Clarification on MACP by CPWD

CPWD has issued two OM regarding clarification on grant of MACP the first upon grant of selection grade to the work-charged staff of CPWD after 8 years of service and second OM regarding clarification to grant of MACP to BELDAR, KHALLASI other Group D (post now Group C in Work-Charged Establishment
work charged staff.

Text of both OMs is reproduced here

First OM:

No. 8/1/2012-EC-X 

New Delhi, Dated 12.07.2012


Subject : Clarification regarding Grant of 2nd MACP after 18 years and 3rd MACP after 28 years after the grant of selection grade to the Work-charged staff of CPWD after 8 years of service.

We have been receiving references from various field units of CPWD/PWD seeking clarification from this Directorate regarding Grant of IInd and IIIrd MACP after the grant of selection grade to the skilled categories of work-charged staff of CPWD on completion of 8 years of service.

The matter has been examined in this Directorate in the light of Department of Personnel and Trainingโ€™s Office Memorandum No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 19.05.2009. As selection grade is to be treated as one promotion / up gradation for the purpose of grant of ACP/MACP, therefore, after grant of selection grade on completion of 8 years of service to skilled category, the IInd MACP may be granted to the Direct Recruit workers on completion of 10 years in a grade i.e.after 18 years (8+10) and IIIrd MACP after 28 years (8+10+10 years) as elaborated in the illustration given in Department of Personnel and Trainingโ€™s Office Memorandum No.35034/3/2008 โ€“Estt. (D) dated 19.05.2009 (copy enclosed)

As the selection Grade is to be treated as Promotion for the grant of MACP to the wok charged staff of the CPWD, the benefit of pay fixation available at the time of regular promotion shall also be allowed at the time of grant of selection grade. There shall, however, be no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion, if it is in the same grade pay as granted under section grade.

This issues with the approval of ADG (S & P)

Second OM

No. 8/1/2009-EC-X 

New Delhi, dated 12-07-2012 


Subject:- Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Work-Charged Establishment staff of CPWD-Clarification regarding. 

The undersigned is directed to refer to Para 3 of this Directorate’s Office Memorandum of even number dated 10-06-2010 wherein it was stated that clarification regarding grant of MACP to Beldars and Khallasis will be issued subsequently. Consequent upon grant of initial grade pay of 21800/- to Group D employees of WorkCharged categories vide this Directorate’s Office Memorandum of even no. dated 11-08-2011, these categories will be granted MACP as below:-

Initial Grade Pay
Ist MACP after 10 Years
IInd MACP after 20 Years now-
IIIrd MACP after 30 Years
BELDAR,            KHALLASI and other
Group D post now Group C in         Work-Charged

The MACP Scheme shall be implemented timely, keeping in view of the  provisions of DoPT’s O.M. no. 35034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 19-05-2009. 

Source-Latest Circular Section : http://cpwd.gov.in/



  • Unknown 12 years ago

    Dear Sir,

    I would be thankful if you can clarify the following

    I have joined servive on 01-May-1987 in the scale of 4000-6000.

    There has been no promotion since then.

    I got 1st ACP of 5000-150-8000 scale w.e.f 01-May-2000 (this is the next scale in my organization)

    Later I joined a post of 5500-175-9000(GP 4200) on 03 July 2007 under direct recruitment in the same organization. There is no service break.
    As I have applied through proper channel, I have tendered Technical Resignation to my earlier post.

    on a whole, I have been in the Grade pay of 4200 since May 2000.

    Am I eligible for 2nd MACP of 4600 Grade pay wef Sep 2008?

    I would be thankful If you can clarify this

    Thanks ans regards,


  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    Respected Sir,
    I, Army Number 2879637W Honorary Naib Subedar Vijai Kumar have served in Army for 24 years and 02 days (30/10/1982 to 31/10/2006) with an Exemplay character. Please clarify me that I am effected under MACPS if yes please also advise me what is the process for claiming the same for grant of the benefit. I shall be highly oblige. Thanking you Sir. With regards, Honorary Naib Subedar Vijai Kumar Dudi