MACP Scheme Confederation Demand on Promotional Hierarchy and w.e.f. 01.01.2006

Confederation President has suggested to Staff Side Secretary, JCM for demand of giving effect to the MACP scheme from 1.1.2006 and MACP on promotional hierarchy. Confederation has also intimated that omissions of these demand not taken up by Official side in the Joint Meeting on MACP held on 27th July, 2012.
Click here to see  Joint Committee Meeting on MACP โ€“ Minutes by DoPT



Dated: 10th November, 2012.

Com. Umraomal Purohit,
Secretary, Staff Side, National Council, JCM
13-C Ferozeshah Road,
New Delhi 110 001

Dear Comrade,
Kindly recall the discussions, I had with you two days back
about the meeting held under the Chairmanship of JS(E) 27th July, 2012 on MACP
issues.  As intimated to you, the minutes
of the said meeting was prepared and circulated by the official side without
causing any discussion with the Staff Side, which had been the practice all
along with the result there had been serious omissions in the conclusions
indicated therein.  However, on the basis
of our discussions, we suggest the following proposals:
 (a)    On our demand for giving effect to the MACP
scheme from 1.1.2006 :
Our suggestion at the meeting was that if not for the entire
personnel, the Govt. may consider to grant the benefit of MACP scheme to  the personnel retired between 1.1.2006 and
31.8.2008 effective from. 1.1.2006.  This
suggestion was made with a view that the personnel who were in service after
1.9.2008, no doubt get the MACP benefit, though belatedly.  Only those who retired between the above
crucial dates are denied the said benefit for ever.   In my opinion, we may even go further and
suggest that even in the case of those retired, the benefit may be made only
notional, in as much as they may not be entitled to receive arrears of salary
due to the revision of pay.  They become
entitled only the increased pension benefit and that too with effect from. 1.9.
(b)   MACP on
promotional hierarchy :
There had been no logical arguments placed by the official
side for denying the option to be exercised by the individual employee as to
whether he would like to retain the existing scheme of ACP or switch over to
MACP.  In the light of strong contention
made by the Staff Side, it was in fact agreed that the official side will
consider this proposal which was made by the Staff Side in fact as an
alternative to the demand for masking MACP on the basis of promotional hierarchy
in replacement of Grade Pay hierarchy. As large number of employees would be
affected adversely if this just demand is denied, we feel that this issue must
be pressed for acceptance.
We request you to kindly take up the above two formulations
at the appropriate level as you deem fit and bring about a settlement at an
early date.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Source: www.confederationhq.blogspot.in

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  • anand viswanathan 12 years ago

    I Joined CRPF in the year Sept-1985 and retired voluntarily in the rank sub Inspector in the Feb. 2006. I served in CRPF for a period of 21 years. and presently drawing Basic pension of Rs.8680 and DA.My younger brother Mr Krishnan joined CRPF like me in the year June 1988 and retired voluntarily in August 2009 after completion of 21 years. and is drawing a pension of Rs.9800/- plus DA. Both of us served nearly equally in the force my brother got the benefit of MACP applicable wef 1.9.2008 but unfortunately I did not get the benefit of MACP,thus I am drawing Rs 1120/- less than my brother. Why the Government is issuing such type of orders which hurts the sentiments of the citizen of India , why not make the MACP applicable wef 1.1.2006.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    i no 14208447m ex naik D S Panchal retired on 29 jul 1985 in Group C after completion of 16 year service in corps of signals, Please let me know I will be eligible for MACP and what type of benefit or entitlement is due under MACP. with best regards NK D S Panchal

    • Anonymous 12 years ago

      plese dont write ur service no. u are not eligible . this for serving personnel

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    I, No 2879637W Honorary Naib Subedar Vijai Kumar have served in Army for 24 years & 02 days with effect from 30/10/1982 to 31/10/2006 in Group 'Y' as Infantry soldier and retired on completion of terms of service on 31 October 2006 (A/N). Please intimate me I will be eligible for MACP and also intimate what type of benefit or entitlement is due under MACP. With Best Regards, Honorary Naib Vijai Kumar (vijaidudi1962@gmail.com)