
Greater Noida Housing Scheme – Notice from CGEWHO

Reference advertisement’s and notices published with regard to announcement of scheme and postponement of draw of Greater Noida Housing Scheme.
2. In continuation to Notice No. 3 web-published at CGEWHO’s website, it is informed that issue related to progress of additional purchasable  FAR and  to approve the release of advertisement for eligible Central Govt. Employees (covered under New Pension Scheme) who are appointed on or after 01.01.2004 was put-up before 91st Executive Committee meeting of CGEWHO held on 10th April 2012. It has been decided by the Executive Committee of CGEWHO that:-
The issue regarding additional purchasable FAR and approval of the release of fresh advertisement was discussed. During the discussion CEO briefed the status of pendency approval of FAR. CEO informed that in response to his letter to GNIDA, GNIDA has clarified that purchasable FAR is an enabling provision and shall not be  allowed to any allottee as a matter of right. During discussions CEO sought recommendations for approval of Governing Council for publishing of an advertisement for the Central Govt. Employees who had joined on or after 01.01.2004 to apply for Greater Noida Housing Scheme for registration. After due 
discussion, EC mentioned that issuing an advertisement before obtaining the exact FAR may not be appropriate. Accordingly EC advised to obtain the final FAR before bring the issue to Executive Committee. Further, Chairman, EC informed that if required the good offices of Joint Secretary (Housing) & Chairman, EC may be utilized for getting the approval of increased FAR.”
2. The action is being taken as per the decision of Executive Committee.


  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Exactly, CHEWHO is just testing how far the hapless govt babus can go, as they know it for certain that we cannot mobilise ourselves and only can bark. This is our loophole. Shame on us ! Also shame on me, as I cannot take the initiative to mobilise the affected persons and lead the agitation ! Lets see how far they can stretch out the matter and test our patience.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    The need of the hour is to form a association of all the applicants and should file public interest petition against the CGEWHO in High court for taking final decision on the matter which should end the uncertainity. Applicants from delhi should take lead in the initiative.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago



  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Atleast some clarification should come out from the CGEGHO as to why the project is getting unnecessarily delayed. Why the prospectgive beneficiaries are not being apprised of the status of the project through CGEWGHO website ? Whats the harm in it ? I am going to be retired within next two months. I am very eager to know the fate of my application – else I have to settle down in my home town – far away (1200 kms) from Delhi. I have two marriageable daughters. Please, please relieve me of this uncertainty at the sunset of my life !

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    I have retired .pl provide house earliest

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Finally there is some good news for those who had applied in the Greater Noida Project. I had called up the office at Jan path and found out that GNIDA Authority has given the FAR to CGEWHO for 2100 units now.In this coming week wef 06August2012, CGEWHO is going to release the advertisement for NPS applicants and that we can be assured that the draw of lots will be conducted in September2012. However CGEWHO did not say anything about the pricing of the various types of units. I hope CGEWHO will keep their word and hold the draw in Sept2012 and I sincerely hope that they will also declare the costing of flats.After all it has indeed been a long time since we gave our initial deposits and nothing concrete turned up.I hope they will behave and act henceforth like an honest Govt organisation.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Lack of clarity about the direction of the project, failure of communication between different stakeholders and parties
    causing undue delay in the final decision .

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    pl for god shake pl help old persons waiting for the lottery, it is possible they may not witness due over delay, so do the needful at earliest.

    with hope yours

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    please suggest what step to take at the earliest. As I am in the urgent need for the money and cgewho is paying no heed to the emotions of the investors.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    I am also an applicant in this Scheme. My earnest request to authorities concerned is to take immediate steps for finalizing the requisite formalities and also voluntarily announce payment of interest that has become due after six months from launch of scheme. I also request the fellow applicants that kindly file RTI relevant to this Noida Housing scheme asking for amount of subscription they have received and also uptill now how much interest they have earned for information of all concerned so that CGEWHO feel the pressure and take necessary steps to declare the results.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    All should come together and file a complaint or petition in Court.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Now we must approch Confedration of central Govt Employees to take up the matter at apropriate level about very poor working of CGEWHO.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Actions taken so far by CGEWHO should be made publiv and who is responsible for such a delay, should be brought to open.
    I understand that there is conspiracy to flourish Private builders and where we poor govt employes should go.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago




  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    If CGEWHO, which is an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Urban Development of the Union Government, cannot take up the case with appropriate
    authorities to sort out the issues, it reflects very poorly on the argumentative
    skills and administrative abilities on the part of the officials. CGEWHO is created solely for the purpose of providing affordable housing to central government employees. CGEWHO please finalise the project as expeditiously as possible as lot of hard-earned money of the employees are locked up without any result.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    There is considerable delay in declaring the draw for the Greater Noida Scheme. The official of CGEWHO should view the sentiments of poor Govt. employees and their aggression and further delay in the scheme should be avoided. People have limit of their tolerance. Delay in day by day may raise more and more doubts in people mind. So we earnestly request to publish the draw of the scheme as early as possible. Home these comments from the people are taken in right perception. Thanks.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    it seems CGEWHO is acting in connivance with the builders of the area

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Dear friends, it is reliably learnt that the big boss of the CGEWHO has managed to win the group who was desperately trying to bring the main culprit – the big fish, to book. Now if this is the situation friends, there is no hope for us to do anything now except to approach the appropriate authority for urgent relief. Underhand dealings are going on with the NOIDA Authority to keep the project hang up. It is better now to withdraw from the Scheme as future is very uncertain. Nobody is asking why the readvertisement has not come up as yet ? WE THE HAPLESS ARE NOT UNITED AND THATS WHY WE ARE SUFFERING AND THE IDIOTS ARE ENJOING THE FRUITS ! Friends, please unite and do something. Time is running out……….

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    piease,it is requested to cgewho members do needful action for draw or intrest rate of payable earnest money by the sufferer.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Shame on cgewho

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    One Under Secretary rank official of the CGEWHO said soemthing startling !! Big boss of the CGEWHO is intentionally dilli-dallying the process with some ulterior motive – everybody is in the know of it. The whistle blower is waiting for an opportune moment to bring the CAT OUT OF THE BAG VERY SOON. Friends, we have nothing to do or worry any more. Let the inner fight/tussle continue. JAI HIND, JAI CROOK CHEWHO.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Dr. Rakesh Singh

    Oh GOD, Is there any one to give this case study to media citing a big example of inefficiency in govt Office. Now onwards W- Welfare words should removed from CGEWHO. and W should be replaced with H i.e Harassment. i is really ridiculous that CGEWHO does not know the definition of Central Govt Employee. NPS stared in 2004 and they are yet to know that they are illegible or not?
    Friends, we should move a case to remove that CGEWHO CEO soon or mentioned this in his APAR/ACR.H might be a defunct/ Court Marshalled Colonel thrown out from Army.
    July 18, 2012

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Days are not far when someone will knock the door of the courts against these bloody fools sitting at the helm of affairs – called CGEWHO Boss. People are ready with RTI applications. Every pie will be accounted for. If they cannot manage the affiars, why these bunch of fools don't resign and hand it over to some energetic & efficient people to take over ? Friends, don't worry, for every single naya paise they will have to pay interest. Beware, its Anna Era !!!

  • dr tushar 12 years ago

    please keep on telling about status of scheame,if it is going to be late for more 6 months then atleast provide the tentative price of each units so that we can think about some other market proposals which are very less now a days to book

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Simple Calculations to show how much money they holding at their end..

    Tentative DU's for 1 bhk 60 – 60*60500 = 363000
    Tentative DU's for 2 bhk 300 – 300*120500 = 36150000
    Tentative DU's for 3 bhk 480 – 480*181000 = 86880000
    Tentative DU's for 4 bhk 400 – 400*240000 = 96000000

    Total it down and see the amount and calculate a bare minimum interest the bank will be willing to give on it..

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    This is nothing but a sheer harrassment to someone who has been nursing a dream of having a house in Delhi and NCR. As a poor government servant, I too paid the booking amount (1.80 lakh) by taking loan from the Bank. I have already paid about Rs.20,000/- as interest to the Bank. Seeing the snail's pace at which things are moving, I was sure to lose more money on account of interest. So I decided to withdraw from the GPF and pay the booking amount back to the Bank to avoid interest. Even after this, whether or not I will get one housing unit is not certain. What kind of stupid people are working for CGEWHO. They are ruthless, tyrranical and playing with the sentiments of poor government servants. Who was the fool who decided to exclude those who joined after 1.1.2004? Are they not government servants? What a shame to have such people at the helm?????

  • bodhraj dhawan 12 years ago

    all the moves till now reflect irresponsible behavior , lack of motivation and corrupt intensions of the CGEWHO.

  • bodhraj dhawan 12 years ago

    when enterprises under govt of india like cgewho are so unresponsible towards govt employees as is clear from status of greater noida housing scheme and officials attitude ….god is watching you all …bloody builders of a corrupt system!!!

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Please, please expedite the process. It is overdue now. Pepole's hard-earned savings are lying idle, as no interest will be paid for the application money deposited.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    When will you declare the allotte names? You don't have wright to keep the money with you. These are lifelong savings. Please do something to take decision soon.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Every time we called the office of CGEWHO they said within two months it will be announced but when they complete the so called two months . This is the height of corruption

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Three months are over..rather i don't understand how these people work….a decision can't be taken in 3 months of time after the last meeting..seems there are delaying it deliberately..who puts a tab on these people??..pathetic state of affairs in all govt offices..

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Last we herd about the meeting of 10th April. Now three months are over, we donot know what is happening. What type of WHO is this? please do some thing and update the applicants.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    anonymous said:-
    CGEWHO must have invested the crores of public money collected in r/o GNIDA in FDs etc. and have earned huge interest on that public money. But the height of cruelty and injustice to the innocent applicants is that CGEWHO is not giving any interest to them even after holding public money for more than 15 long months.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Did anyone calculate the amount collected by them on the tentative DU's..its huge..and they want us to wait until the scheme is declared while they keep the money without giving any interest or paying interest…

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Is this not another kind of corruption wherein public money is being usurped by a group called ADMINISTRATORS ??

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    You people are cheating to the applicants and deliberately doing the linger on this project and earning the interest from applicant's money. You are watching only self-interest not for applicants.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    I applied for a home after my retirement because I had no place to shift after vacating the government accommodation. I have no son who could help me in providing shelter. Now in the wait of a home, I am paying heavy money for renting an accommodation for me and my wife. We are not living a comfortable life in rented accommodation and you are not taking any step to provide a house? Where to go such persons like me? Please Please do something for the sake for needy people.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Not to talk about greedy builders – you can see how insensitive is Govt's own arm -CGEWHO. At least, after one year they should pay the interest or when new entrants come in, they should be charged the equilization charges as is done by NBCC, etc. Did u see how quick they were in deciding that no interest will be paid? And the same Govt. is bringing in Real Estate Accountability Act – truly ridiculous. It is learnt that CGEWHO purchased this land in GNOIDA in 1996 -perhaps, when nobody knew where this GNOIDA was. It must be at throw-away prices. Now, let us wait and see what cost they announce for the flats. God help applicants.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    So many Persons when applied were in service and after elapse of about 15 months might have retired . Why no prompt action is being taken by the CGEWHO authorities ? This is a big lapse on the part of the authorities. I think they want some movement or court interference. Since at present there is no forum and people can't gather to plan some legal remedy that's why they are doing all this in a slow motion. For Govt. employees even the court are not doing anything by taking into cognizance the issue. I THINK THE AUTHORITIES OF CGEWHO HAVE SOME MALAFIDE LINKS WITH BUILDERS.
    They are waiting for FAR from GNIDA, in the mean time they can at least amend their bylaws to give an entry to New Pension Scheme Scheme, though legally it is not required as in their first advertisement they had never mentioned that Post 2004 Recruits can't apply hence SO MANY POST 2004 employees submitted the forms. I think there is no ADMINISTRATION in CGEWHO.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    god save govt employee from cgewho

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    There is a provision to refund applicant money with interest whether it declared in advertisement. One should check advertisement of said project, however CGEWHO should take necessary action to publish waiting list early

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    I hope a decision is taken soon. CGEWHO can surely declare the waiting list so that the applicants who are low in the list can exit and plan to have a house elsewhere.The decision to Not pay interest is also very harsh- after all it is hard earned money. Mukesh

  • 15 months has already passes since closure the scheme. CGEWHO is waiting enhanced the FAR. I did't know how long they will wait to get enhanced FAR from GNIDA. You are under no circumstance hold the money of applicant without interest more then six months as Govt. norms. This is lifelong savings. Please do something to take decision soon and also declare the cost of all category flats.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    please decide soon over it. applicants are waiting eagerly. either declare allottment or refund the deposited money with interst. it is hard-earned money.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    It should be finalized soon for the welfare of applicants of this scheme.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    When are you planning to do the lottery? Is this 10year plan or so… These are not the under the table or corrupt money. This is lifelong savings. Do something to take decision soon…..

  • Pl provide the interest of the money deposited by the applicant.Pl declare the result very soon.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Please provide the interest of the money already deposited by the applicant for this scheme.You are under no circumstance hold the money of applicant without interest more than six month as Govt. norms.Else you may process the application and declare the result soon.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    One year has already passes since closure of this scheme. CGEWHO is waiting for enhanced FAR.
    I don't know how long they will wait to get enhanced FAR from GNIDA. It should be finalized soon for the welfare of applicants of this scheme.

    • Anonymous 12 years ago

      Please CGEWHO enhance the last date of submission of application.