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One Rank One Pension: Latest updates from Chairman, IESM & Defence Minister Meetings

The Chairman, IESM had a meeting with the Defence Minister on 12th Nov, 2012. One Rank One Pension, Rank Pay matter, Family Pension Enhancement, Family Pension for widows etc. was discussed in meeting.  The following minutes/outcome of meeting were also handed over to the Defence Minister in the form of a written note:
1. OROP Vs Sanction of Rs 2300 Cr for Pension Enhancement: While stressing the fact that OROP has still not been given as such, and that for officers it is merely a correction of an anomaly.  Chairman, IESM thanked him for his support in getting the pension enhancement for which the government has sanctioned the amount. Notably, this is the second pension enhancement during the tenure of the present Defence Minister. He confirmed that he has already cleared the file and the case is in progress with the DOPT and efforts are being made to clear it soon.  
2. Rank Pay: The Minister confirmed that the case is being pushed through to release the arrears at the earliest.

3. Family Pension Enhancement: IESM had been pushing this case for long and they expressed gratitude for his intervention in seeing it through. The Defence Minister remarked that he has told all in the Ministry that the credit for this goes entirely to me for my dogged pursuit of the issue. (It may be known that IESM had taken some widows to his office that made personal appeals; later in a social gathering last month he light-heartedly commented that Chairman, IESM had brought families to his office and ‘gheraoed’ him). Thanking to Defence Minister the Chairman pointed out that he may be the visible face but it is the IESM that deserves credit for spearheading the case of family pension.  
4. Family Pension for Widows of Sepoys: While on family pension the Chairman pointed out that as learnt the families of all widows of Naiks to Maj Gen were going to get enhancement. However, the widows of Sepoys are being denied the same. He mentioned his apprehension that since no one is retiring as a Sepoy after 1.1.2006, the Cabinet Secretary’s Committee may not have realised the omission. Defence Minister promised to have the issue looked into.
5. Time Limit for implementation of One Rank One Pension: The minister has been often saying that they cannot sanction OROP in one go but they will keep bridging the gap between old and new pensioners gradually. Chairmen, IESM asked him if there was any timeline when the final plank on this bridge would be put. There was no firm reply. 
6. Court Cases: Chairman, IESM underscored the point that many veterans have been compelled to seek and obtain redress through the courts. A strong feeling therefore is gaining ground where the veterans are having more faith in the courts vis-à-vis the govt, which is not a happy development. While acknowledging the point Defence Minister also said happily the number of court cases is coming down
7. ECHS: In view of the inordinate delay in clearance of bills some good hospitals are shying away from getting empanelled. There are reports of some hospitals inflating the bills. The MoD, therefore, rightly insists on scrutinizing the bills before clearing payment. On the other hand the hospitals complain that the Ministry is using this as a pretext to delay payment, including in some cases demanding a ‘cut’. In all this the veteran suffers. While some inflation of bills must inevitably be happening, its extent could not exceed 15-20% at a maximum. To ensure that the scheme does not suffer from default, it is suggested that 50% of the billed amount must be cleared immediately under the powers of the MD ECHS. Any over-billing then can be adjusted in the remaining 50% of the claimed amount. The minister agreed to have the proposal examined on file.
8. Veterans’ Course of Action: Chairman, IESM emphasized that in view of OROP not having been sanctioned, they will continue with their struggle.  


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  • vijai kumar dudi 9 years ago

    1. With reference of table No 7 of circular No 555 dated 04 February 2016.
    2. As per table No 7 of circular No 555 dated 04 February 2016 basic pension of Honorary Naib Subedar & Naib Subedar of X group for service 24 years or 26 years has fixed on same rate i.e. Rs 11138 but basic pension of Honorary Naib Subedar & Naib Subedar of Y group is different. This difference is Rs 1004/-.
    3. It intimated that in the table No 7 of circular No 555 dated 04 February 2016 for 24 years service Y group Honorary Naib Subedar basic pension has fixed at Rs 8425/- and Naib Subedar basic pension has fixed on Rs 9429/- which not understood in OROP and it is injustice with the Honorary Naib Subedar of Y group.
    4. Hony Rank of Naib Subedar granted to Havildar will be notionally considered as a promotion to the higher grade pay and will be allowed notionally for the purposes of fixation of pension only with effect from 01-1-2006. The said decision has been communicated vide Ministry of Defence letter NO. 1(8)/2008-D (Pen/ Policy) dated 12-6-2009.
    5. On the definition of OROP and Government of India Ministry of Defence letter NO. 1(8)/2008-D (Pen/ Policy) dated 12-6-2009 pension of Honorary Naib Subedar & Subedar should be equal in the same length of service.
    6. As per table No 7 of circular No 555 dated 04 February 2016 24 years service of X group Naib Subedar & Honorary Naib Subedar pension are equal, so 24 years service of Y group Naib Subedar & Honorary Naib Subedar pension also should be equal, please consider it.
    7. Keeping view of the above, You are requested to do the needful.
    Thanking you with warm regards,
    Yours obediently soldier,
    2879637W Honorary Naib Subedar Vijai Kumar
    PPO No – S/29763/2006 (ARMY)

  • vijai kumar dudi 10 years ago

    1. I, 2879637W Ex Havildar & Honorary Naib Subedar VIJAI KUMAR have served in Army for 24 years and 02 days and retired on 31 October 2006 (A/N). I have been granted the rank of Honorary Naib Subedar with effect from 01 November 2006 on the republic day of 2007. My original PPO No is S/029763/2006 (ARMY).

    2. It is intimated that I am drawing my service pension from your bank vide bank account No – 2994001301104170 @ Rs 7750/- basic pension vide my P.P.O. No S/CORR/039335/2010 (ARMY) dated 19 October 2010 and subsequent corrigendum PPOs issued by PCDA (P), Allahabad in this regard time to time. I have 24 years of qualifying service at my credit and was pensioned with sanction and payment of my all retrial benefits by taking into account of notional pay applicable for Honorary Naib Subedar in Y pay group in PB-2 pay band of Rs 9300 – 34800 + Grade Pay of Rs 4200 + MSP of Rs 2000. My last basic pay was Rs 4700/- in pre revised pay scale of Rs 3600 – 100 – 5100 in Y pay group in the rank of Havildar. In this regard, I wish to submit that I am fully entitled & eligible to get the pension of regular Naib Subedar in Y pay group. This is conformity of recommendation of 6th CPC in which it is provided that Honorary Naib Subedars are entitled to get pension equivalent to regular Naib Subedar of the same group. Further, PCDA(P) circular No 471 dated 30 September 2011 confirmed the same thing and moreover, the same issue has been decided by Apex Court in SLP cc No – 42/2010 in case of UOI & other V/s Honorary Naib Subedar Sh. Kanwal Singh. Similar judgments were also delivered by AFT, Chandigarh on 27 October 2010 in OA No – 691/2010 in the case of Sh Subha Chand Sheoran & others V/s UOI & others and subsequently AFT, Jaipur also gave similar decision on 11 January 2011 in case of Honorary Naib Subedar Dharampal & others V/s UOI & others vide OA No – 160/2010.

    3. The, being more beneficial, my service pension is subjected to revision with effect from 01 November 2006 @ Rs 8577/- per month in the rank of Honorary Naib Subedar in Y pay group according to provisions contained in Paras No 6.1 & 6.2 of PCDA(P) circular No 397 dated 18 November 2008 (scan of circular No 397 attached as attachment) giving provision that pension in no case shall be lower than 50% of the minimum of pay in pay band + GP + MSP applicable and introduced from 01 January 2006 corresponding to pre-revised scale from which the pensioner had retired for 33 years of maximum qualifying service.

    4. According to the above, my last basic pay drawn of Havildar rank in Y pay group is corresponding to last basic pay of Rs 7160/- in the rank of Naib Subedar in Y pay group. According to fitment table issued by Special Army Instruction – 1/S/2008(table attached as attachment), total revised pay including pay in pay band of Rs 13320 + GP of Rs 4200 + MSP of Rs 2000 = Total revised pay = Rs 19520, which is corresponding of pre-revised pay of Rs 7160. Consequently my revised pension with effect from 01 November 2006 by modified parity method is computed as under:
    50% of Rs 19520 = Rs 9760 x Q.S of 24 years + 05 years weightage = /33 = 9760×29/33= Rs 8577/- per month with effect from 01 November 2006.

    5. That as per instructions issued in last para of 6.2 & para No – 14.1 of above circular 397 dated 18 November 2008 and para 13.1 of circular No – 430 dated 10 March 2010, you are fully authorised to revise my pension & payment of arrear of pension accordingly and as desired by me.

    6. That my pension is further subjected to revision from Rs 8577/- to Rs 9382/- per month vide table No 32 of PCDA(P) circular No 430 dated 10 March 2010 for the rank of Honorary Naib Subedar in Y pay group.

    7. In view of the above my pension should be revised from Rs 7750/- to Rs 8577/- per month w.e.f. 01 November 2006 and from Rs 8577/- to Rs 9382/- per month w.e.f. 01 July 2009.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    As per announcement made that every individual will benefit from enhancement of pension to ex servicemen under OROP, the final picture has immerged that all the JCO's have been cheated out and no increase or enhancement as you call it, was applied to them and therefore , JCO's do not belong to the categories of ONE RANK ONE PENSION. Can any one including Chairman AESMA will explain us why this indifference with JCO's has been accepted?

  • ABDULLA KHAN 12 years ago

    Hello sir,
    my father is an ex servicemen since Jul 2003 with "honey Capt" rank but he getting his normal pension…. not as same rank same pension….
    Will u pls be advice us what to do for that……….and what scale he deserved……?

    pls reply to my E-mail I'd…..

  • Sir,
    I served in IAF for 20 years and 06 days and worked in the rank of JWO for 3 months & 06 days after promotion. I am getting the pension of Sergeant (X). As per Circular No. 503, I shall be paid less pension than that is paid to a Havildar who also served for only 20 years, got promoted to rank of Honourary Naib Subedar after retirement, never bothered to pass examinations for promotion to Nb Sub. and did not bear the burden of added responsibilities for even a single day.
    How do you justify this? Regards,
    JWO RS Sahni

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Whether Orders on OROP have been issued or not as time is up to notify……

  • PATIL BABAJI GOPAL 12 years ago

    Respected Sir,
    I have been observed some points, while considering defence personal’s pensions mostly virus created in the system of defence pension policy by the Committee of Defence secretary. At present equal length of service for the rank of Sepoy’s is getting more pension than the rank of Naik’s and rank of Naik is getting more pension than the rank of Havildar . It is clearly reflected in the All Tables appended in the PCDA (P) Allahabad Circular No 430 Dated 10/03/2010. Circular no 350 dated 19/05/2006 and 482 dated 19/04/2012.
    One rank one pension means two military persons (Army Navy and Air Force) who retired after equal service in the rank get equal pension. As per the present system, personnel retiring under the 6th pay commission getting more pension than they who have retired under previous pay commissions. Gap between Pre-2006 and Post-2006 pensioners due to Military Service Pension (MSP) @ Rs 2000/-pm up to the rank of Subdar Major and Rs 6000/-pm up to the rank of Brigadiers is given to the serving personals and at present these amounts are calculated @ Rs 3444/- and Rs 10320/- respectively. 50 % of the same amount is i.e. 1722/- and 5160/- pm reflected in the PPOs of post-2006 retiring pensioners. The same amount is actual due in the pension of for Pre-2006 retired pensioners plus group equitation i.e. A, I = X and B, C, D, E, F, G, H =Y group and rank equitation Army = Air Force and Navy. Plus one time fitment to reduce the gap among the pre-2006 retired pensioners to line up the rank with their actual qualified service themselves. I suggest this type of method to reduce the gap between Post-2006 and Pre-2006 pensioners.
    There no single line has been written regarding enhanced rate of family pension, in the PCDA (P) Allahabad circular No 350, 397, 403 and 430.
    Invalid disabled pensioner are getting rounded off 50%, 75% and 100% disability element of pension as compared those who are qualified their pensionable service they are getting less disability pension for 20% or up to 50 %. Uniformly disability pension is not being given to the armed forces personnel’s.
    The Cabinet Secretary’s Committee not given informal waitage to bridge the gap among the Pre-2006 and Post-2006 retires pensioner. No of 10 years waitege given to the rank of Sepoy, 8 years waitage to the rank of Naiks and 6 years waitege to the rank of Havildar in the PCDA(P) Allahabad circular No 350 dated 19/05/2006 and PCDA(P) Allahabad circular No 430 Dated 10/03/2010. At present actual equal qualified service in the rank of Sepoy,Naik and Havildar, Havildar is getting less pension than the Rank of Naik and Naik getting less pension than the rank of Sepoy. This is due Cabinet Secretary’s Committee not adopted uniformly methodology procedure while consolidating pension. The amounts of pension are clearly indicated in the all tables of CDA circular No 350 dated 19/05/2006, Annexure-III appended to MOD letter dated 11/11/2008 and CDA circular No 430 dated 10/03/2010.
    Suggestion given by the Ex. HAV B.G. PATIL.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    As per order or instruction from Government of India, Ministry of Defence on accepting the long pending demand of one rank one pension on 24 September 2012 please intimate regarding new pension table and pension of Honorary Naib Subedar who have served in Army as Infantry soldier for 24 years in Group 'Y' and retired on or after 01 January 2006 (A/N) with an Exemplary character. With Best Regards, Honorary Naib Vijai Kumar