

Subject: –Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of Committee of Secretaries 2012 on the issues related to Defence Service Personnel and Ex-Servicemen – Revision of provisions regulating Causality Pensionary awards for Post -2006 JCOs/ORs. 
Reference: – This office Circular No. 411 dated 22.05.2009.

A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(17)/2012/D(Pen/Policy) dated 17.01.2013 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action which is self explanatory. 
2. As brought out in Para 6 of the MOD letter dated 17/01/2013, implementing instructions on the above Government letter have been examined and the same are as follows:- 
(i) In cases of JCOs/ORs (and equivalent) died while in service, the entitlement of revised notional pension shall be determined by considering the individual as deemed invalided out of service under the same circumstance in which the casualty was occurred. With effect from 24.09.2012, the rates of Special family pension & Liberalized family pension in respect of post-2006 JCOs/ORs family pensioners including Honorary Commissioned Officers and Non Combatants (Enrolled), shall be worked out as 120% and 200% respectinvely of the revised notional pension determined as per above provisions. The 2 d life awards of Special / Liberalised family pension shall also be worked out as per Para 5.7 and 6.5 of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 read with Para 9 of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.16(6)/2008(2)/2008 /D (Pension /Policy) dated 05.05.2009. 
(ii) Post-2006 JCOs/ORs (and equivalent) family pensioners drawing Special/ Liberalized family pension/ 2nd Life awards of Special/Liberalized family pension determined in terms of Ministry’s letter No 1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 in terms of the rates of Special/Liberalized family pension read with Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.16(6)/2008(2)/2008 /D (Pension /Policy) dated 05.05.2009,if happens to be more than the family pension determined in terms of these order, the family pensioners shall continue to draw the beneficial award. 
(iii) The other terms and conditions prescribed in Para 9 of Ministry’s letter dated 5.5.2009 read with provisions contained in Para 5 & 6 of Ministry’s letter dated 31.1.2001, which are not affected by the provisions of this letter, shall remain unchanged. 
3. The Special family pension & Liberalized family pension and 2nd life awards of all JCOs/ORs (and equivalent) including Honorary Commissioned Officers and Non- Combatant (Enrolled) who retired/ discharged/ invalided out/died while in service on or after 01.01.2006, shall be re-calculated in terms of these orders by the Pension Sanctioning Authorities concerned and will issue suo-moto Corr PPOs if the recalculated family pension in terms of these orders, are found beneficial. 
4. In view of the above, it is requested that all such cases covered under these orders may please be reviewed and a list of all affected cases of family pension covered under these orders may be forwarded to concerned PSAs year wise. 
5. The provision of this circular shall be effective from 24th September 2012 and shall also cover cases of post 01.01.2006 retiree/death in service cases. The financial benefit in past cases shall, however be granted from 24.09.2012 only. 
6 This circular has been uploaded on this office website www.pcdapension.nic.in for disseminating across the all concerned. 

No. Grants/Tech/0167/XII
Dated: 18th January 2013