Tag: running staff
Grant of notional higher Pay Level to Running Staff for the limited purpose of Pass/PTO entitlement: Railway Board RBE No. 98/2024
Grant of notional higher Pay Level to Running Staff for the limited purpose of Pass/PTO entitlement: Railway Board RBE No. 98/2024 dated 15.10.2024
R [...]
Pay fixation of Running Staff consequent to empanelment and promotion to stationary post โ Case of CLA
Pay fixation of Running Staff consequent to empanelment and promotion to stationary post โ Case of CLA - Record Note of discussion with NFIR: ND of me [...]
Record Note of discussions of separate meeting held by EDPC with NFIR on 09.02.2024 on PNM/NFIR Items
Record Note of discussions of separate meeting held by EDPC with NFIR on 09.02.2024 on PNM/NFIR Items reg. Incentive to Accounts Stock Verifiers, DA M [...]
Merger of Dearness Allowance with the Basic Pay w.e.f. 01.04.2004 โ Computation of emoluments of Running Staff for granting retirement benefits: MoM of PNM/NFIR Item
Merger of Dearness Allowance with the Basic Pay w.e.f. 01.04.2004 โ Computation of emoluments of Running Staff for granting retirement benefits: MoM o [...]
Payment of Running Allowance for JEs/SSEs(TM) operating Track Machines: Minutes of the meeting on PNM/NFIR Item no. 25/2018
Payment of Running Allowance for JEs/SSEs(TM) operating Track Machines: Minutes of the separate meeting of the Federation(NFIR) with Member(Infra) hel [...]
Fixation of pay of Running staff on promotion to the โGeneral Postsโ clarifications: RBE No. 149/2023
Fixation of pay of Running staff on promotion to the โGeneral Postsโ clarifications: Railway Board Order RBE No. 149/2023 dated 29.12.2023
Fixation of pay of disabled/medically unfit running staff in 7th CPC Pay Structure with protection of pay: Railway Board
Fixation of pay of disabled/medically unfit running staff on being appointed against alternative (stationary) posts in revised (7 CPC) pay structure: [...]
Direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Loco Pilot in Level-2 โ Clarification to Minimum prescribed educational qualification: Railway Board
Direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Loco Pilot in Level-2 - Clarification to Minimum prescribed educational qualification: Railway Board Order [...]
Scheme for filling up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors (CLI and CCC/CPC/CTC): Railway Board RBE No. 102/2023
Scheme for filling up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors (Chief Loco Inspectors and Chief Crew Controllers/Chief Power Controllers/Chief Traction C [...]
Fixation of pay of running staff on promotion to the โGeneral Posts โ clarifications: RBE No. 34/2023
Fixation of pay of running staff on promotion to the โGeneral Posts - clarifications: RBE No. 34/2023 dated 20.02.2023