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OROP Corrigendum Order: Enhancement of Ordinary Family Pension in respect of pre-2006 JCO/OR family pensioners

Enhancement of Ordinary Family Pension in respect of pre-2006 JCO/OR family pensioners with respect to CSC 2012 dated: 25.11.2014

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
Dated: 25th November, 2014

The Chief of the Army Staff,
The Chief of the Naval Staff,
The Chief of the Air Staff.


Subject:- Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries 2012 on the issues related to Defence Service Personnel and Ex-Servicemen – Enhancement of Ordinary Family Pension in respect of pre- 2006 JCO/OR family pensioners.


Kindly refer to MoD letter No.1 (14)/2012/D[Pen/Policy) dated 17.01.2013 on the captioned subject, enclosing therewith tables indicating the rates of ordinary family pension.
2. The provision of enhanced rate of Ordinary Family Pension could not be reflected in the body ofthe main letter hence the following lines may be inserted below para 3 of the MOD letter No. 1 (14)/2012/D[Pen/Policy] dated 17.01.2013:-
Similarly, the minimum guaranteed enhanced rate of ordinary family pension in respect of family members of pre-2006 JCO/ORs including honorary Commissioned Officers and Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of Army, Navy. Air Force, DSC 8: TA, shall be determined as 50% of the minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay band as indicated under fitment tables annexed with SAI/1/8/2008 as amended and equivalent instructions for Navy & Air Force, plus the grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised scale from which the pensioner had retired discharged / invalided out/ died including Military Service Pay and ‘X’ Group Pay, wherever applicable.”
3. Amendments in Table No.2 (Army) – following additions/deletions may be carried out in table No.2 (Army) attached with MoD letter No.1 [14]/2012/D(Pen/Policy] dated 17.01.2013 
[i] Columns in 5th horizontal row from above were not numbered properly. Hence, Column Numbers 1 to 32 from left to right may be marked therein. Further, in Co1 No.6 [for Hony. Naik, Gp-Z) & Col. No.9 (for TS Naik, Gp-Z) for Q.S. 20 years the existing figure 3628 may be read as 3500.
(ii) in Co1.No.9 (for TS Naik, Gp-Z), the rate for Q.S. 24.5 years and above, is deleted. Similarly, in Col No.15 (for Hony. Hav, Gp-Z) rates for Q.S. of 26.5 years and above is deleted.
(iii) Following figures may be inserted in column 12 in respect of Naik Group Z for respective Qualifying service as mentioned against each in the table below:
Q.S. Naik, Group-Z
26.5 3599
27 3599
27.5 3656
28 3711

4. Amendment in Table No.4 (Navy) (attached with MOD letter No.1 (14]/2012/D[Pen/Palicy] dated 17.01.2013):- the existing figures in the respective columns may be replaced by the figures as mentioned in the table below:-
Q.S. Art.IV
Q.S. Art.III-1
27.5 5405 22 4989
  24.5 5378
25 5469
27 5834
27.5 5925

5. Amendment in Table No.5 (Air Force) [attached with MOD letter No.1 (14)/2012/D[Pen/Policy) dated 17.01.2013): the existing figure in the respective column maybe replaced by the figure as mentioned in the table below:-

Q.S. AC, Group-X

6. The provisions ofthis letter shall take effect from 24.9.2012.

7. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No. 10(11)/2012/FlN/PEN dated 15.10.2014.

Hindi version will follow.

[Prem Parkash)
Under Secretary[Pension / Policy)

Source: http://www.desw.gov.in/sites/upload_files/desw/files/pdf/D%28Pension-Policy%29-25th-Nov-20140001.pdf

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