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Grant of family pension for life to handicapped children of Armed Forces Personnel – Instructions by Pr CDA


Circular No. 505 

Dated: 17th January 2013. 
Subject: – Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of Committee on the issue related to Defence Services Personnel and Ex-Servicemen, 2012 – Grant of family pension for life to handicapped children of Armed Forces Personnel. 

Reference:-This office circular No. 332 dated 28.01.2005.

As per existing rules disabled son or daughter becomes ineligible for Family pension on his/ her getting married or when he/ she starts earning his/ her livelihood and the same is endorsed in PPO. In such cases disabled family pensioner/ guardian (in case of minor) should produce a certificate regarding non earning livelihood and non- marital status in respect of disabled family pensioner. 
2. Now, as per provisions contained in Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 02(03)/2010-D (Pen/policy) dated 17.01.2013, son or daughter of an Armed Forces pensioners who is suffering from any disorder or disability of mind or physically crippled or disabled so as to render him or her unable to earn his/ her livelihood, shall be granted family pension for life w.e.f. 24st September 2012 even after his/ her marriage subject to fulfillment of other prescribed conditions as hiethertofore. 
In view of above, all PDAs are hereby authorized to pay family pension to eligible son/daughter even after his/her marriage. Therefore for smooth implementation of Govt. of India Ministry of Defence letter on above subject following guidelines are produced:- 
(a) In case of disabled son/ daughter who is in receipt of family pension as on 24th September 2012, then the condition of payment of family pension till marriage is supposed to be deleted for continuing his/ her family pension. Now family pension may be paid even after his/her marriage subject to production of a certificate once in a year that disorder or disability of mind or physically crippled or disabled so as to render him or her unable to earn his/ her livelihood. 
(b) In case of disabled son/ daughter who was granted family in past but now not in a receipt of family pension as on 24th September 2012, it is requested to all PDAs that all such types of cases may be referred to concerned PSAs through their respective Record Office for examination and issuing necessary Corr. PPO. 
This circular has been uploaded on this office website www.pcdapension.nic.in for disseminating across the all concerned. 
Please acknowledge receipt. 

No. Grants/Tech/0167/XII (505)
Dated:17th January 2013.


Copy to:-

The Officer in Charge
ROs/PAOs (ORs) ……….

Consequent upon the above issue, it is requested that in cases where family pension has been stopped due to marriage of physically or mentally crippled/ disabled son/ daughter of Armed Forces Personnel, family pension may be re-authorized by their concerned PSAs after issue of necessary Corr PPO. 
In view of the above, it is requested that all such cases covered under these orders may please be reviewed and family pension claims duly investigation and certificate in this regard prescribed under GOI MOD letter No. 906/A/D (Pen/Sers)/05 dt. 13.08.2008 be sent to concerned PSAs for issue of PPO/ Corr PPO, if necessary. 

No. Grants/Tech/0167/XII (505)
Dated:17th January 2013.


Source: Click here to see more [http://pcdapension.nic.in/6cpc/Circular-505.pdf]