
CGEWHO Greater Noida Housing Scheme Latest update as on 22nd August, 2012

Central Government Employees Welfare Housing Organisation
(Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India)
Janpath Bhawan, Janpath, New Deihl-110001
August 22, 2012

To All Applicants of Greater Noida Housing Scheme

Subject: Greater Noida Housing Scheme

In the advertisement dated 1/1/2011 whereby the Greater Noida Housing Scheme was announced it was mentioned that CGEWHO shall endevour for increase in FAR & maximise number of houses to Central Govt. Employees.

2. The undersigned is directed to apprise the progress with regard to additional FAR & appointment of Architect Consultant for Greater Noida Housing Scheme. The following is hereby conveyed:
(a) Progress with regard to approval of additional FAR:

GNIDA vide its letter no. Niyo/2012/BP-2836/PA-5055 dated 19/7/2012 has accorded approval in principal towards increase in FAR from 150 to 275. Accordingly approximately 2130 No’s of DU’s detailed below shall be built in high rise configuration with provisions of lifts (the details provided are tentative and may vary as per final approval of plans by GNIDA)
Type Accommodation Tentative No.(s) of DUs.
as per allotted FAR
Approx Area
(Sq . Ft.)
A 1 BHK {One multipurpose room, Bedroom,
Kitchen, Bath, WC, Balcon (ies)
104 685
B 2 BHK {Drawing-cum-dining, Two Bedrooms,
Kitchen, Two Toilets, Balcon (ies)}
506 1110
C 3 BHK {Drawing-cum-dining, Three Bedrooms,
Kitchen, Three Toilets, Balcony (ies)}
830 1445
D 4 BHK {Drawing-cum-dining, Four Bedrooms,
Kitchen, Four Toilets, Balcony (ies)}
690 2064
(b) Progress with regard to appointment of Architect Consultant:

The appointment of Architect Consultant is in progress. The prequalification of firms has been completed and it is expected that Architect Consultant for the project shall be finalized by September 2012.
3. It is further informed that as informed vide various notices published in the web site of the organization an advertisement in compliance to the decision of 48th & 49th Governing Council meeting held on 15/11/2011 & 3/8/2012 respectively has been published in newspaper’s inviting application for registration in Greater Noida Housing Scheme only from Central Govt. Employees in Priority 1 who are covered under New Pension Scheme, and have joined the service till the last date of receipt of application of registration i.e. 3/3/2011 with 10/9/2012 as last date to apply in the scheme. The Computerised Draw of the scheme shall be held at the earliest after the scrutiny of the forms so received.
Yours faithfully,
(Arun Kumar Singh)
Asst. Director (Admn.)
for Chief Executive Officer
Please visit us at www.cgewho.nic.in
Source/Order: www.cgewho.nic.in [click here]

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  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Has anyone got an update on Greater NOIDA project costing?

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Still cost is not disclosed. How can we decide? Any idea what may be the cost of type D after revision?

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      mark my comments – Rs. 85 lacs + 30% escalation + 7 lacs (one time payment for lift, booster pump, generator, gated security etc) + stamp duty on the date prevailing then, + registration etc + other misc charges – totaling near about Rs. 1.27 crore !
      what surprised ? so dear try to cut your coat according to ur cloth. This estimation is towards the lower side. may increase also.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      1.2 cr after escalation including registration and stamp duty

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      DRASTIC DOWNWARD REVISION OF PRICES IS IN THE OFFING WITHIN A DAY OR TWO. Most probably the rate is anything between 2700 and 3100/SQ FT.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Yes, very very authentic news ! A very high profile politician has intervened. Don't withdraw for the time being.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago


  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    we don,t know what cgewho is doing, they reduce the 1st installment but don't inform the exact cost of the Apartment. No one can afford such a high cost flats and they have not too much saving to purchase such a high cost flats. Again and again they put circular in their site and extend the date of first installment till 10.10.2014 and gave chance to the people those already apply for withdraw their names in the scheme due to not afford the cost of the flats and break down their dream for own house in NCR. CGEWHO making fool to the people from last 03 years, if this association for the welfare of the people why they don't supply the house at reasonable rate, the price which they are offering, even ready to move houses are cheaper than this.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago


  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    plz also like facebook page cgewho greater noida.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    whats the resolution of the meeting ? i am monitoring the developments from hospital as i am indisposed seriously. pray for me my dear friends. pl keep me informed about the developments. thanks

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Dear friends, very good idea. I will come surely with my friend from min of water resources. I doubt CGEWHO is going to come down from the rate already quoted. Rather, if we don't pay the first instalment within time, possibility is there we have to cough up interest. what to do we are between damocle's sword !! ONE IDEA, IF CGEWHO DOES NOT DECREASE THE RATE, WE BETTER SEEK REFUND @ 18% INTEREST FROM THE DATE THEY RECEIVED OUR APPLICATION MONEY.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      18% not a bad idea, but we should be united to bring the price down to a reasonable figure like around Rs.3000/sq ft. If nothing goes positive in our way, only, it is only thyen we will press for withdrawal with 18% interest, not before that. But, I am hopeful some silver lining is in store. May god bless us !

  • Meeting 11 years ago

    There will be a meeting tomorrow (August 28, 2014) between 6 pm to 6:30 pm (evening) at the CGEWHO building (Ground Floor), Janpath, New Delhi. All the beneficiaries are requested to please come and attend the same so that we get to know each other and also decide our further course of action in the matter. Please spread the message among all whom you know. Please do not despair and surrender your allotments. We have to ensure that something is done for the interests of we Govt employees by the CGEWHO. Together we can and we all will!! Thank you and regards to all!

  • sanjiv 11 years ago

    As the last date is drawing near, the allotees are facing dilemma whether to pay the first instalment or wait. Except going to court, the other options before us are:
    1. Write to the Grievance Officer of CGEWHO
    2. Write to the President of the Governing Council of CGEWHO for arbitration as per CGEWHO rules
    3. Write to the Mediation cell of the Consumer Court for dispute resolution.

    Our main defence as pointed by Mr Rahil Akbar is that CPWD plinth area approved rate is Rs 1900 per sq feet and not 3990 as CGEWHO is claiming.
    If an allotee takes any of the above step, his allotment can not be cancelled till resolution

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    sir,i am also very much worried,what to do? I wants to join with you. my contact no is 9310334883

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      WHY ALL THESE CRUSADERS POST COMMENTS anonymously ? Pl come clean in front, if you have the guts. Mr. rahil Akbar's mobile is FAKE !!! Anybody can try his number to check whose number Mr. Akbar is using. It seems he is having Birbal's number !

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      WELL SAID !

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      If you hv guts,both r show ur id.& join fb group.& like page cgewho greater noida.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      It is overheard that the CGEWHO has held a meeting yesterday and hv decided to issue a fresh letter to allottee to pay only the cost of the land and the date to submit the payment is also going to be revised… so HURRAAAYYYYYYY for the time being.. the rate is definitely to come down below 3000… let us wait and pray for the good of all the benefeciery.. please do not be disheartened and take your allotment go in vain… it is precious and i must say it has to be our life time achievement… be patient and don't run away please !!!

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Sorry for late entry in discussions.

    I too have signed petition raised at change.org at following link:

    No one can justify the construction cost of Rs 3624 per sq ft in Gr Noida (as Land Cost as mentioned is mere Rs 537377; i.e Rs 365 per sq ft for Type C flat).
    I am worried as time is slipping; I think everyone should give representations regarding high rates.
    Wareendra Nath – wareendra.nath@gmail.com

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    please also join us at facebook page . Cgewho greater noida. for latest updates.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Dear all, Dont withdraw your money from cgewho , we have taken legal advise from various Advocates , All advocates assured me that we will win. Some RAW/IAS/IB /CBI/IPS/MINISTER’PS ,etc. personals are also allottees of flates. CGEWHO cannot be escaped. Vinay singh – 09911502015 

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      dear friend, this is the catch ! CBI/RAW people and the like clan will get another rate and thats why the agitation is still subdue. This high flying group has already been assured of special status. myself is insider and i know the nitty-gritty of this goofups. The individual who can create panic in the minds of cgewho bosses he or she only can get a special status, i mean a special offer ! Dear just try this trick ! The rate should not, by any stretch of imagination, be more than Rs. 2100/sq ft. (plus minus Rs. 50/sq.ft. thanks & good luck to all.

    • rahil m Akbar 11 years ago

      Dear Mr Insider or whosoever you may be!! Please do not try to spread misinformation here in this useful platform of communication. Do not let your imagination run wild on things which are of no significance here. If you want to express your views be reasonable, give your name/identity,email id and mobile no. Why post things in an Anonymous identity and create a fake sensation here. Whatever you are stating about CBI/RAW to be given different rates is very funny and laughable! How can there be different rates for CBI/RAW? I hope you know that there is a Rule of Law in India and presently we have a strong PM sitting at the helm of affairs to oversee everything. I suspect that you are probably from the CGEWHO itself who is trying to create a dent among all Govt servants who are trying to bring the unjustified rate of CGEWHO to book!! Next please be reasonable and upload sensible information here. Thanks and regards-Rahil M Akbar, M#9911856020

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Mr insider plz show your id.

    • ashish_raj 11 years ago

      But wht about our first installment payment as its submission day is reaching near.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Friends, The letter sent to us states that the cost is based on the plinth area estimate of CPWD. However. I have the relevant CPWD document which states that the plinth area rate is 17,000 per sq metre which comes out to less than 1900 per sq feet. This document is available at http://cpwd.gov.in/newsitem/latestnewspdf/PAR2012.pdf Clearly, Cgewho is fooling and cheating us.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    According to procedure they should use standard specification as per CPWD then the rates will come down and house will be affordable

    i would ask u to get united and join us, as i am planning to have an appointment with Minister of housing to brief him about our grievances and make the scheme an affordable to government servant.

    everybody in the scheme is requested to be united , and attend in mass so as to highlight the issue of high rates . Please get in touch with me by providing your personnel numbers, for furture couse of action

    we have also faught for bringing back NPS in the scheme, we can bring rates to an affordable range as we have waited for 2 years

    suresh maurya

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I suggest all the allottees should write to the Minister. I believe he would take note of it and do the needful. The tentative rates itself are exorbitant, what to talk about escalation. Even private builders are quoting lower escalation free rates in the area.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Dear friends, breaking news ! It is learnt from sources inside that there will be 20-25 % escalation plus other charges. It is better to withdraw from the scheme, though the call is to be taken by each individual considering his/her own interest and necessity. After all, it is NOT a reasonable project to go in for. One should better go in for ready-to-move-in flat and claim the income tax rebate !!!!

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    plz like facebook page cgewho greater noida.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Very true, CGEWHO has the habit of delaying abnormally due to their inherent weakness and lacuna's and escalating the costs always on grounds of increase in input material and labour costs .We must insist to inform firm cost before calling first instalment.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago


  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    this allotment really shows the corruption of the CGEWHO by giving offer letter to the people with such a high cost of the flats. They are really make the people fool from last 03 years, because in 2011 the cost of land and construction is too low. We all have to unite and raise voice against this, no sincere person can afford such a high cost flat. Please inform what should we do, go for withdrawl or wait for any relief from CGEWHO

  • Anonymous 11 years ago


    Can I ask someone who would like to lead this initiative to start a online petition by visiting this link https://www.change.org/en-IN/start-a-petition.
    We all will sign it once its created and take it forward.


  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Is the 6 PM meeting at Patiala House Court lawns on 11.8.2014 still on? Please confirm.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Hi everyone,

      I could not attend these meeting since I am currently outside Delhi.
      Would anyone like to let me know what was the outcome of the meeting and what did you discussed?


  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    we all unite and protest against such a high rate, no central govt employee afford this house. CGEWHO cheat the people not offering their rate at the time of opening this schemei.e 03 years back, people through that they are booking their houses by payment 10% of the total cost

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I appeal to all the allottes to come on monday 11th august at 6 pm at Patiala House Court lawns.We will also form RWA and discuss further strategy. Please come in maximum numbers and pass this message/sms to all the allotees you know.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Yes, I will be coming. Request all readers to also come.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Dear friends, there are many allottees who do not know each other..in order to be united there should be one forum where all are together and apprise each other of next course of action. if agreed there could be one group. I had created one group..all r requested to join it and take next course of action.

      Facebook group is CGEWHO Greater Noida Project

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      yes we all unite and raise voice against this. prices are not so high when they launch this housing scheme 03 year back. If they informed they are allotting in such a high cost, people have opt other option in greater nodia

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      And nobody came, except 3 people, including me….Not even the anonymous guy who decided the venue and date and time… guys, this is a serious matter and concerns our future interest and investment. Leaving emotional comments here without name, number will not help you…. I suggest we try it once more….. Lets meet on 16th aug….. saturday… 6 pm… at boat club…. near central sect ….. corner of red light, where all boats are parked…. Before that, please share your name and contact number on my number…. Amit (8882424151)…. Please come prepared with your suggestions…. If somebody has a better suggestion regarding venue of meeting , pls suggest….Share your confirmation with your name , either here or on my number…

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I have created a Facebook page of CGEWHO Greater Noida Project to put all the allotees together. All are requested to join the page and can post their grievances also

  • rahil m Akbar 11 years ago

    All the beneficiaries, kindly join Facebook page of CGEWHOGREATER NOIDA and post our grievances in it.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      I agree. CGWHO is out to cheat central govt. officials. The rates make the houses unaffordable for honest govt. employees.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    The rates given by CGEWHO for its Greater Noida Project i.e. Rs 3990/- per sq ft is thoroughly absurd and beyond the means of Govt servants. The rate depicts that CGEWHO is not at all honest in its working. Its moto of ensuring welfare for Govt servants vis-a-vis housing projects and that its principle of functioning in NO PROFIT & NO LOSS Basis is a farce and they stand exposed right now. Its very surprising that they have demanded the first installment from beneficiaries at a rate which is even higher than the existing market rate. Somebody please bring this to the notice of the Minister concerned as well as to our Prime Minister. The CGEWHO must be stopped/nibbed in the bud itself before they proceed with their agenda of cheating the Govt servants. The issue must be raised in the Parliament also. Those who have connections in the Govt, please enlighten the Govt about this unacceptable rate given by the CGEWHO. We have to oppose tooth and nail to ensure that truth prevails and those in CGEWHO responsible for causing harrassment/despair to the beneficiaries must be held accountable and brought to book as per the Law of our Country. If CGEWHO remains adamant and does not review its decision on the exorbitant rate, we can write to the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court or to the Chief Justice of India (CJI) for intervention in this matter which is aimed at cheating the beneficiaries. Lets remain united and ensure that justice prevails and we realise our dreams of having an affordable house in the NCR. Thanks and regards to all beneficiaries.

    Read more: https://www.staffnews.in/2012/08/cgewho-greater-noida-housing-scheme.html#ixzz39TnZFAQs
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Share Alike
    Follow us: @karnmk on Twitter | cgenews on Facebook

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Dear All,
    Even I have received the CGEWHO letter calling for payment of its First installment by September 12, 2014 which is a huge amount of Rs 9,93,000/- as I am an allottee of the C-Type DU (Actually it is Rs 11, 73,000/- but after adjusment of my EMD of Rs 1, 80,000/-). The provisional rate of Per sq ft decided by them is Rs 3990/-. This rate is thoroughly absurd and beyond the means of any honest Govt servant. Anyone surveying the market rate in Greater Noida would easily know that the existing rates here in Greater Noida for even high-end appartments and ready to move in ones are at a maximum of Rs 3400-3700/- psqft. Hence the rate quoted by CGEWHO is not at all genuine and speaks of some probably upcoming scam aimed at cheating the beneficiaries. I always thought that CGEWHO works on their claimed principle of no profit no loss basis in order to assure housing for Govt servants but this rate speaks otherwise about the motive of CGEWHO with respect to the Greater Noida project which has already been very much delayed for reasons best known to the CGEWHO. There seems to be indeed something sinister thriving in the minds of those who decided upon this unacceptable rate of Rs 3990/- psqft.
    I even went to CGEWHO office at Janpath last Friday and aired my resentment, but an official there told me that one should not panic about the said rate as it was only provisional and the real/actual rate would be decided soon after collection of the first installment from beneficiries and that the said rate would fall but did not reveal as to what the actual rate will be afterwards. The CGEWHO officials were saying that the high rate was decided so as to clear the payments due upon it by the GNIDA (Greater Noida Authority) in order that they can proceed with the next line of works like de-watering, land clearing and subsequent construction. My question is that who has given the CGEWHO the authority now to put the burden of their due payments upon the beneficiaries of the project. There is also a catch in the entire thing, as to what is the guarantee that its actual rate will be lowered once the first installments are collected and the construction starts. There may also be a high probability that rate is further escalated once the contract of construction is awarded to the concerned builder. Hence the fate of the beneficiaries is similar to that of being caught between the devil and the deep sea!
    All this development with respect to the CGEWHO vis-a-vis the Greater Noida project only reveals the hidden designs of the organisation which ofcourse one would agree is not in the favour of beneficiaries/the Govt servants of which I am also one. The decision of the high and absurd rate, I presume is to discourage the beneficiaries so that they opt out of it and later the CGEWHO can sell it to their own employess (who are ofcourse not full Govt servants) and to private people in the open market thus depriving the genuine beneficiaries and crushing the dream of a Govt servant to own a house here in the NCR.
    Hence, I appeal to all the beneficiaries to oppose this move (high rate fixation) by CGEWHO in this project through accepted and available means. We must represent to the concerned Ministry and to our PM Shri Naredra Modi. Our PM must be apprised about this unethical decision taken by the CGEWHO. One must also file RTI to know what had actually happened in the CGEWHO Executive Committee meeting and other things etc as to what was the pressing need to go for such a high rate i.e. even higher than existing market rates, all against their own organisation's spirit of no loss no profit!! If need be, those who can spare time or are retired Govt servants, make sure to approach the Delhi High Court and I am sure the CGEWHO will have to soon agree upon a rate that is genuine/truthful so as to enable the beneficiaries to afford their houses.
    Thanking all beneficiaries with an appeal to bring this to the light of the concerned Ministry, the PM or if need be to approach the Judiciary.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Dear All,
    Even I have received the CGEWHO letter calling for payment of its First installment by September 12, 2014 which is a huge amount of Rs 9,93,000/- as I am an allottee of the C-Type DU (Actually it is Rs 11, 73,000/- but after adjusment of my EMD of Rs 1, 80,000/-). The provisional rate of Per sq ft decided by them is Rs 3990/-. This rate is thoroughly absurd and beyond the means of any honest Govt servant. Anyone surveying the market rate in Greater Noida would easily know that the existing rates here in Greater Noida for even high-end appartments and ready to move in ones are at a maximum of Rs 3400-3700/- psqft. Hence the rate quoted by CGEWHO is not at all genuine and speaks of some probably upcoming scam aimed at cheating the beneficiaries. I always thought that CGEWHO works on their claimed principle of no profit no loss basis in order to assure housing for Govt servants but this rate speaks otherwise about the motive of CGEWHO with respect to the Greater Noida project which has already been very much delayed for reasons best known to the CGEWHO. There seems to be indeed something sinister thriving in the minds of those who decided upon this unacceptable rate of Rs 3990/- psqft.
    I even went to CGEWHO office at Janpath last Friday and aired my resentment, but an official there told me that one should not panic about the said rate as it was only provisional and the real/actual rate would be decided soon after collection of the first installment from beneficiries and that the said rate would fall but did not reveal as to what the actual rate will be afterwards. The CGEWHO officials were saying that the high rate was decided so as to clear the payments due upon it by the GNIDA (Greater Noida Authority) in order that they can proceed with the next line of works like de-watering, land clearing and subsequent construction. My question is that who has given the CGEWHO the authority now to put the burden of their due payments upon the beneficiaries of the project. There is also a catch in the entire thing, as to what is the guarantee that its actual rate will be lowered once the first installments are collected and the construction starts. There may also be a high probability that rate is further escalated once the contract of construction is awarded to the concerned builder. Hence the fate of the beneficiaries is similar to that of being caught between the devil and the deep sea!
    All this development with respect to the CGEWHO vis-a-vis the Greater Noida project only reveals the hidden designs of the organisation which ofcourse one would agree is not in the favour of beneficiaries/the Govt servants of which I am also one. The decision of the high and absurd rate, I presume is to discourage the beneficiaries so that they opt out of it and later the CGEWHO can sell it to their own employess (who are ofcourse not full Govt servants) and to private people in the open market thus depriving the genuine beneficiaries and crushing the dream of a Govt servant to own a house here in the NCR.
    Hence, I appeal to all the beneficiaries to oppose this move (high rate fixation) by CGEWHO in this project through accepted and available means. We must represent to the concerned Ministry and to our PM Shri Naredra Modi. Our PM must be apprised about this unethical decision taken by the CGEWHO. One must also file RTI to know what had actually happened in the CGEWHO Executive Committee meeting and other things etc as to what was the pressing need to go for such a high rate i.e. even higher than existing market rates, all against their own organisation's spirit of no loss no profit!! If need be, those who can spare time or are retired Govt servants, make sure to approach the Delhi High Court and I am sure the CGEWHO will have to soon agree upon a rate that is genuine/truthful so as to enable the beneficiaries to afford their houses.
    Thanking all beneficiaries with an appeal to bring this to the light of the concerned Ministry, the PM or if need be to approach the Judiciary.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      we are aslo with you.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      I have created a Facebook page of CGEWHO Greater Noida Project to put all the allotees together. All are requested to join the page and can post their grievances also

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    The rates given by CGEWHO for its Greater Noida Project i.e. Rs 3990/- per sq ft is thoroughly absurd and beyond the means of Govt servants. The rate depicts that CGEWHO is not at all honest in its working. Its moto of ensuring welfare for Govt servants vis-a-vis housing projects and that its principle of functioning in NO PROFIT & NO LOSS Basis is a farce and they stand exposed right now. Its very surprising that they have demanded the first installment from beneficiaries at a rate which is even higher than the existing market rate. Somebody please bring this to the notice of the Minister concerned as well as to our Prime Minister. The CGEWHO must be stopped/nibbed in the bud itself before they proceed with their agenda of cheating the Govt servants. The issue must be raised in the Parliament also. Those who have connections in the Govt, please enlighten the Govt about this unacceptable rate given by the CGEWHO. We have to oppose tooth and nail to ensure that truth prevails and those in CGEWHO responsible for causing harrassment/despair to the beneficiaries must be held accountable and brought to book as per the Law of our Country. If CGEWHO remains adamant and does not review its decision on the exorbitant rate, we can write to the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court or to the Chief Justice of India (CJI) for intervention in this matter which is aimed at cheating the beneficiaries. Lets remain united and ensure that justice prevails and we realise our dreams of having an affordable house in the NCR. Thanks and regards to all beneficiaries.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    this is absurd, cheating and fraud…. Lets unite…. don't pay…. file representation…. Lets make a RWA before even the flats are made …. Amit 8882424151

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      I agree. The rates of Rs. 3990 psqf is exhorbitant.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Yes, lets form a RWA. Lets fix a meeting place. Patiala house court lawns is a good option. Maximum members please confirm. Also follow facebook page by the name of cgewhogreaternoida.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Yes, Patiala House Court lawns for our meeting can be a very good option. We can also get media coverage to air our greviences. Please fix up the time and lets intimate everyone we know. Thanks.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      If any of the beneficiaries know good lawyers, pls file a PIL in the High Court of Delhi. we can all join in and contribute our efforts too. thanks.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      good jaldi case dalo tabh kuchh hoga,. hum sab saath hai

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      I have created a Facebook page of CGEWHO Greater Noida Project to put all the allotees together. All are requested to join the page and can post their grievances also

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      OK, Lets meet on monday 11th august at 6 pm at Patiala House Court lawns.We will also form RWA and discuss further strategy. Please come in maximum numbers and pass this message/sms to all the allotees you know.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    The property price in same sector is 3000-3500 per sq feet. CGEWHO is looting as there is minimal land cost. All applicants please write to ministry of urban affairs and also complain to Central Vigilance Commission.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I have a type D flat allotted and would like to switch to a type B flat. Any one if interested please contact me at 9818164440

  • Kiran Kumari 11 years ago

    CGEWHO Advertisement regarding issue regarding issuance of Allotment Letter to the registrations of Greater Noida Housing Scheme: 1) The registrants may be given firm allotment. an installment @ 20% of the provisional cost of dwelling units calculated at a provisional rate of Rs.3990/- per sq.ft. The registrants who are keeping their money as on date shall be given a credit of 6.5% p.a.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I request all allottes to send RTI to CGEWHO to explain the rationale for such high cost. I am also doing the same.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I have visited their office in may14.They have shown me some documents citing rs 3990/- as the cost per sft.The CG employees have been made fools by making them to wait for 03 years during which period the open market prices have increased considerably.This has left them now in " na gar ka na ghatt ka" situation