
CGEWHO Greater Noida Housing Scheme Latest update as on 22nd August, 2012

Central Government Employees Welfare Housing Organisation
(Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India)
Janpath Bhawan, Janpath, New Deihl-110001
August 22, 2012

To All Applicants of Greater Noida Housing Scheme

Subject: Greater Noida Housing Scheme

In the advertisement dated 1/1/2011 whereby the Greater Noida Housing Scheme was announced it was mentioned that CGEWHO shall endevour for increase in FAR & maximise number of houses to Central Govt. Employees.

2. The undersigned is directed to apprise the progress with regard to additional FAR & appointment of Architect Consultant for Greater Noida Housing Scheme. The following is hereby conveyed:
(a) Progress with regard to approval of additional FAR:

GNIDA vide its letter no. Niyo/2012/BP-2836/PA-5055 dated 19/7/2012 has accorded approval in principal towards increase in FAR from 150 to 275. Accordingly approximately 2130 No’s of DU’s detailed below shall be built in high rise configuration with provisions of lifts (the details provided are tentative and may vary as per final approval of plans by GNIDA)
Type Accommodation Tentative No.(s) of DUs.
as per allotted FAR
Approx Area
(Sq . Ft.)
A 1 BHK {One multipurpose room, Bedroom,
Kitchen, Bath, WC, Balcon (ies)
104 685
B 2 BHK {Drawing-cum-dining, Two Bedrooms,
Kitchen, Two Toilets, Balcon (ies)}
506 1110
C 3 BHK {Drawing-cum-dining, Three Bedrooms,
Kitchen, Three Toilets, Balcony (ies)}
830 1445
D 4 BHK {Drawing-cum-dining, Four Bedrooms,
Kitchen, Four Toilets, Balcony (ies)}
690 2064
(b) Progress with regard to appointment of Architect Consultant:

The appointment of Architect Consultant is in progress. The prequalification of firms has been completed and it is expected that Architect Consultant for the project shall be finalized by September 2012.
3. It is further informed that as informed vide various notices published in the web site of the organization an advertisement in compliance to the decision of 48th & 49th Governing Council meeting held on 15/11/2011 & 3/8/2012 respectively has been published in newspaper’s inviting application for registration in Greater Noida Housing Scheme only from Central Govt. Employees in Priority 1 who are covered under New Pension Scheme, and have joined the service till the last date of receipt of application of registration i.e. 3/3/2011 with 10/9/2012 as last date to apply in the scheme. The Computerised Draw of the scheme shall be held at the earliest after the scrutiny of the forms so received.
Yours faithfully,
(Arun Kumar Singh)
Asst. Director (Admn.)
for Chief Executive Officer
Please visit us at www.cgewho.nic.in
Source/Order: www.cgewho.nic.in [click here]

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  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    In the month of Jan., 2014, there was a notice regarding selection of the architect and tenders were published in the leading news papers. It was declared that soon the rates of the flats will be declared. Surprisingly the same notice/ information was removed from the cgewho site. What was the reason. Was it due to the declared Loksabha election code of conduct. Please clarify and throw light on it.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I wish it was Rs 2700 psf. The real shocking news is that it is going to be around Rs 4000 psf ! Yes, you read it right; it's Rs 4000. This kind of scam is not possible without the involvement of powerful high-ups. CGEWHO has been formed to fool the government servants.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Has any one able to know the present status of the project. -DP Joshi

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Multi-State Cooperative Group Housing Society Ltd (Regd)'s project at Sector 99, Plot GH 04 & GH 05, NOIDA – all inclusive finished flat @ Rs. 2312/sqft. Please go to the website : supremecourthousing.com (Tele : 01123496268, 23383351) and check for yourselves. How come CGEWHO quote such exhorbitant price of Rs. 2700/ sqft. ?????

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    There is total lack of transparency and something appears fishy. we should decide a date and time to meet the CGEWHO authorities together. I would suggest Thursday 21 November 3pm if it is ok with others. We should reach the Janpath office of CGEWHO in large nos. Pl confirm

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    cgewho collected huge amount from the govt employees as booking amount and earning Interest from that money from last approx. 2 years 8 months and people who booked the Apartment worried about their money which is blocked. No updates about the cost of Flats and construction.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I am agree with you,sarada, no updates after the draw

  • Sarada Gummuluri 11 years ago

    Why CGEWHO is silent on this scheme.People.s hard earned money is blocked for the past three years in this scheme with no light in near future.pathetic situation

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    donot have any idea, what is current status?

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    what is the progress on construction? Any idea. Mukesh

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    ——–News for Greater Noida Scheme———-

    To all my friends

    many of us have already submitted representation to CGEWHO and all Council Members.

    For the Format of representation and agenda points please go to related post above i.e representation to CGEWHO for greater noida housing scheme.

    please read carefully and submit application to cgewho & all council members.

    every individual should take responsibility and represent to have mass representation, to built pressure on CGEWHO for providing affordable houses to central govt employees .

    we have already submitted representation.

    for any query and update of CGEWHO, please contact suresh 9716139694

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    No Govt employee can afford such a costly flat which is Rs.3000/- per Sq.ft and cgewho is made for the welfare of govt employees, where is the welfare ????????

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    very good rate not more than 1600 -1700 sqf current rate 3000 psf is very high

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Well said. SIMPLE LOGIC IS THIS : If a builder makes a profit say, at least 30% on the finished product, then we can calculate what will be the rate per sqf. Actually, the cgewho management – around 30/40 people inclusive of some Min of Urban Dev people will be given duelling unit UNIT FREE OF COST by the builder/contractor. How they manage it, it is beyond anybody's guess !

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    dear all, pl don't loose heart. rate is not more than 1800-1900/- psf. rs. 3000/- psf is a stereotype reply from the lady manaing the telephone call. she is perhaps quoting the current rate of nearby UNITECH HEIGHTS property!

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Yes, my dear friend, you are 100% right. These crooks are just playing with fire. This is their preorchestrated plan for quoting higher price so that successful registrants take a retreat from the scheme so that the crooks can invite the mafia from the back door. PLEASE BE UNITED. Take all kinds of information through RTI from cgewho after which we can move the appropriate forum for our own cause.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    CGEWHO are not disclosing the future course of action. It is not understood why they don't update the stakeholders regarding the developments. The candidates have the right to know what is happening with their hard earned money. CGEWHO must take the allot-tees into confidence.If they forget that they r to construct houses for hard earned salary class people and charge psf at par with market price then definitely they will have to answer for it.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    All the allotees are requested to file RTI as follows to create pressure on cgewho: Please provide the cost of land (in rupees per sq metre)that cgewho purchased in greater noida.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    we should meet and make a association to fight the CGEWHO FOR GREATER NOIDA SCHEME

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Today I called at CGEWHO, they are saying rate is approx 3000 per sq ft, I don't understand if its no profit no loss, how can it be so high? Even for posh kind of construction, construction cost would be Rs. 1000-1200, again this is on higher side, land cost per sq ft is Rs. 60, and suppose CGEWHO processing charges Rs. 100 per sqft, again on higher side, even then its below Rs. 1400 per sq ft, for what they are asking Rs 3000, its ridiculous, we all have to raise our voice. why this increase of Rs 1500 per sq ft and what is the system of asking price hike after construction commences. Private builders never ask such escalation in prices once rate is fixed, why CGEWHO asks for more price after construction starts calling it as escalation prices?

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Rate ka kya chakkar hai? Mere liye to maximum hai Rs 2000 per sqft bas..

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    We should collectively approach the court for monitoring of Greater NOIDA scheme of CGEWHO through court appointed committee as it seems that officials of CGEWHO are not interested in proper functioning of the institute. It is height of negligence on the part of CGEWHO that almost 2 yrs are past since they have collected the application money and still they are keeping us in dark on pricing. Time lines for start & completion are secondry thing for them.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Even after a month of draw, things have not been finalized. What were they doing before the draw, if all the process they are to start a fresh now? By going into the past history/experience of CGEWHO, one may not got possession of the house before 5 years from now on. It is likely that, additionally, escalation prices (approx 20-30%) may also be added by the time the flats are handed over physically. Jindabad! Jindabad!!

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Dear Friends, Is there any hint when the allotment letter is going to be issued…. CGEWHO is yet to appoint Consultant Architect for the project… I feel that they are not yet ready with project details…..how come they verbly quote 3000 PSF rate. We should be united and fight against the delay… it is almost 2 yrs' since the scheme is launched and we are yet to find the status of application money paid for the scheme…moreover now CGEWHO should seriously think of paying interest on application money kept since Feb 11.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Allotties residing nearby should immediatly make a group and meet the officials of cgewho at the earliest. Nothing can be done after declaration of price.All details should be asked through RTI and PIL should be filed at the earliest.How they can fix a price of 2700 PSF if they are no profit no loss organisation.On that basis only they have got the land from GNIDA. If they are taking the market price then GNIDA should also charge market price of land from them.If this rate is declared then all the allotties should surrender the allottment and demand CBI enquiry, even after approaching Honble High Court.

    • Rakesh Maheshwari 12 years ago

      My name is Rakesh maheshwari. contact no. 9811251448. If the rates are going to be high in the tune of Rs.2800/-, then we must fifgt it out as suggested earlier. I have other colleagues of mine who have also been allotted.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      i with you vinay singh no 09911502015

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    yes i agree with u.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Rs. 1800/- psf is the maximum rate considering the land acquired in 1996. Friends, more than Rs. 1800/- psf, we must fight TOOTH & NAIL.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    the cgewho have to issue the offer letter to all the allotties as soon as possible so that they know what price they are offering and from our view it should not exceed Rs.1800/- PSF. They are also getting too much interest on the earnest money deposited by the applicant

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    The price quoted for this is unrealistic and we should oppose the cost, since we can find reputed private builder's flat at around 2500-2800 or even lesser in resale options then why should we invest the hard earned money in CGEWHO who has a nack of delaying things we all should form an association ans oppose this theft of govt. towards us… H K Manak(8826050539)

  • gauravkain 12 years ago

    its time to raise a collective voice. my contact no. 9953083815

  • gauravkain 12 years ago

    It has come under notice that the price would be around Rs.2800 per sq feet, which is quite absurd, this is almost the same price which the builders are charging in greater noida. As the scheme was lauched in early 2011, the rates should not be higher than 1800 or 1900, keeping in mind the no profit and no loss criteria of CGEWHO.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    under construction flats are being offered in that area at 2000 onwards. remember cgewho got land at throwaway price of 600 per sq metre.

    • Anonymous 12 years ago

      Does 600 psm includes lease charges betwn CGEWHO and GNIDA?

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    the market rate there is 2400

    • Anonymous 12 years ago

      we are agree with you but builders are getting 30-40% profit and CGEWHO
      are making flats on criteria No Profit No Loss

    • Anonymous 12 years ago

      pl tell the rate for cgewho flats in greater noida

  • ram murti 12 years ago

    i went to the site and surveyed the area. The rates are high in comparison to market rate. jointly we should fight and pursue CGEWHO to reduce the rates and give the interest on money they were keeping for more than a year.
    rammurti 08010137224

  • ram murti 12 years ago

    I went to the site and surveyed the area. Rate is really very high. Jointly we should ask for reasonable rates and also for interest on our deposits for mora than a year. Ram Murti, 08010137224

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Rs 2700 is unaffordable for majority of central govt. employees.Where is welfare housing aspect in this? R Upadhyay 9868465507

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    it is good to hear to have a flat in cgewho greater noida but cost of the flat is unrealistic & unfordable.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Hi friend, now draw is over….congratulation to all the lucky one… has any one got offer letter or there is any hint when the same is going to be issued.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    when shall i get my hard earned money deposited with cgewho about 18 months back. Should they not pay interest on this amount for the period exceeded from their original plan. This money must have been put by them in bank. At least they should bank interest after all cgewho can not make profit at my cost , being noloss no profit agency.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Yes, it is learnt that the price CGEWHO going to charge is Rs. 2700. It is also the fact their price in all cases escalates. Then what is the point in sying they are no profit no loss. Private builders as on date are giving cheaper than it and that too, escalation free. We have to raise the voice and fight for the rights of CG employees

  • Anonymous 12 years ago


  • when all of you want to group up, why no one is leaving their contact details………

  • Bhimsen Arora 12 years ago


  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Yes, let us form a group and write letter to them, as Cost of construction is not beyond 1000 per sq ft including lifts, lets not leave away our rights (whatever ever we have) to the wastage of these dept's

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Rs. 2700/- sq ft. is absurd. We are going to be hoodwinked by the cgewho. Ideal rate is 1300-1400/- sq ft., to say the least. Its time we regroup beforehand and use pressure-tactics.

    • even the commercial builders are charging same rate….. where is slogan of NO PROFIT NO LOSS

    • gauravkain 12 years ago

      there is no profit no loss slogan, instead its yes profit no loss, the rates are around 2800 sq feet, which is absurd. Keeping in mind that the scheme pertains to early 2011, the rate should be around 1500 to 1800 sq feet.

    • gauravkain 12 years ago

      there is no profit no loss slogan, instead its yes profit no loss, the rates are around 2800 sq feet, which is absurd. Keeping in mind that the scheme pertains to early 2011, the rate should be around 1500 to 1800 sq feet.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Received offer letter from CGEWHO about Greater Noida scheme. Rate is found to be 3990 PSF ie almost 4000 …………… is it not absurd… is it affordable for Govt Servant … need your comments urgently as the last date to submit first installment is happen to be 12th September, 2014

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      3990 is too high for this area

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      plz fight ,my no 09911502015 vinay singh

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      this is cheating and nothing more than fraud with all of us…..

      Lets put a foot down….. and stand tall…. file representation….. don't pay….. lets unite…

      Max cost 2200-2400…… Amit…. 8882424151

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      We must once go together to the CGEWHO Office and talk to the concerned official about this or alternatively we can sign a joint representation against this price structure and send it to the Minister. an action must be taken against this arbitrary pricing.

      Nidhi 8510903737

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Yes, lets form a RWA. Lets fix a meeting place. Patiala house court lawns is a good option. Maximum members please confirm. Also follow facebook page by the name of cgewhogreaternoida.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      The Price Rs 84 lakh for 4BHK is exorbitantly high in that area. I have personally seen the pace of development there. The situation has not changed even after their first news of the draw. The site is a big pond with wild grass.
      Amazingly they don't say in the brochure that this price is last. It may be further increased, who knows?
      We all must protest.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    cgewho has increased the rate of the flares.. 2700 rupees/square feet..

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    date of draw is 28-09-2012

  • LS SRIVASTAVA 12 years ago

    regarding greater noida flat // refer application of registration i.e. 3/3/2011 have any information pleae sent my e-mail ed accordingly//

  • LS SRIVASTAVA 12 years ago

    please intimate date of draw at grater noida flat//

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    this scheme is already crawling..

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    Some central Govt employees were not aware/not at Delhi with old pension scheme at the time of earlier advt,hence the equal opportunity should be given to all Central Govt Employees along with NPS. Kindly extend the opportunity in the recent advt of CGEWHO Greater Noida Scheme to earlier pension scheme Central Govt Employees also.

    • Anonymous 12 years ago

      it is a very good request even as per the rules when ever there is a re advertisement the equal opportunity should be given to all eligible central govt employees .It has been observed that due to delay of this project some applicants had withdrawn their initial deposit (due to bank interest burden).CGEWHO should consider and give justice