
Room No. 1,2 & 3 of Mussoorie Holiday Home will be VIP Suit w.e.f. 3-8-2012

     The Directorate of Estates, New Delhi decided to place Room No. 1,2 & 3 of Mussoorie holiday home in VIP categories and accordingly booking charges of VIP suits of Holiday Homes.  This will come into

effect from 3rd August, 2012.

The text of Office Memorandum in this regard is given below:-
Government of India 
Ministry of Urban Development 
Directorate of Estates

Nirman Bhawan, New Dlehi 
Dated: 5/7/2012

Office Memorandum
Subject : Giving status of Room No.1, 2 and 3 of
Holiday Home at Mussoorie as VIP suit.
It has been decide to place Room
No. 1, 2 and 3 of Mussoorie holiday home in VIP categories and accordingly
booking charges of these rooms shall be at par with booking charges of VIP
suits of holiday homes under Cagegory โ€˜Aโ€™.  For sake of convenience of the applicants /
visitors, booking charges of aforesaid suit of holiday at Mussoorie is given
Booking Charges of room No.1,2 and 3 of holiday home at
Room / Suit
Category of applicants / Visitors
Central Govt. employee (serving/retired)
Employees of State Govt. / UTs / Central or State PSU /
Autonomous Bodies / Others (Serving / Retired)
Private Persons accompanying as guests of MPs/Govt.
Rs.900 per suit
per day
Rs.1800 per suit
per day
Rs.2700 per suit
per day
2. The VIP suits of holiday home
at Mussoorie will be available for all categories of government employees as
present available.
3. This will come into effect
w.e.f. 30th day from the date of issue of this letter.   Accordingly, all applicants are requested to
send requisite demand draft for booking of above VIP suit otherwise their
application will be rejected.
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)

Source: ww.holidayhomes.nic.in 
