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OROP Order: Revision of service pension w.e.f 1.7.2009 and 24.09.2012 in terms of re-grouping of certain treads


Circular No. 517

Dated: 08.11.2013

Subject: Revision of service pension w.e.f 1.7.2009 and 24.09.2012 in terms of re-grouping of certain treads. 

Reference: This office Circular No. 430 dated 10.03.2010, circular No 478 dated 13.02.2012 and 501 dated 17.01.2013.  
Kindly refer this office circular No. 478 dated 13.02.2012 under which instructions  regarding re-grouping of certain trades in terms of Para 7.3 of circular No. 430 dated 10.03.2010 has been issued. Some PDAs have expressed doubts regarding revision of service pension on the basis of re-trading of group due to non-indication of trade in PPO. 

 According to Para 7.3 of this office circular No. 430, religious teacher (RT), Lab Asst in AMC, Dresser in RVC & Driver MT are eligible for revised pension of Group ‘Y’. In this connection it is intimated that re-trading of group in AMC Records has been mentioned as” Lab Asst” which is clerical mistake in fact it is “Amb Asst”. It is also intimated that this office Circular No. 478 dated 13.02.2012 is applicable to all Pre-10.10.1997 PBORs/JCOs. 

 In view of above, it is hereby clarified that PDAs will make payment of service pension according to this office circular No. 430 and 501 according to re-trade if PDAs satisfied about the trade of individual on the basis of available documents, otherwise forward the claim of such effective cases to this office for issue of corrigendum PPO according to this office circular No. 478 dated 13.02.2012. 

 Please acknowledge receipt.


No. Gts/Tech/0167-XVI
Dated: 08.11.2013

Source/View/Download: PCDA Circular No. 517

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