
Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to railway pensioners.

Govt of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
RBA No. 38/2012

12/AC-II/21/M isc. Matters

New Delhi. dated 02.11.2012

General Managers/FA&CAOs/CPOs
All Indian Railways and Production Units

Sub: Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to railway pensioners.

Railway Board has been receiving representations from Pensioners/Pensionersโ€™ Association and Federation on the issue of non-payment of Fixed Medical Allowance to the pensioners on account of non-endorsement/ wrong endorsement of their eligibility in the PPO.

Considering the grievances of a large no. of pensioners, it has been decided to make uniformity and clarity in the endorsement for grant of Fixed Medical Allowance on the PPO by All Rlys/Units as under:

โ€œWhether eligible for FMA โ€“ YES/NO.โ€

This would, however, he subject to :
(i) sanction accorded by Pension Sanctioning Authority for employees retired I retiring after 21.04.1999 and
(ii) pensioners satisfying the condition of eligibility for grant of FMA in terms of extant instructions/guidelines issued from Board vide letter no. PC-V/98/7/1/1 dt 21.04.99 followed by letter dt. 01.03.2004, 24.07.2007, 07.02.2008 letter no. PC V/2010/A/Med./1 dt  29.06.2010, PC-V/2011/Med/1 dt 07.06.2011 and 26.08.2011.
For pensioners retired before 21.04.1999, option โ€˜for Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) would be considered by pension disbursing authority (bank) in terms of provisions/guidelines contained in Boardโ€™s letter referred to above.

(S.N. Mathur)
Director Finance/CCA
Railway Board
Source: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in

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  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    The fixed medical allowances may be revised.And we request for increase the fix rate of medical allowance from Rs.300 to Rs.500/ per month.Kindly approve this request and do the needful to all retired employees.