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One Rank One Pension – Circular No. 511: Minimum guaranteed pension to pre-2006 Commissioned Officers pensioners/ family pensioners.


Circular No – 511

Dated: 18.04.2013 

Subject: Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Committee Secretaries Committee- 2012 on the issues related to Defence Service Personnel and Ex-Servicemen- Minimum guaranteed pension to pre-2006 Commissioned Officers pensioners/ family pensioners. 

Reference: This office Circular No. 500 dated 17.01.2013. [click here to view]

As per provisions contained in GOI MOD letter No. 1(11)/2012-D(Pen/Policy) dated 17.01.2013, [click here to view], with effect from 24th September 2012 the minimum guaranteed pension and ordinary family pension in respect of pre-2006 Commissioned Officers pensioners/ family pensioners shall be determined as fifty and thirty percent respectively, of the minimum of fitment table for the rank in the revised pay band as indicated under fitment table. 

2. Accordingly, revised tables indicating minimum guaranteed pension/ ordinary family pension have 
been annexed as Annexure-A to G for Q.S. 10years and above. The revised rates for Q.S. less than 10 years are not provided under the ibid GOI MOD letter. 
3. There may be cases where Q.S. of individual is less than 10 years. Such types of representations 
are being received in this office for revision of pension according to above cited GOI MOD letter. Therefore, all PDAs are requested to forward such all type of cases where officer has rendered less than 10 years and pension has been granted to their concerned PSAs along with following information for 

examination and necessary action:-

1. Name of Officer

2. Rank

3. Personnel No.

4. Qualifying service

5. Original PPO No. & revised PPO No, if any

6. Pension Disbursing Agency details with full address

7. Bank A/c No.

8. Latest Address of pensioner

9. Payment Authority No./ File No./Reference No. of any previous correspondence with this office

In cases of Army Officers, such type of cases may be referred to this office by name to Sri C K Bhatjiwale, Sr. AO (OI/C, G-1 Mily section) for necessary action.

No. Grants/Tech/0167-XIV
Dated: – 18 April 2013


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  • Gp Capt NK Maharishi 12 years ago

    Dear Sir,
    The hoax of OROP to Defence personnel has, actually nothing to do with the OROP issue at all. The order deals with the anomaly arising out of the mistake on the part of various ministries concerned with the issuance of these orders as far as it relates to the fixation of pay at the min of payband applicable to them(all Central govt employees). The main issue of OROP is forgotten totally and forces people misguided

  • Gp Capt NK Maharishi 12 years ago

    Dear Sir,
    The hoax of OROP to Defence personnel has, actually nothing to do with the OROP issue at all. The order deals with the anomaly arising out of the mistake on the part of various ministries concerned with the issuance of these orders as far as it relates to the fixation of pay at the min of payband applicable to them(all Central govt employees). The main issue of OROP is forgotten totally and forces people misguided