
CGEWHO Vishakhapatnam Housing Scheme abandoned due to insufficient response

CGEWHO has informed that Vishakhapatnam Housing Scheme could not take off due to insufficient response.  All applicants of said housing scheme has been requested to submit the withdrawal form for refund by CGEWHO.  The Cancellation/withdrawal charges will not imposed and refund will be processed after crediting interest @ 7%.  The text of CGEWHO letter is reproduced here:
Central Government Employee Welfare Housing Organisation

No. A-402/12 

September 27,2012

To all beneficiaries of CGEWHO’s Vishakhapatnam Housing Scheme

Subject: Abandoning of CGEWHO’s Vishakhapatnam Housing Scheme


This is in continuation to CGEWHO’s letter of even reference dated 10.05.2011. It is regretfully informed that Vishakhapatnarn Housing Scheme could not take off due to insufficient response(s) from Central Government Employees and as well as from GENERAL PUBLIC.
2. CGEWHO has now finally decided to keep the Vishakhapatnmn Housing Scheme, in abeyance. Accordingly, you are requested to fill in the enclosed ‘OPTION FORM’ for final withdrawal from the said Housing scheme, so that it reach this office within 31.12.2012.
3. Please note that cancellation/withdrawal charges will not be imposed and refund will be processed after crediting interest @ 7% from the date of deposition to the date of application of withdrawal. Withdrawal after 31.12.2012 will not entitle any beneficiary to claim interest beyond that date.
Yours faithfully,
(M.K. Maity)
Dy Dir (Admn)
for Chief Executive Officer
Source: http://www.cgewho.nic.in/VP_Int.pdf
Annexure- I
to CGEWHO’s letter No. A-402/12
dated             , 2012
The Chief Executive Officer,
Central Government Employees
Welfare Housing Organisation (CGEWHO),
6th Floor, ‘A’ Wing,
Janpath Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001

Subject : Option for withdrawal from CGEWHO’s Vishakhapatnam Housing Scheme

         With reference to your intimation letter dated 21/09/2012 regarding closure of above mentioned housing scheme, as on date.

2.       I am enclosing the following documents in original and my refund may be processed with interest as proposed in your letter dated 13/09/2012.

(a) A1lotment letter in original.
(b) Money Receipt(s).
(c) Pre-Receipt duly discharged (signed across) on Re 1/- Revenue Stamp.

Yours faithfully,

Signature of beneficiary
Regn No.__________________

List of enclosure(s)

To download option form click here

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