
National Anomaly Committee โ€“ Agenda for meeting scheduled on 05-01-2012

Item No.
Status till date
(after three meetings of

Item No.11
Revised Allowances with effect from 1.1.2006.
This was
discussed in the 3rd meeting of NAC where the Staff Side stated that
allowances formed part of wages AND THUS should be revised with effect from
the same date from which Revised Pay Scales have been implemented i.e.
1.1.2006. The Official Side stated that the allowances, other than Dearness
Allowance (DA), have been revised from 1.9.2008 on the basis of specific
recommendation of the 6th CPC. It was reiterated that even after the 5th CPC
similar practice was followed. Therefore, there was no anomaly as such. The
Staff Side stated there are certain statutory allowances which need to be
revised w.e.f.1.1.2006.
 The Staff Side was asked to forward such a
list of statutory allowances for further examination of the Department of
Item No.12
The items 12
& 13 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of NAC where the
Staff Side raised the following issues with respect to the revision of the
Transport Allowance (TA) were raised.

(i) Employees with higher pay have been given rates of TA in comparison to
low paid employees. 

(ii) Uniform Multiplication factor has not been used for revision of TA of
employees in various pay bands. 

(iii) CCA has now been subsumed in TA, Therefore, a portion of TA should be
used as a component for the purpose of computing Overtime Allowance. 

(iv) Employees who remain on long tour duties are not getting any Transport
Allowance while on tour for more than a month/several months losing even that
part of Transport Allowance which represents CCA. 

The Official Side stated that the multiplication factor used for revision of
TA was actually skewed in favour of the low paid employees and there was no
anomaly in the matter. The Staff Side pointed out that in order to have a
realistic picture, the multiplication factor in respect to the revised TA
rates vis-a-vis the earlier TA rates plus CCA should be examined. 

The Staff Side was asked to forward the required
calculations to the Department of Expenditure for examination. 

Regarding reckoning a portion of the TA for computation of the Overtime
Allowance (OTA), the Official Side stated that the 6th CPC has in fact
recommended for substitution of OTA with Performance Related incentive Scheme
(PRIS), Therefore, the whole issue was not relevant now.

The Staff Side was asked to forward specific details of
the matter to the Department of Expenditure for examination.

With respect to employees loosing the part of TA representing CCA while on
tour for more than 15 days, the Official Side stated that the 6th CPC has
given a specific recommendation to merge the CCA with TA and therefore, this
could not be construed as an anomaly. 

Item No.13
Increase of TA
(Transport Allowance) at par with PB-3
Item No.29

Revision of Base Index for DA 


 The items
29 & 30 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC
where the Staff Side pointed out some anomalies in decimal increases in
percentage not being considered for sanction of DA/DR.

The Official Side stated there was no anomaly in the matter and that the
fraction which was ignored earlier was taken into account while calculating
the next DA instalment. Further fixation of the base has been done in the
manner followed after previous Pay Commissions and there was no anomaly.
Therefore, there was no question of any loss to the employees because of

The Staff Side would give detailed calculations in the
matter to the Department of Expenditure for examination.

Item No.30
Bench Mark in AICPI Scheme for grant of DA / DR w.e.f.
1.1.2006 on CPC VI Level pay / Pension Restructuring. 
Item No.38
Anomaly in
fixing Grade Pay
 The items
38 & 39 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC
where the Staff Side stated that the general recommendation of the 6th CPC
was that the grade pay will be 40% of the maximum of the pre-revised pay
scales. However, at the time of implementation of the recommendations of the
6th CPC, Government has given more than 40% as grade pay to certain categories
of the employees in PB-3 and PB-4. Therefore, it was an anomaly and demanded
that everyone should be given grade pay of at least 50% of the maximum of the
pre-revised pay scales.

The Official Side stated that the 6th CPC itself recommended grade pay in
excess of 40$ of the maximum of the pre-revised pay scales in respect of
certain employees. Further, in Para 2.2.21 the report of the 6th CPC, it has
been clearly stated that in some cases, the amount of the grade pay has been
adjusted so as to maintain a clear differential between successive grades
pay. Thereafter, the government implemented the recommendations of the 6th
CPC with certain conscious modifications in the Grade Pay in some cases.
Moreover, the erstwhile Group D employees have also been granted grade pay
exceeding 40% of the maximum of the pre-revised pay scales. Therefore, there
is no anomaly in the matter. 

It was decided that the Staff Side would revisit the
issue and revert on whether they wish to pursue the matter.

Item No.39
Anomaly due to not
applying informally the multiplication factor of 1.86 in fixing the minimum
pay in all the revised pay bands applying different.
Item No.44
Anomaly in the Pay Scale / Pay Band and Grade Pay of
Library Information assistants

This was discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Official Side
stated that through a specific and conscious recommendation of Sixth pay
Commission, the pay scales of Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) have been
upgraded and placed in PB-II with grade pay of Rs.4600. In this context, the
Pay Commission has also clarified that on account of conscious upgradation,
no other cadre can demand or can be granted higher pay scales. Therefore,
Library Information Assistants cannot claim parity with TGTs.

The Staff Side stated that the School Librarians have also been placed in
PB-II with the grade pay of Rs.4600 at par with the TGTs although there is no
specific recommendation of the 6th CPC in this regard. The Library
Information Assistants, who have the same qualifications as that of school
librarians, have however been placed in PB-II with grade pay of Rs.4200.
Thus, their is an anomaly with respect to grade pay of the Library
Information Assistants. 

The Official Side stated that the factual position was
not known to them and therefore the Staff Side was called upon to apprise the
Official Side of such Instances specifically.

Item No.45
Anomaly in Pension of those in receipt of stagnation
increments in pre-revised pay scale.
This was
discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Official Side stated that
this issue is somewhat related to the issue of granting one time increment to
employees having their date of next increment between February 2006 to June
2006 under agenda item 5 (V), Accordingly, it was decided that the matter may
be clubbed with agenda item 5(V) and
 the Staff Side was
asked to confirm that their request for grant of an Increment in the
pre-revised scale would not have repercussions on any other category and not
lead to any further demands. 
Item No.46

Disparity in Pay scales and status : Officers in
stenographers cadre.  

The items 46 & 49 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of
the NAC where the Official Side stated that in para 3.1.14 of the 6th CPCโ€™s
Report a specific recommendation for PS/Sr. PS. In non-secretariat
organizations has been made and the same has been accepted and notified by
the Government. Further, posts that were existing in the pre-revised pay
scale of Rs.6500-10500 before 1.1.2006, including that of PS in field
offices, have been upgraded to the pre-revised scale of Rs.7450-11500 w.e.f.
1.1.2206 vide Department of Expenditureโ€™s O.M. No.1/1/2008-IC dated 13.11.2009.
Therefore, suitable action has already been taken in the matter.

The Staff Side while agreeing with the Official Side
stated they would check the position and revert back to the Official Side in
case they feel that there were still any problems/difficulties in the matter. 

Item No.49
Anomalies in the matter of pay scales of Stenographers
Item No.50
Anomalies in the Pay scales of official Language Staff

This was discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the representative of
the Department of Expenditure stated that orders were issued in November,
2008 regarding parity in the pay scales of OL posts in field officers and
CSOLS and the matter has already been clarified by them on various references
received in this regard from several administrative Ministries/Departments.

The Staff Side requested that the reference forwarded in this matter by the
Ministry of Railways may be examined by the Department of Expenditure on a
priority basis. This was agreed to by the Official Side. The Staff Side also
mentioned that the parity in the pay scales in field and HQ is still to be
granted in many offices including Ministry of Railways. 

The Official Side requested the Staff Side to convey
the names of such offices so that they could be called upon to take similar
action in the matter. 

Source: http://airfindia.com/NAC/Agenda%20NAC_05.01.2012..pdf


Agenda NAC 05.01.2012.2


