Tag: Recruitment

1 2 3 4 5 47 30 / 470 POSTS
Recruitment of Employees in Railways: 3,02,550 candidates in last five years; ongoing process aligns with operational needs.

Recruitment of Employees in Railways: 3,02,550 candidates in last five years; ongoing process aligns with operational needs.

Recruitment of Employees in Railways: 3,02,550 candidates in last five years; ongoing process aligns with operational needs. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MIN [...]
Relaxation in upper age limit of 3 years granted for Assistant Loco Pilot recruitment (CEN 01/2024): RBE No. 09/2024

Relaxation in upper age limit of 3 years granted for Assistant Loco Pilot recruitment (CEN 01/2024): RBE No. 09/2024

Relaxation in upper age limit of 3 years granted for Assistant Loco Pilot recruitment (CEN 01/2024): RBE No. 09/2024 dated 06.02.2024 issued in amendm [...]
Relaxation in upper age limit of 3 years granted for Assistant Loco Pilot recruitment (CEN 01/2014) due to COVID-19: RBE No. 08/2024

Relaxation in upper age limit of 3 years granted for Assistant Loco Pilot recruitment (CEN 01/2014) due to COVID-19: RBE No. 08/2024

Relaxation in upper age limit of 3 years granted for Assistant Loco Pilot recruitment (CEN 01/2014) due to COVID-19: RBE No. 08/2024 Railway Board Ord [...]
Minimum educational qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Signal Maintainer Gr.-I in Level-5 of 7th CPC Pay matrix : RBE No. 144/2023

Minimum educational qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Signal Maintainer Gr.-I in Level-5 of 7th CPC Pay matrix : RBE No. 144/2023

Minimum educational qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Signal Maintainer Gr.-I in Level-5 of 7th CPC Pay matrix : RBE No. 144/2023 [...]
Non-filling up of clerical staff vacancies in Public Sector Banks सरकारी क्षेत्र के बैंकों में लिपिक कर्मचारियों के रिक्त पदों को नहीं भरा जाना

Non-filling up of clerical staff vacancies in Public Sector Banks सरकारी क्षेत्र के बैंकों में लिपिक कर्मचारियों के रिक्त पदों को नहीं भरा जाना

Non-filling up of clerical staff vacancies in Public Sector Banks सरकारी क्षेत्र के बैंकों में लिपिक कर्मचारियों के रिक्त पदों को नहीं भरा जाना GOVER [...]
भर्ती और प्रवेश के लिए केंद्र सरकार और उसकी एजेंसियों द्वारा कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट (सीबीटी) आयोजित करना – स्थापित मानकीय मानक एवं दिशानिर्देश: डी.ओ.पी.टी.

भर्ती और प्रवेश के लिए केंद्र सरकार और उसकी एजेंसियों द्वारा कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट (सीबीटी) आयोजित करना – स्थापित मानकीय मानक एवं दिशानिर्देश: डी.ओ.पी.टी.

भर्ती और प्रवेश के लिए केंद्र सरकार और उसकी एजेंसियों द्वारा कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट (सीबीटी) आयोजित करना - स्थापित मानकीय मानक एवं दिशानिर्देश: डी.ओ.पी [...]
Conduct of Computer Based Tests (CBT) by Central Government and its agencies for recruitment and admission: DoP&T OM

Conduct of Computer Based Tests (CBT) by Central Government and its agencies for recruitment and admission: DoP&T OM

Normative Standards and Guidelines for conduct of Computer Based Tests (CBT) by Central Government and its agencies for recruitment to various posts a [...]
Rates of Honorarium for conduct of Direct Recruitment examination to the posts of SSA and Stenographer in 2023

Rates of Honorarium for conduct of Direct Recruitment examination to the posts of SSA and Stenographer in 2023

Rates of Honorarium for conduct of Direct Recruitment examination to the posts of Social Security Assistant (SSA) and Stenographer in 2023 EMPLOYEES’ [...]
Direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Loco Pilot in Level-2 –  Clarification regarding Minimum prescribed educational qualification by Railway Board RBE No. 136/2023

Direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Loco Pilot in Level-2 –  Clarification regarding Minimum prescribed educational qualification by Railway Board RBE No. 136/2023

Direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Loco Pilot in Level-2 -  Clarification regarding Minimum prescribed educational qualification by Railway B [...]
Employment Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)

Employment Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)

Employment Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) - Measures taken by Government to increase Employment Opportunities for Persons with Dis [...]
1 2 3 4 5 47 30 / 470 POSTS