HomeEX-SERVICEMANPension Revision

MoD Order for Revision of Pension for Pre-2006 Commissioned Officer / Family Pensioners

Revision of pension of Pre-2006 Commissioned Officers/ family pensioners – Arrears from 01.01.2006: Ministry of Defence Order

No 1(04)/2015(l)-D(Pen/Pol)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, Dated: 3rd September, 2015

The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Staff

Subject-Revision of pension of pre-2006 Commissioned Officer pensioners/ family pensioners.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No, 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Pol) dated 11.11.2008 as amended, issued in implementation of government decision  on the recommendations of the Sixth CPC for revision of pension/ family pension in respect of Pre-2006 Armed Forces pensioner/family pensioners. As per provisions contained in Para 5 therein, with effect from 01.01.2006 revised pension and revised ordinary family pension of all pre-2006 Armed Forces pensioners/ family pensions determined in terms of fitment formula laid down in Para 4.1 above said letter dated 11.11.2008, shall in no case be lower than fifty percent and thirty percent respectively, of the minimum of the pay band plus the Grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised scale from which the pensioner had retired/ discharged/ invalided out/died including Military Service Pay where applicable.
2. The above minimum guaranteed pension was revised,vide GOI. MOD letter No. 1(11)/ 2012/D(Pen/Pol) dated 17.01.2013 with effect from 24,09,2012, at the rate of minimum of fitment table for the Rank in the revised pay band as indicated under fitment table annexed with SAI 2/S/2008 and SA]. 4/S/2008 as amended, plus Grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised scale from which the pensioner had retired / discharged/ invalided out/died including Military Service Pay. 
3. Now, after issue of GOI, Ministry of Personnel. PG & Pensioners, Department of Pension & Pension Welfare OM No. 38/37/08-P & PW (A) dated 30.07.2015, it has been decided that the pension/family pension of all pre.2006 pensioners/family pensioners may be revised in accordance with Para 2 with effect from 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012. 
4. In case the consolidated pension/family pension calculated as per Para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter No. 17(4)/2008(1)/O(Pen/Pol) dated 11.11.2008 is higher than the pension/ family pension calculated in the manner indicated above, the same (higher consolidated pension/family pension) will continue to be treated as basic pension/ family pension. 
5. Accordingly, revised tables indicating minimum guaranteed pension] ordinary family pension for Indian Commissioned Officers which is annexed with GOI, MOD letter No.1(11) 2012-D(Pen/ Policy) dated 17.01.2013, shall be effective with effect from 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012. Pension Disbursing Authorities are hereby authorized to step up the pension/ family pension of the affected pre-2006 pensioners/ family pensioners with effect from 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012 and arrear of pension/ family pension will be paid.
6. All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.
7. The provisions of this letter shall take effect from 01.01.2006 and arrears, if any, shall be allowed from 01.01.2006 to 23.09.2012. 
8. This issues with concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No. 22(5)/2015/Fin/Pen dated 25.08.2015 and Ministry of. Finance, Department of expenditure vide their ID No. 1(12)/EV/2015 dated 2.9.2015.
9. Hindi version will follow. 
R. K. Arora
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Source: http://www.desw.gov.in/sites/upload_files/desw/files/pdf/D%28pen-pol1-3-Sep-2015%29.pdf

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  • laxman 9 years ago

    It is again a matter of great concern how the Dept Of ESM , MOD has been treating the services. The Dept of Pension and personal Welfare Govt of India Issued a letter on revision of Pension for pre 96 pensioners on 30 Jul 2015. For civilians pensioners, including pensioners of MOD executive orders were issued to the CGDA fo payment of arrears within a week and for the defence pensioners the much awaited orders are being after 34 days. What justification the M O D has for this delay.It clearly shows the mind set of people manning the MOD and apathy towards the armed forces.Please change this attitude You have harmed the system quite a bit and and do not harm it more It is in no ones interest.

  • V K Das 9 years ago

    Why did it take more than a month to issue this letter? Does not speak well of the work culture of the MOD. The Railways issued their letter within 24 hours.The Veterans who are affected by this letter took only 11 days to win the 1971 war and help give birth to a new nation and the MOD rewards them with this sort of delay.What a shame.