
Children Education Assistance and Reimbursement of Tution Fee to Armed Forces Officers and PBOR โ€“ Clarification by MoD

No. 1(66)/2008/D(Pay/Services)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, dated the 26th December, 2012.
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
Subject: Recommendations of the VI CPC Implementation of decisions relating to grant of Children Education Assistance and Reimbursement of Tuition Fee to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank.
I am directed to refer to this Ministryโ€™s letter of even number dated 25th February, 2009 on the subject cited above.
2. It is clarified that the restriction of classes Nursery to class Twelfth as applicable for Children Education Allowance is also applicable for drawing hostel subsidy.
3. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance/AG) vide their Dy.No. 459/AG/PD dated 20.12.2012.

Yours faithfully,
(Praveen Kumar )
Director (AG-I)

No. AT/IV/4909/IV
Office of the C.G.D.A.
Ulan Bator Road, Palam
Delhi Cantt.-110010.
Dated 09 January 2013.
Subject: โ€“Recommendation of the VI CPC-Implementation of decisions relating to grant of Children Education Assistance and Reimbursement of Tuition fee to Armed Forces officers and Personnel below officer rank.
A copy of Govt. of India, Ministry of reference letter no. 1(66)/2008/-D(Pay/services) dated 26/12/2012 on the above subject is enclosed herewith for information and necessary action.

Source/View/Download: www.cgda.nic [click here] 

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