Tag: Station Leave Permission
Sanction of Ex-India leave/NOC for proceeding abroad: CGDA Circular
Sanction of Ex-India leave/NOC for proceeding abroad
Government of India
Ministry Of Defence
Office of the controller General of Defence Accounts [...]

Requirement of taking prior permission for leaving station/ headquarters for going abroad while on leave
Requirement of taking prior permission for leaving station/ headquarters for going abroad while on leave: Issue of revised Proforma:-
F. No. 11013/ [...]

Prior permission for leaving station/ headquarters from going abroad while on leave: need to disclose estimated expenditure and source of income
Central government employees going abroad need to disclose estimated expenditure and source of funds prior to their visits, according to a draft poli [...]
CBDT: Prior permission of the immediate controlling officer needs to be obtained before leaving headquarters
CBDT's Office Memorandum - Prior permission of the immediate controlling officer needs to be obtained before leaving headquarters - reg.
Government [...]
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