Tag: training policy

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Revision of rates of honorarium for Guest Faculty for training activities in Defence Accounts Department

Revision of rates of honorarium for Guest Faculty for training activities in Defence Accounts Department: CGDA Circular CENTRE FOR TRAINING AND DEV [...]

Deputation/ Delegations abroad of Officials and /or non-Official sponsored by Government of India – ex-lndia leave

Deputation/ Delegations abroad of Officials and /or non-Official sponsored by Government of India - ex-India leave - regarding: Fin Min OM dated 26.1 [...]
Skill Development of Naval Personnel: Brochure

Skill Development of Naval Personnel: Brochure

Dear Veterans Navy has initiated a number of steps to develop skill sets of retiring personnel. Team DESA Directorate of Ex Servicemen Affa [...]

Revised Training Policy for Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS)

Revised Training Policy for Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS):- Training policy of Central S [...]

Revised Guidelines regarding Centralization of Cadre Management of CSS with the CS Division of DOPT

Revised Guidelines regarding Centralization of Cadre Management of CSS with the CS Division of DOPT No.21/20/2014-CS.I(P) Government of India Mi [...]

Payment of honorarium for training on projects developed by the department: CGDA

Payment of honorarium for training on projects developed by the department: CGDA Order CONTROLLER GENERAL OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS CENTRE FOR TRAINING [...]

Promotional Training, no exemption for staff who are on verge of retirement: Railway Board

Successful completion of Promotional Training, no exemption for staff who are on verge of retirement: Railway Board:- GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTR [...]

Mandatory Training programme for Canteen Staff in the Institute of Hotel Management/FCIs located across the country

Mandatory Training programme for Canteen Staff in the Institute of Hotel Management/FCIs located across the country:- No.25/1/2013-Dir. (C) G [...]

Providing training facilities for persons with disabilities-Guidelines by Railway Board

Providing training facilities for persons with disabilities-Guidelines by Railway Board GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD R [...]

Imparting of training to retiring Armed Forces personnel

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF  DEFENCE RAJYA SABHA QUESTION NO  2125 ANSWERED ON  17.03.2015 Imparting of training to retiring [...]
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