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Improvement in pension of JCOs/ORs of Armed Forces retired / discharged /invalided out of service prior to 01.01.2006 – Pr. CDA Instructions


Circular No.501

Dated:17th January 2013. 
Subject: Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries 2012 on the issues related to Defence Services Personnel and Ex Servicemen – Improvement in pension of JCOs/ORs of Armed Forces retired / discharged /invalided out of service prior to 01.01.2006. 
Reference: This Office Circular No. 430 dated 10.03.2010, No. 461 dated 11.05.2011 and No. 482 dated 19.04.2012. 
(Available on this office website www.pcdapension.nic.in ) 
A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.1(13)/2012/D(Pen/Policy)dated 17.01.2013 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action which is self explanatory. 
2. The above Government letter provides improvement in pension to bridge the gap in pension of Pre- 1.1.2006 and Post 1.1.2006 discharged JCOs/ORs of the Armed Forces. 
3. The improvement in pension as per the above Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter will be effective from 24.09.2012. 
4 .1 Applicability- 
These orders are applicable to the JCOs/ORs and Hony Commissioned officer pensioners of regular Armed Forces (including Defence Security Corps and TA personnel) who were/are in receipt of the following types of pension as on 24.09.2012 but were discharged/ retired prior to 1.1.2006. 
(a) Service Pension 
(b) Special Pension
(c) Ordinary Pension/Mustering out Pension to Pre 01.06.1953 retirees. 
(d) Invalid Pension
(e) Service Element of Disability Pension
(f) Service Element of War Injury Pension / Liberalised disability pension
 These orders are also applicable to Non-Combatants (Enrolled) (NCs(E)) of regular Army and Air Force and Ex-State Forces pensioners drawing pension as on 24.09.2012. 
4.2 Non-Applicability- 
The provisions of the letter, however, do not apply to all the family pensioner of JCOs/ ORs and the Commissioned officers and their families . These orders also do not apply to UK/HKSRA/KCIOs pensioners, Pakistan and Burma Army pensioners. These orders do not apply to Reservist Pensioners, pensioners in receipt of disability element only and pensioners in receipt of Ex-gratia payments.
4 .3 The following elements will continue to be paid as separate elements in addition to the pension revised under these orders – 
(a) Monetary allowance attached to Gallantry Awards such as Param Vir Chakra, Ashok Chakra etc. 
(b) Constant Attendance Allowance (CAA) where admissible to disability pensioners. 
(c) Disability Element / war injury element if any. 
5. Revision of Pension with reference to Pension Tables by Pension Disbursing Agencies 
5 .1 Where pensioner has rendered qualifying service of 15 years and above and is in receipt of Service Pension, Special Pension, Invalid Pension, Service Element of Disability Pension, PDAs are required to revise the pension on their own as per Tables appended to Min of Defence letter enclosed after ascertaining the actual qualifying service (shown in “Q.S.” column) subject to maximum term of engagement for each rank as applicable from time to time, rank and group for which pensioned from the initial grant PPO matching existing Pension as on 1.7.2009 as shown in relevant column of the Tables without calling or waiting for any applications from the affected pensioners. 
5 .2 Where PDAs have not revised pension w.e.f 01.07.2009, or otherwise corrected as per MOD letter No. PC 10(1)/2009 -D (Pen/Pol) dated 08.03.2010 as amended by MOD letter of even No. dated 15.04.11 and dated. 27.03.2012 (This office circular No. 430 dated 10.03.2010 as amended by Circular No. 461 dated 11.05.2011 and Circular No. 482 dated 19.04.2012) pension payable from 01.07.2009 may be paid correctly first as per instructions contained in circular No. 430 dated 10.03.2010 and thereafter in terms of the Government letter enclosed. 
5 .3 In some cases where the PSAs had already issued Corr PPOs in respect of pre-2006 retirees showing rates of pension as on 01.01.2006 and 01.07.2009 , PDAs are to revise the pension as per these orders with effect from 24.09.2012 with reference to the particulars as mentioned in the Corr Pension Payment Orders. 
5 .4 A comprehensive list of maximum terms of engagement for JCOs/ORs of Armed Forces applicable from time to time including emergency period is enclosed as Appendix-X to enable all PDAs to revise the pension correctly for the length of qualifying service for which the pensioner has been pensioned initially. 
5 .5 A table indicating equivalent rank of JCOs/ORs in Army, Navy and Air Force is also given in Appendix Y to this circular for guidance of Pension Disbursing Authority for determining pension admissible as per this GOI, MOD letter enclosed. 
6. Cases to be referred to PSA – 
6 .1 The initial Pension Payment Order (PPO) or its Corrigendum PPO (Corr PPO) indicates rank, group and qualifying service for which the individual has been pensioned. In case, however, any information regarding qualifying service, rank, group etc., is not available with Pension Disbursing Agencies, such cases may be referred to Pension Sanctioning Authority concerned on the proforma enclosed as Annexure-A. The Pension Sanctioning Authorities concerned will provide the requisite information from the available records within 30 days of the receipt of request from the Pension Disbursing Agencies. 
6 ..2 . Special pension/Invalid pension/ Service element of disability pension in respect of PBOR discharged with less than 15 years qualifying service and service Pension to TA personnel irrespective of their qualifying service would also need to be revised in terms of these orders by Pension Sanctioning Authorities. Specific Table indicating revised rate of pension for the purpose have not been prepared. PDAs will refer such cases to PSAs concerned as per specimen given in Annexure- B to Ministry of Defence letter enclosed. 
6.3. Pensioners in receipt of two pensions- In case of pensioners who are in receipt of more than one pension i.e. one for Armed Forces service and other from any other Deptt/Ministry etc, pension for Armed Forces service should only be revised as per the relevant Table. 
        The DSC personnel who are receiving two pensions, one for regular Army Service another for DSC Service, their pension for DSC Service will not be revised by the Tables No. 7 to 11. The pension for regular Army service will be revised under these orders by the PDAs. A reference for revision of pension for DSC service, will be sent to PCDA (P) on Annexure A to the Ministry of Defence letter enclosed. However, DSC pensioners receiving only one pension for DSC service their pension will be revised under these orders from Tables No 7 to 11 
6 .4 . Similarly revision of Service element of war injury pension and Service element of liberalised disability pension cases will also be required to be done by the PSAs concerned. Such cases will also be forwarded by the PDAs to the PSAs concerned through respective Record office in the enclosed Annexure- C to Min of Defence letter. The addresses of Record offices are given in Appendix- Z to this circular. 
7. Miscellaneous and Reports 
7 .1 The Govt. has also desired that all the Public sector Banks including IDBI Bank, ICICI Bank Ltd, HDFC Bank Ltd, AXIS Bank, disbursing pension would render a monthly progress report as per the proforma (Annexure- D) prescribed under Ministry’s above quoted letter dated 17.01.2013 to the office of the PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad. All PDAs are therefore, enjoined upon to ensure rendition of the said report. It is also enjoined upon them that all the columns in proforma prescribed by Ministry of Defence must be filled in complete and correct manner before its rendition to the Group Officer of Audit Section of the office of the PCDA (P) Allahabad). It is also requested that a Soft copy and one more copy of the requisite proforma, be invariably sent separately along with the pension payment scrolls regarding payment of improved pension. 
7 .2 The DPDOs will render the monthly progress report as per Annexure D to the office of the PCDA (P) Allahabad with copy to their respective CsDA i.e. CDA (PD)/CDA (WC) and CDA Chennai as the case may be. 
8. Miscellaneous instructions- 
8 .1 . No arrears on account of revision of pension will be admissible for the period prior to 24.09.2012. 
8 .2 Additional Pension to the pensioners 80 years of age and above- The improved pension will be basic pension from 24.09.2012 and therefore additional pension available to old age pensioners/ family pensioners on attaining the relevant age (80 years and above) shall also be revised by PDA. 
8.3. Dearness Relief – The pension Disbursing Agencies will pay dearness relief as authorized by Deptt of P& PW, Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensioners from time to time on improved pension and additional pension payable to old age pensioners treating it as basic pension. 
8 .4 Any overpayment of pension coming to the notice or under process of recovery shall be adjusted in full by the Pension Disbursing Authorities against arrears becoming due on revision of pension on the basis of MOD letter enclosed. 
8 .5 A suitable entry regarding revised pension should be made by the PDAs in Check Register/Payment Register/Pension Payment Scroll Register/ Pension Book/ Certificate. 
9. Points of doubt, if any, relating to revision of pension under the subject Government order may be immediately referred to the concerned PSAs by name as given below. However, any clarification regarding the rule position in the Government letter dated 17.01.2013 and this office Circular No. 500 dated 17.01.2013 of this office may be referred to the office of the PCDA(P),Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad 211014. 
(1) ARMY 
(i) Annexure A & D: Shri P N Chopra, IDAS, ACDA (P) Group Officer, Audit Section PCDA (P), Allahabad-211014 
(ii) Annexure B & C: Shri P K Srivastava, SAO (P) Officer In charge, RP Cell (CSC-2012) PCDA (P), Allahabad-211014 
(2) NAVY 
(i) Annexure A to D: Ms Juhi Verma, IDAS, ACDA, Office of the PCDA (Navy), Mumbai-400039 
(i) Annexure A to D: Dr. B K Singh, IDAS, JCDA Office of the Jt. CDA (Air Force), Subroto Park, Delhi Cantt -110010 
10. A copy of this circular along with Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.1(13)/2012/D(Pen/Policy) dated 17.01.2013 is also available on the website of this office www.pcdapension.nic.in . 
11. All nodal agencies are requested to circulate this circular to all concerned in your jurisdiction. It is also requested that all PDAs may downloaded the same from this office website for immediate implementation of the government orders to revise the pension w.e.f 24.09.2012. 
12. Hindi version will be followed shortly. 
13. Please acknowledge receipt. 
No. Grants/Tech/0167/XII (501)  
Dated: 17.01.2013 
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