
Grant of one increment in the case of promotion in Same Grade Pay: Finmin Order issued

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, the 7th January, 2013
Subject:โ€”Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying the same grade pay.
The undersigned is directed to invite an attention to the provisions contained in Rule 13 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, which provides for the method of fixation of pay on promotion on or after 1.1.2006 in case. inter-alia, of promotion from one grade pay to another. The Rule provides for fixation of pay by way of addition of one increment equal to 3% of the sum of the pay in the pay band and the existing grade pay (rounded off to the next multiple of 10) to the existing pay in the pay band and then fixing the pay in the promotional post as per the procedure prescribed therein.

2. In terms of this Ministryโ€™s OM No. 169/2/2000-IC dated 24.11.2000, dealing with the situation whereby both the feeder and the promotional grades were placed in the identical revised pay scales based on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission, it was provided, inter-alia, that only in cases where it was not found feasible to appropriately restructure cadres in question on functional, operational and administrative considerations, extension of the benefit of fixation of pay under FR 22(I)(a)(1) could be considered on the merits of each case, provided all the conditions precedent for the grant of this benefit were fully satisfied and promotion to the post in question actually involved assumption of higher responsibilities.

3. In view of the provisions which existed prior to 1.1.2006, the matter has been considered and the President is pleased to decide that in cases of promotion from one post to another where the promotional post carries the same Grade Pay as the feeder post, the fixation of pay in such cases will be done in the manner as prescribed in Rule 13(i) of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, provided fixation of pay in such cases was done prior to 1.1.2006 in terms of this Ministryโ€™s aforesaid OM No.169/2/2000-IC dated 24 11.2000.

4. In so far as the persons serving the Indian Audit and Account Department are concerned, these orders are issued in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

5. The Hindi version of this OM will follow.
(Amar Nath Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Source: www.finmin.nic.in [click here to download]

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Rule 13(i) of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008

13. Fixation of pay on promotion on or after 1.1.2006 โ€“ In
the case of promotion from one grade pay to another in the revised pay
structure, the fixation will be done as follows:-

(i) One increment equal to 3% of the sum of the pay in the pay band and the
existing grade pay will be computed and rounded off to the next multiple of
10. This will be added to the existing pay in the pay band. The grade pay
corresponding to the promotion post will thereafter be granted in addition
to this pay in the pay band. In cases where promotion involves change in the
pay band also, the same methodology will be followed. However, if the pay in
the pay band after adding the increment is less than the minimum of the
higher pay band to which promotion is taking place, pay in the pay band will
be stepped to such minimum.


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  • Unknown 6 years ago

    Whether it is applicable for state govt employees

  • R S PILLAI 7 years ago

    I have been granted Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- under 3rd MACP scheme w.e.f. Aug,2009 and I am promoted as EME officer (Civ) wef june 2013 in the Grade pay of Rs. 4600/- with higher responsibilities. Should I get the benefit of one increment with payfixation.

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    Sir I joined the govt office february 1999 in scclae 4500 and promoted in july 2004 in 5500 scale. What option is beneficiary to me as option is from back date. And how stepping up is done as in the same promotion list one junior promoted in march 2006.

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    I was promoted to a higher grade pay with one additional increment because of better performance. My pay was fixed considering both promotional and additional increment in one step i.e. 3+3=6% of previous pay. Is this the correct way? Shouldn't the pay be calculated in two steps i.e. 3% for promotional pay first and then 3% for additional increment??

  • warsi 9 years ago

    I was promoted from one cadre (5000-150-8000) to another cadre (5500-175-9000) on 22.03.2006 by departmental examination (held on 14.02.2005) and joined on 29.03.2006. My pay was fixed from date of promotion i.e. 29.03.2006. But, in the recommendations of VI CPC both the post were in G.P. 4200/- so both were merged from 01.01.2006 and my pay fixation was taken back. Is there any order by which I can claim my pay fixation from 29.03.2006? If so please refer the same.
    Thanks in advance

  • Ajoy Sinha 9 years ago

    Respected Sir
    I am a retired staff from central govt. Date of retirement 31 July 2007
    My office has not fixed my pay in 6th PC correctly.
    I am requesting since last 9 years.
    I am getting fewer pensions too.
    I am sending my bio data (back ground), and requesting you sir to please
    look into this matter and give me the clarification for the same.

    back ground :โ€“ Prior to 6th PC

    Service record very good. Date of increment February.

    Designation. Month & Year. Pay scale Basic pay

    Section engineer Jan 2005 6500 200 10500 Rs 7900
    Section engineer Feb 2005 6500 200 10500 Rs 8100

    Promoted & joined duty on promotional post (Pay scale 7450 225 11500) on 23 12 2005.
    Option, to have the benefit of promotional pay from the next date of increment (ie Feb 2006)

    .Designation. Month & Year. Pay scale Basic pay
    Sr Section engineer Dec 2005 7450 225 11500 Rs 8125
    Sr Section engineer Jan 2006 7450 225 11500 Rs 8125
    Sr Section engineer Feb 2006 7450 225 11500 Rs 8575

    Now as per the above data please let me know , what will be my basic pay
    on (a) 01 01 2006 (b) 01 07 2006 (c) 01 07 2007

    I pray you again sir , please look into this matter and help a retired person.

  • Ajoy Sinha 9 years ago

    Respected sir
    I request you to please provide me the details of pay fixation in 6th PC
    For a permanent Railway staff, ECR Danapur.
    As per the data (back ground) given below.
    Back ground prior to 6th PC
    Service record, Normal very good. Date of annual increment Feb

    Designation Month, Year Pay scale Basic pay
    SE Tele Jan 2005 6500 200 10500 Rs 7900
    SE Tele Feb 2005 6500 200 10500 Rs 8100

    Promoted & joined duty on promotional post Pay Scale 7450 225 11500 on 23 12 2005.
    Option, to have the benefit of promotional pay from
    the next date of increment ie Feb06

    Designation Month, Year Pay scale Basic pay
    SSE Tele Dec 2005 7450 225 11500 Rs 8125
    SSE Tele Jan 2006 7450 225 11500 Rs 8125
    SSE Tele Feb 2006 7450 225 11500 Rs 8575

    Now as per the above data please let me know, what will be his basic pay on
    (1) 01 01 2006 (2) 01 07 2006 (3) 01 07 2007
    If you feel that this matter is not concerned with you,
    please direct me where I should go for this.
    Sir please help a retired person..
    Thanking you

  • Anonymous 9 years ago


    I have been promoted w.e.f. October,2011 from pay band 5200-20200 + GP Rs,2400 to pay band 9300-34800 + GP Rs. 4600 now the question is
    1. what is the procedure and rule of fixation where PB and GP is changed
    2. As per filament table and direct recruitment , the minimum pay of 4600 GP is 17140/-
    3. i want to know is any rule or clarification where we step up to minimum of such GP ie 4600/-

    Please reply my email id jogasingh11@gmail.com

  • Dharam Singh 9 years ago

    Sir, I have been promoted w.e.f. Sep. 2015 and put on probation for one year that would end in Sep., 2016. My annual increment was 1st Jul., every year. My retirement is 31st August, 2016 before one month before completion of probation. Now the question is whether I am entitled to get my increment on July 2016. Please reply. My email id is dp_singh58@ymail.com.

  • Neta Chandra 9 years ago

    i am appointed as APP.JE/C&W In railways in 12/02/2011 & sent for 18 months training. Railway board issued orders to reduce training period for 12 months & revised pay to 9300-34800 GP 4200. AS per the orders of railway board my training period was reduced to 12 months .i have completed my training period on 11/02/2012. After completion of training period posted as JE on 18/02/2012 & my basic was fixed at (9300+4200)= 13500 only. After completion of training am i eligible for increment or not.i thought that my would be Rs.13900. please clarify.

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    I got MACP in the year 2013. Now I have got my regular promotion in February 2016 in the grade pay 4600/-. As per MACP rules there would be no fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion, only grade pay difference is given. My department is giving me the same difference in grade pay of Rs.400/- (4600-4200), however,I am being denied of my annual increment due on 01.07.2016 on earlier grade pay of Rs. 4200/-. A promotion always results in financial upgradation but my department is giving my financial loss. Kindly help

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    I got MACP in the year 2013. Now I have got my regular promotion in February 2016 in the grade pay 4600/-. As per MACP rules there would be no fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion, only grade pay difference is given. My department is giving me the same difference in grade pay of Rs.400/- (4600-4200), however,I am being denied of my annual increment due on 01.07.2016 on earlier grade pay of Rs. 4200/-.A promotion is also for enhancement of salary and better prospectus. But in my case, my department is giving me financial loss. Kindly help

  • Pushpa Bhaskar Chandan 10 years ago

    Sir, I joined Atomic Energy Education Society (An autonomous body under DAE) as Stenographer Grade-III on 1.11.1993. I got promoted to Steno (Gr-II) on 1.8.2003 and Steno (Grade-I) on 1.9.2011. As both this Gr.I & Grade -II have same grade pay i.e. 4200/- and I am senior and attached to the Chairman and hold ing more responsibilities than other 2 steno. But I am getting the same grade pay like my Jr. and also I have not received MACP in 1.8.2013. Since I am not getting any reply from our officers. Kindly help. My e-mail i.e. is pachmn_pushpa@yahoo.co.in

  • k ravi Kumar 11 years ago

    i joined Indian railway on 2005 as a accounts clerk.. and after successfully passing App-II exam i promoted as a JAA in the year 2007 and after compilation of 3 year i got promotion as a AA in the year 2010 respectively. I passed App-III exam in the year 2011 and i promoted as a Sr.SO in the Nov/11 ie GP 4800/-.
    sir my question is
    1. what is the procedure and rule of fixation where PB is same but GP is different.
    2. As per filament table and direct recruitment , the minimum pay of 4800 GP is 18750/- and 18010/- respectively where as my fixation has been done by our department is 16610/- at present
    3. i want to know is any rule or clarification where we step up to minimum of such GP ie 4800/-

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Sir, I was appointment Attender 1.7.90 to give promotion LDC as on 17.1.2007 the First MACP swithced off
    this order is correct or not
    by M.Mohan

  • Chitra gopal 11 years ago

    Sir,I was working as head clerk I scale Rs.5000-8000, in S.Railway.I was promoted as OS/II in scale Rs.5500-9000 (selection grade) during July 2006. Consequent to the implementation of 6th Pay commission the above two grades were merged and I was placed in grade pay Rs.4200/โ€“ with no increment for promotion .Kindly let me know whether I am eligible for 3 % increase as per the above order?Is it applicable for Railway employees?

  • JOYDIP 12 years ago


    I Joydip Reservation Supervisor-II Basic-18550/ {9300 โ€“ 34800 (GP-4200)} promoted to Console Operator(Ex Cadre)9300 โ€“ 34800 (GP-4200) Present Basic 18550/ {9300 โ€“ 34800 (GP-4200)} Date of Promotion as per CPO's letter 4/3/2013. The candidates should have passed the aptitude test in Grade 'A' or 'B' conducted by the CRIS and Viva-Voce By Concerned Railway.

    Sir, Shall these candidates get the benefit of 3% hike in basic pay as per your complete judgement. If Yes, what will be the basic.

  • mk soni 12 years ago

    My point is how will the pay be fixed in these two illustrations if promotion involves pay band change rather than merely grade pay change?
    For example:
    CASE 1 promotion(1.12.2010),
    Basic pay on the date of promotion (as on 1.12.2010) : 23730 + 8000 = 31730
    Promoted to : PB4 37400-67000+GP9000
    CASE 2 promotion(1.02.2011),
    Basic pay on the date of promotion (as on 1.02.2011) : 23730 + 8000 = 31730
    Promoted to : PB4 37400-67000+GP9000
    CASE 2 is mine while CASE 1 is that of my friend's. please help.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Sir,while working as Postal Assistant in Department of Post i got OTBP promotion on 1.7.1999. After this i got promotion in LSG cadre by fast track exam on 1.9.2005 in same cadre. Whether i am eligible for benefite of one increament vide finance ministry orders 2013:Jan 7 2013 om no.10/02/2011.E.III/A

  • Unknown 12 years ago

    Sir, While working as Postal Assistant in Department of Posts in GP 2400, I have been granted 1st MACP in 2008 to GP of Rs.2800. I got promotion to the cadre of Inspector, Posts in 2010 January after passing LDCE examination in the Grade pay of Rs.4200/-. The Inspector is a separate cadre in the Department and not in the same hierarchy grade of Postal Assistant. On promotion to Inspector post in PB-2 I have been deprived of the fixation benefit of increment in January 2010 and granted the difference of GP only on the plea that it is a regular promotion after MACPS. Kindly clarify whether I am eligible for benefit of one increment on promotion in January 2010.

    Manojan.K.P, Inspector Posts, Kunnamangalam Sub Division, Kunnamangalam.673 571

  • Joyjit sen 12 years ago

    Sir, On 20.05.2003 I was in the post of MCM. On 2008 I was promoted to CM.Though in 6th CPC the MCM & CM are same Grade Pay(4200/-),so whether one additional increment is applicable for me for taking higher responsibility or not?

  • Anonymous 12 years ago


  • Unknown 12 years ago

    Sir, I was appointed as Stenographer Gr.III in the year 1990, I got first ACP in the year 2002 and again got IInd MACP in the year 2010 and GP fixed Rs.4600/-. I was promoted in the year 2011 at Stenographer Gr.II. Stenographer Gr.II having the more responsibility than stenographer gr.III. Am I entitled to benefit of 3% increase as one increment. Kindly guide and if available attach supportive documents.
    Jagdish Gupta,

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    i was in the scale of 5500-9000 on 1.1.96 and promoted in the same scale in july 98 and optd for fixation on 1.1.98 the date of my increment. if the post carried a higher responsibility and i was drawing 7250 on that date where should i be fixed on 1.8.98 by giving one notional increment it is 7425 and the next stage is 7600 ?

    ashok handa

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    if if at the time of fifth pay commission i am put in scale of 5500-9000 and promoted thereafter on 1.1.98 if my pay on that was 7250 where should i be fixed on promotion in the same scale carrying a higher responsibility in that post.after one notional increment itis 7425 and as the scale is same the next becomes 7600. where shuld i have been fixed?

  • Sir, I have been granted 3rd MACP to the grade Nb Sub & GP-Rs-4200/- WEF Oct 11 and from the date PAO (OR) has ceased my Class Pay Rs-300/- Pm. Is this applicable?

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Sir, I was drawing the Pay Band 9300-36400 with Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- by virtue of MACP wef 1-08-2008.
    I was promoted as Accounts officer wef 1-05-2009 which involved assumption of higher responsibility but because the identical Pay Band and Grade Pay I did not had any financial benifit of the Promotion. Am I also entitled to benifit of 3% in light of this order. Kindly clarify.

    Vijay Pandit

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    I have been granted Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- under MACP scheme w.e.f. Sept,2008 and now I am going to be promoted as Assistant in the Grade pay of Rs. 4200/- should I get the benifit of one notional increment.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Sir, Is this one increment order on Promotion in same Grade pay issued by FinMin applicable to Defence Personnel?

    • Anonymous 12 years ago

      Yes it is the one inrement order on Promotion in the Same Grade Pay issued by Min of Finance to all the CG employees. The bill can be claimed as there is no question of MACP granted/awarded to the employees. This will not affect for drawal of one one increment for carrying higher responsibilities on promotion.