Tag: War Injury Pension

Medical Pension of Army Personnel सेना कर्मियों की चिकित्सा पेंशन

Medical Pension of Army Personnel सेना कर्मियों की चिकित्सा पेंशन

Medical Pension of Army Personnel सेना कर्मियों की चिकित्सा पेंशन : Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1903 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF DEFENCE D [...]
Rounding off and broad banding of disability for the purpose of computing disability element: DESW Order dated 27.12.2023

Rounding off and broad banding of disability for the purpose of computing disability element: DESW Order dated 27.12.2023

Rounding off and broad banding of disability for the purpose of computing disability element: DESW Order dated 27.12.2023 No. 17(2)/2017/D(Pen/Policy [...]
Entitlement Rules for Casualty Pension and Disability Compensation Awards to Armed Forces Personnel, 2023

Entitlement Rules for Casualty Pension and Disability Compensation Awards to Armed Forces Personnel, 2023

Entitlement Rules for Casualty Pension and Disability Compensation Awards to Armed Forces Personnel, 2023 Appendix -I (Refer to Ministry of Defence [...]
Non acceptance of declaration of Battle Casualty and non-grant of War Injury or Liberalized Benefits : Status on the recommendations of the Raksha Mantri Committee

Non acceptance of declaration of Battle Casualty and non-grant of War Injury or Liberalized Benefits : Status on the recommendations of the Raksha Mantri Committee

Non acceptance of declaration of Battle Casualty and non-grant of War Injury or Liberalized Benefits to Casualties in operational areas: Status on the [...]
Broad-banding of Disability percentages for the computation of Disability element and War Injury element: Status on the recommendations of the Raksha Mantri Committee

Broad-banding of Disability percentages for the computation of Disability element and War Injury element: Status on the recommendations of the Raksha Mantri Committee

Broad-banding of Disability percentages for the computation of Disability element and War Injury element: Status on the recommendations of the Raksha [...]
War Injury Pension to World War II retirees disabled in WW-II: Status on the recommendations of the Raksha Mantri Committee

War Injury Pension to World War II retirees disabled in WW-II: Status on the recommendations of the Raksha Mantri Committee

War Injury Pension to World War II retirees disabled in WW-II: Status on the recommendations of the Raksha Mantri Committee DEPARTMENT OF EX-SERVICEM [...]
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