HomeCadre Restructuring

ESIC upgradaded 75% posts in the cader of LDC to the post of UDC.

ESIC upgradaded 75% posts in the cader of LDC to the post of UDC.

ESIC is a Social Security Organization under Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India has upgraded his Ministerial Cadre:

No. A-40/11/1/2011-E-III.CoI.II

Date: 05.09.2011


SUB: Upgradation of 75% posts in the Cadre of LDC to the post of UDC – regarding.

The ESI Corporation in its 153rd meeting held on 29.07.2011 has approved the interim report of the Sub-Committee on “Organizational Restructuring of the ESI Corporation”. One of the recommendations of the Sub-Committee was for the upgradation of 75% of the total sanctioned posts in the cadre of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) to that of Upper Division Clerk (UDC). The Ministry of Labour & Employment vide their letter No. A-12018/04/2011-SS.1 dated 1.9.2011 has conveyed the approval for the following –

1. Upgradation of 75% of the existing posts in the cadre of LDCs in ESIC to the post in the cadre of DDCs.

2. All the existing LDCs as on 1.8.2011, irrespective of their qualification, subject to vigilance clearance, will be placed in upgraded posts of DDCs.

3. In future, the direct recruitment will be in the DDC cadre with minimum qualification as graduation and no direct recruitment will be held in cadre of LDCs

for complete memorandum/original memorandum click here