Tag: residency period
Residency period required for promotion from Sr. ALP, Level-4 to Loco Pilot (Shunter), Grade-II, Level-4: RBE No. 49/2024
Residency period required for promotion from Sr. ALP, Level-4 to Loco Pilot (Shunter), Grade-II, Level-4: Railway Board Order RBE No. 49/2024 dated 30 [...]
Revised Pay Levels as per 7th CPC – Revision in minimum qualifying service required for promotion: MoD Corrigendum OM 31.08.2023
Revised Pay Levels as per 7th CPC - Revision in minimum qualifying service required for promotion: MoD Corrigendum OM dt 31.08.2023 of MoD OM dt 22.08 [...]
Scheme for filling up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors (CLI and CCC/CPC/CTC): Railway Board RBE No. 102/2023
Scheme for filling up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors (Chief Loco Inspectors and Chief Crew Controllers/Chief Power Controllers/Chief Traction C [...]
Seventh Central Pay Commission – Issue of instructions on revision in minimum qualifying service required for promotion – DoP&T OM dated 20.09.2022
Seventh Central Pay Commission - Issue of instructions on revision in minimum qualifying service required for promotion - DoP&T OM dated 20.09.202 [...]
Increase in Residency Period for future Promotion: NC(JCM) seeks the details justifying the demand
Minutes of the 47th meeting of the National Council (JCM) Para 6.4.7 Item No . 14/ 19/NC-47 on the subject of “Increase in Residency Period for future [...]
Increase in Residency Period for future Promotion: Agenda Item 47th NC(JCM) Meeting
Increase in Residency Period for future Promotion: Agenda Item 47th NC(JCM) Meeting
[Part of the Minutes of the 47th Meeting of National Council [...]

Reduction in the residency period from 3 to 2 years for promotion from GP Rs.1800/- (Level-1) to GP Rs.1900/- (Level-2): Railway Board Order RBE No. 03/2019
Reduction in the residency period from 3 to 2 years for promotion from GP Rs.1800/- (Level-1) to GP Rs.1900/- (Level-2): Railway Board Order RBE No. [...]

Relaxation of residency period for promotion of Jr. Accounts Asstt (GP 2800/-) as Accounts Asstt (GP 4200/-) on Indian Railways
Relaxation of residency period for promotion of Jr. Accounts Asstt (GP 2800/-) as Accounts Asstt (GP 4200/-) on Indian Railways
No. II/6/Part 8 [...]
Residency period for promotion to Sr. Goods Driver, Sr. Passenger Driver, Sr. Goods Guard, Sr. Passenger Guard and Sr. ALP
Railway Board clarification on Residency period for promotion from Goods Driver to Sr. Goods Driver, Passenger Driver to Sr. Passenger Driver, Goods [...]
Residency period for promotion from Goods Driver to Sr. Goods Driver, Passenger Driver to Sr. Passenger Driver, Goods Guard to Sr. Goods Guard and Passenger Guard to Sr. Passenger Guard
New Delhi, dated:10.11.2014
The General Manager(P)
North Western Rai [...]