Office of the CGDA,
Ulan Batar Road ,Palam,
Delhi Cantt โ 110 010
Dated 19th
Oct, 2012
Oct, 2012
All PCsDA, including Principal [FA
All Controllers of Defence
Accounts. including IFAs
Accounts. including IFAs
The Principal Controller of
Accounts (Fys) Kolkata
Accounts (Fys) Kolkata
All Controllers of Finance and
Accounts (Fys)
Accounts (Fys)
Including Chief Internal Auditors.
Subject: SAS
Part-I Examination (NEW SYLLABUS) scheduled to be held in APRIL, 2013.
Part-I Examination (NEW SYLLABUS) scheduled to be held in APRIL, 2013.
Reference: In
continuation of this HQrs. Office Circular No.AN/SAS/16102/ SAS-II/ NS/ APR/
2008 dated 07 November, 2007.
continuation of this HQrs. Office Circular No.AN/SAS/16102/ SAS-II/ NS/ APR/
2008 dated 07 November, 2007.
The PCsDA/PIFAs/PC of A (Fyrs)/CsDA/IFAs/CFA(Fys)iChief
Internal Auditor are aware that for the benefit of intending candidates
tentative dates for next round of SAS Examinations in New Syllabus was notified
in advance vide Hqrs. Office Most Important Circular No.AN/SAS/16100/SAS
Exams/2012-13 dated 16th February, 2012.
Accordingly it has now been decided to hold SAS Part-I Examination in
the NEW SYLLABUS as per final programme below:-
Internal Auditor are aware that for the benefit of intending candidates
tentative dates for next round of SAS Examinations in New Syllabus was notified
in advance vide Hqrs. Office Most Important Circular No.AN/SAS/16100/SAS
Exams/2012-13 dated 16th February, 2012.
Accordingly it has now been decided to hold SAS Part-I Examination in
the NEW SYLLABUS as per final programme below:-
08.04.2013 |
AM TO 1.00 PM |
DAY 09.04.2013 |
AM TO 1.00 PM |
10.04.2013 |
AM TO 1.00 PM |
AM TO 1.00 PM |
Note: No Examination on 11.04.2013 (THURSDAY)
2. The case of each intending candidate
(including those who are on deputation) shall be carefully screened by a Board
of Officers comprising Principal Controller/ Controller/ Addl. CDA/Jt. CDA,
another IDAS Officer and one Senior Accounts Officer/ Accounts Officer. The
candidature shall be recommended on the basis of the following criteria:-
(including those who are on deputation) shall be carefully screened by a Board
of Officers comprising Principal Controller/ Controller/ Addl. CDA/Jt. CDA,
another IDAS Officer and one Senior Accounts Officer/ Accounts Officer. The
candidature shall be recommended on the basis of the following criteria:-
(a) Those
who qualified Preliminary Examination held on 21.8.2012.
who qualified Preliminary Examination held on 21.8.2012.
(b) those
who could not qualify SAS Pad-1 Exam held in April, 2009 (having appeared in
all Papers in April 2009 ) but qualified Preliminary Examination held in Sept
who could not qualify SAS Pad-1 Exam held in April, 2009 (having appeared in
all Papers in April 2009 ) but qualified Preliminary Examination held in Sept
(c) those
candidates who passed Preliminary Examination in Sept,2008 and failed in SAS
Part-I examination held in Apri1,2009 (having appeared in all Papers but scored
exemption marks in one or more Papersโ (Paper-I or II or III or IV) shall not require
to appear in such paper.
candidates who passed Preliminary Examination in Sept,2008 and failed in SAS
Part-I examination held in Apri1,2009 (having appeared in all Papers but scored
exemption marks in one or more Papersโ (Paper-I or II or III or IV) shall not require
to appear in such paper.
(d) those
candidates who passed Preliminary Examination in June 2007 and failed in subsequent
SAS part 1 Examinations held in Nov, 2007 and April 2009 provided the candidate
has appeared in all Papers in SAS Part I Examination, Nov 2007 which was
immediate SAS part-I examination in terms of Rule 4 of SAS Rule. Further candidates scoring exemption marks in
one or more Papers (Paper-I or II or III or IV) shall not require to appear in
such paper.
candidates who passed Preliminary Examination in June 2007 and failed in subsequent
SAS part 1 Examinations held in Nov, 2007 and April 2009 provided the candidate
has appeared in all Papers in SAS Part I Examination, Nov 2007 which was
immediate SAS part-I examination in terms of Rule 4 of SAS Rule. Further candidates scoring exemption marks in
one or more Papers (Paper-I or II or III or IV) shall not require to appear in
such paper.
3. Names of intending candidates who
fulfill the prescribed criteria and are recommended by the Board of Officers
and accepted by PCDA/CDA concerned may please be sent (both hard copy as well
as CD/floppy in MS Excel) in the enclosed proforma to CGDAโs office on the
address and within the scheduled date as mentioned at Para 7 below.
fulfill the prescribed criteria and are recommended by the Board of Officers
and accepted by PCDA/CDA concerned may please be sent (both hard copy as well
as CD/floppy in MS Excel) in the enclosed proforma to CGDAโs office on the
address and within the scheduled date as mentioned at Para 7 below.
4. The
following instructions may please be observed while completing the above proforma.
following instructions may please be observed while completing the above proforma.
(a) Candidates
shall have to choose any one as optional Sub-Section from (A) Army, (B) Air
Force, (C) Navy and (D) Factory as per Rule 5(vi) Paper-IV Sub-rule(c) subject
to according permission by CGDA.
shall have to choose any one as optional Sub-Section from (A) Army, (B) Air
Force, (C) Navy and (D) Factory as per Rule 5(vi) Paper-IV Sub-rule(c) subject
to according permission by CGDA.
(b) Requests for
change of centre shall not be entertained after notification of approved list
of candidates as mentioned in Rule 24. However, in case where due to
exceptional circumstances, a candidate desires to take the examination at a centre
other than the one nearest to the candidateโs duty point, an application by the
candidate containing specific recommendations of the Principal Controller/ Controller
shall be sent to I-1Qrs1 Office for consideration. Under no circumstances, the candidate shall
be permitted to sit in the examination as per his/her choice without prior
approval of HQr. Office.
change of centre shall not be entertained after notification of approved list
of candidates as mentioned in Rule 24. However, in case where due to
exceptional circumstances, a candidate desires to take the examination at a centre
other than the one nearest to the candidateโs duty point, an application by the
candidate containing specific recommendations of the Principal Controller/ Controller
shall be sent to I-1Qrs1 Office for consideration. Under no circumstances, the candidate shall
be permitted to sit in the examination as per his/her choice without prior
approval of HQr. Office.
(c) The
examination shall be conducted at Agra, Allahabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Chandigarh,
Cochin, Dehtradun. Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jammu, Jalandhar, Jabalpur, Jaipur,
Kannur, Kanpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Meerut, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, New Delhi, Patna,
Pune โA'(O), Pune โB'(SC) , Port Blair, Pathankot, Roorkee, Shillong, Siliguri,
Secunderabad, Visakhapatnam and Wellington provided sufficient candidates are
appearing therefrom. The centers are subject to change depending on
administrative convenience. The
candidates should be advised to give firm indication of the Centre (with due
regard to the prescribed criteria) in the very first instance. The instructions
contained in this Office Memo No 33012(5)N/1/AN-K dated 30.10.71 in regard to
freezing of transfer of candidates after notification of their Roll Number may
also be adhered to as far as possible,
examination shall be conducted at Agra, Allahabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Chandigarh,
Cochin, Dehtradun. Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jammu, Jalandhar, Jabalpur, Jaipur,
Kannur, Kanpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Meerut, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, New Delhi, Patna,
Pune โA'(O), Pune โB'(SC) , Port Blair, Pathankot, Roorkee, Shillong, Siliguri,
Secunderabad, Visakhapatnam and Wellington provided sufficient candidates are
appearing therefrom. The centers are subject to change depending on
administrative convenience. The
candidates should be advised to give firm indication of the Centre (with due
regard to the prescribed criteria) in the very first instance. The instructions
contained in this Office Memo No 33012(5)N/1/AN-K dated 30.10.71 in regard to
freezing of transfer of candidates after notification of their Roll Number may
also be adhered to as far as possible,
(d) Syllabus and
the list of books prescribed in respect of each paper (i.e. paper I,II,III
& IV ) are enclosed as Annexure โAโ to this circular.
the list of books prescribed in respect of each paper (i.e. paper I,II,III
& IV ) are enclosed as Annexure โAโ to this circular.
5. The candidates shall be allowed option
in all the papers to answer the questions either in English or in Hindi. All
the question papers will be primed bilingually. The option is however, for the
complete paper only and not part thereof. Therefore, a candidate can opt to
answer all questions of a full paper or all papers either in Hindi or English. In
other words, optional use of Hindi or English question-wise will not be
permitted and such answer books will not be evaluated. This aspect may be
brought to the notice of the candidates. If a particular candidate has opted to
answer only one or all the four Papers completely in Hindi, the fact may be
shown in the proforma in the column provided for the purpose. A `Nilโ report may
also please be sent in case no candidate has opted for Hindi.
in all the papers to answer the questions either in English or in Hindi. All
the question papers will be primed bilingually. The option is however, for the
complete paper only and not part thereof. Therefore, a candidate can opt to
answer all questions of a full paper or all papers either in Hindi or English. In
other words, optional use of Hindi or English question-wise will not be
permitted and such answer books will not be evaluated. This aspect may be
brought to the notice of the candidates. If a particular candidate has opted to
answer only one or all the four Papers completely in Hindi, the fact may be
shown in the proforma in the column provided for the purpose. A `Nilโ report may
also please be sent in case no candidate has opted for Hindi.
6. En pursuance of the instructions
contained in Govt. of India, Cabinet Secretariat, Department of Personnel and
Administrative Reforms OM No.F.36021/10/76-Estt. (SCT) dated 21.1.77 regarding
relaxation of standards in the case of Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe
candidates in qualifying examination, it has been decided by CGDA to lower/relax
the qualifying standards for SC/ST candidates appearing in this Examination
upto a maximum extent of 5% in individual paper/aggregate. This may be brought
to the notice of all the SC/ST candidates. Names of candidates who belong to
reserved community may please be furnished to this office while sponsoring
their names itself, as per instructions contained in this office Circular No.
0611/AN/K/(Orders) dated 12.9.77. The list of SC/ST candidates may please be
prepared independently after verifying the service-books of all the candidates
and not on the basis of information furnished by the candidates concerned. It
may also be certified as โThe list furnished to HQrs office has been
prepared with reference to the information recorded in the service-book of the
candidates concernedโ. Candidates may also be asked to declare whether
they belong to the reserved or the unreserved community and such declaration
may be kept on record, A specimen of the declaration is enclosed.
contained in Govt. of India, Cabinet Secretariat, Department of Personnel and
Administrative Reforms OM No.F.36021/10/76-Estt. (SCT) dated 21.1.77 regarding
relaxation of standards in the case of Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe
candidates in qualifying examination, it has been decided by CGDA to lower/relax
the qualifying standards for SC/ST candidates appearing in this Examination
upto a maximum extent of 5% in individual paper/aggregate. This may be brought
to the notice of all the SC/ST candidates. Names of candidates who belong to
reserved community may please be furnished to this office while sponsoring
their names itself, as per instructions contained in this office Circular No.
0611/AN/K/(Orders) dated 12.9.77. The list of SC/ST candidates may please be
prepared independently after verifying the service-books of all the candidates
and not on the basis of information furnished by the candidates concerned. It
may also be certified as โThe list furnished to HQrs office has been
prepared with reference to the information recorded in the service-book of the
candidates concernedโ. Candidates may also be asked to declare whether
they belong to the reserved or the unreserved community and such declaration
may be kept on record, A specimen of the declaration is enclosed.
7. The list of candidates may be prepared
centre-wise strictly according to the proforma enclosed and dispatched by name
to Shri J.K.Tharmatt, IDAS, Assistant CGDA(AN) latest by 7th December, 2012.
It has been observed that in past some of the Pr. Controllers/ Controllers are
not adhering to the date fixed for submission of the list of candidates and HQrs
office has received requests for allotment of Roll Nos to the candidates even
after dispatch of Examination materials which resulted in lot of inconvenience
at all levels. It may be noted that no request for allotment of Roll Nos to
candidates received after the cut off date will be entertained except due to
unavoidable administrative reasons and responsibility of the same will devolve
on respective office. All efforts should, therefore be made to adhere to this
date to enable us to hold the examination as per the time schedule. The name of
the candidates who are finally selected by this HQrs. Office to appear in the examination
and the Roll Numbers assigned to them, shall be intimated to the Principal Controllers/Controllers,
as soon as possible after receipt of the proforma.
centre-wise strictly according to the proforma enclosed and dispatched by name
to Shri J.K.Tharmatt, IDAS, Assistant CGDA(AN) latest by 7th December, 2012.
It has been observed that in past some of the Pr. Controllers/ Controllers are
not adhering to the date fixed for submission of the list of candidates and HQrs
office has received requests for allotment of Roll Nos to the candidates even
after dispatch of Examination materials which resulted in lot of inconvenience
at all levels. It may be noted that no request for allotment of Roll Nos to
candidates received after the cut off date will be entertained except due to
unavoidable administrative reasons and responsibility of the same will devolve
on respective office. All efforts should, therefore be made to adhere to this
date to enable us to hold the examination as per the time schedule. The name of
the candidates who are finally selected by this HQrs. Office to appear in the examination
and the Roll Numbers assigned to them, shall be intimated to the Principal Controllers/Controllers,
as soon as possible after receipt of the proforma.
8. Since SAS Part-1 Examination in new
syllabus is being held after a considerable long period, all prospective
candidates should be advised that it is in their own interest to start
preparation for the examination without waiting for the intimation about acceptance
of their candidature. It is likely that candidates are not making full use of
training classes where these are held under the scheme contained in our
No,AN/0611/AN/K, dated 17/7/58 (as amended). The Principal
Controllers/Controllers are requested to take steps to see that the candidates
take adequate interest in the training classes and attend the same regularly.
syllabus is being held after a considerable long period, all prospective
candidates should be advised that it is in their own interest to start
preparation for the examination without waiting for the intimation about acceptance
of their candidature. It is likely that candidates are not making full use of
training classes where these are held under the scheme contained in our
No,AN/0611/AN/K, dated 17/7/58 (as amended). The Principal
Controllers/Controllers are requested to take steps to see that the candidates
take adequate interest in the training classes and attend the same regularly.
9. Absenteeism not only results in all
round increase in work but also wasteful expenditure in making administrative
arrangements for holding the examination. Principal Controllers/Controllers are
requested to get in writing from the intending candidates that they will not
apply for withdrawal of their candidature from the above examination on the
plea of sickness of family, domestic affairs or non-availability of books etc.
It may be impressed upon the candidates that it is in their own interest to
take the examination seriously. Absent from this examination may result in to
re-qualify the preliminary examination in terms of SAS Rules 6 besides forfeiting
this precious chance.
round increase in work but also wasteful expenditure in making administrative
arrangements for holding the examination. Principal Controllers/Controllers are
requested to get in writing from the intending candidates that they will not
apply for withdrawal of their candidature from the above examination on the
plea of sickness of family, domestic affairs or non-availability of books etc.
It may be impressed upon the candidates that it is in their own interest to
take the examination seriously. Absent from this examination may result in to
re-qualify the preliminary examination in terms of SAS Rules 6 besides forfeiting
this precious chance.
10. Detailed rules governing SAS Examinations
together with detailed new syllabus, recommended books etc. have already been
notified and circulated to all our Principal Controllers/Controllers/IFAs/CIAs
vide this office Most Important Circular No.AN/SAS/16200/Order/Vol.X dated
12.3.2007. Rules referred to in the
preceding paras are The Rules governing the examination for admission to the
Subordinate Accounts Service SAS) in Defence Accounts Department which have
been circulated as Annexure โAโ to our ibid Most Important Circular.
together with detailed new syllabus, recommended books etc. have already been
notified and circulated to all our Principal Controllers/Controllers/IFAs/CIAs
vide this office Most Important Circular No.AN/SAS/16200/Order/Vol.X dated
12.3.2007. Rules referred to in the
preceding paras are The Rules governing the examination for admission to the
Subordinate Accounts Service SAS) in Defence Accounts Department which have
been circulated as Annexure โAโ to our ibid Most Important Circular.
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It is very difficult for preparation exam in new syllabus as no model answers are available. The o& m cell is providing the model answers for old syllabus, which are useless. Further it is very difficult to arrange and study huge numbers of books for exam.